Clarification Issued on Badatz Hashgacha
The Beis Din of Crown Heights has released the following letter to clarify some confusion resulting from the dual Hashgachos being issued in the name of the Badatz, as well as false rumors being spread about the status of most of Crown heights’ kosher food establishments.
A free translation of the original Hebrew:
To the Crown Heights Jewish Community
In Shulchan Aruch it is mentioned that during Aseres Yemei Teshuva one should be a lot more particular in the Kashrus standards of what they eat (Siman 603 in the Mechaber), and the Alter Rebbe adds to that that one should do extra Teshuva for Safek (uncertain) Aveira even more than Vadai (certain) Aveira.
On the Friday of Aseres Yemei Teshuva this year we were informed of a new breach in the Kashrus standards of our community. For the first time since the Badatz was established with the Rebbe’s blessings and support, a new Kashrus agency was established, and they convinced one food establishment to replace its Hechsher with the new one.
The Badatz has been supervising the standards of Kashrus in Crown Heights for close to three decades, and never has anybody dared to use a challenging Hechsher. Therefore we must establish that this new certification has no connection to the Kashrus certification of the Badatz, and the public should be careful not to support those who breach the established standards, of whom our holy Rabbis say very harsh words – especially on such a painful occurrence during the days of judgment.
We are obligated to instruct old and young not to fall into the trap of supporting wrong activities – the transgression of Hasogas Gevul and the introduction of unnecessary discord and division, especially during these days of awe when all Jews look to improve their behavior.
Interestingly, just before the days of judgment these same people publicized that supposedly there is no kosher establishment in Crown Heights under the supervision of the Badatz, an obvious and outrageous lie. Then after a few days they suddenly proclaim a new Hechsher and one food establishment was seduced into this falsehood.
Every G-d fearing Jew and Chosid should protect himself from this deviation, and in this merit we’ll have a good and sweet year.
[Signed, the Badatz of Crown Heights]
P.S. What’s fascinating about this whole episode is: first they publicized that one cannot rely on the certification of CHK, and now after they stole the certification for that one establishment they are using all the same products and they are relying on all the ingredients which are being supervised and certified by the CHK, because otherwise they’ll have nothing to sell.
Amazing, isn’t it?
ah ah ah
this Broin Schwei Idiots only care for the fee
the money .
now this Bukharian will pay the fee to the BS and all is good
what is going on???
This doesnt clarify anything for me- which establishment is under a false hashgacha?
WHAT is the flase hashgacha? PLEASE tell us, I got a flyer from BADATZ saying there are no products or restaurants under CHK, and then a follow up with a list of places that ARE.
WHICH is false???
ad mosai!
May the Badaatz of Crown Heights give a hashgocho for the levyasan and Shor Habor and this stupid insolence should stop.
Kingston Bake Shop located at 380 Kingstom Ave. (Between Crown and Montgomery) is the first establishment to bend to terror and Mossrim, now carries the “Hechsher” of the B.S. A letter signed by the B.S., Ya’akov Schwei and Yosef Yeshaya Braun was placed on the bakery certifying the facility as a supporter of Machlokes and Mesira.
Every dollar you give to Kingston Bake Shop or any other establishment to fall prey to intimidation and terror, is a dollar going towards supporting trouble rouses and Mossrim.
Who are behind this phony “Hechsher”?
A Clarification: There is something really interesting happening in Crown Heights regarding this matter.
I find that most people who are against the B.S. are not exactly for the CHK/Rabbi Osdoba.
As far as the CHK in concerned they couldn’t care less, they are not for it and they are not against it. But when it comes to the B.S., people are very much against it and are ready to boycott any establishment which will give into the B.S.
As far as I’m concerned, they can all shut down, we don’t need a Beis Din in Crown Heights, all we have ever received from this Beis Din, which is only a puppet to the CHJCC is Machlokes.
What Concerns me is: Where are the millions of dollars the CHJCC received over the years by way of our tax dollars to assist the needy of the Crown Heights Communities
Establishment Beware: Some restaurant and store owners have reported that the corrupt CHJCC/Meshichist faction have been using their little minions to do a job on you.
The Meshichist Mossrim are sending their minions who have come to Crown Heights as guest, to come to your establishment, make a large order, wait until you are finished preparing it and then they ask you what “Hechsure you have?”. When you reply that you have the CHK, one minion turns to the others and loudly proclaims that “girls/guys we can’t eat here, because in the booklet that was given out, it said that the CHK in not Kosher”, and they leave you with the large order without paying.
This is obviously a plot created to intimidate you and force you to give into terror.
Don’t get excited about this, on the contrary, make sure you have a big CHK sign outside, if you already have one placed outside put another on the inside. Before any “guest” makes an order, make sure to tell them that your under the CHK.
Remember, these guest are leaving very soon, we are staying.
This is confusing.
Who specifically signed this letter?
Please provide info about the new Hashgocha.
— Have a Good and Kosher Shabbos
This makes me lose my appetite altogether – is ANYONE noticing our youth ???????
lost in court now they Di it the bully w
So brion means Machlokes
truth be told
in reference to the “p.s” when the issur against hisachdus hechsheirim was issued they said that bakeries not under hisachdus that were using hisachdus ingredients in their baked goods were permitted!
the visionary
shvei and braun are not very bright ,we should refrain from having to do with them and cohorts.
agree with #4
Where are the millions of dollars the CHJCC received over the years by way of our tax dollars to assist the needy of the Crown Heights Communities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
interesting i buy my coffee from that bakery every morning…i will not support machlokes ….why did they change to the new chk???? ill get a keurig or shop at khans for coffee…
Broin = Color of s...
just listen to the smart words out of the hungerian migid
CH resident
could someone tell me why we need rabbonim in CH? If anyone has any kind of question, sheila etc. they will go to whomever they want and respect and most of the time it is not anyone in CH.
Just think of all the machlokes that has happened here surrounds the rabbonim. Without them there would be so much less fighting etc.
Re: Eli
Interesting. I had the exact same reaction. I only spend between two to three hundred a year (nothing substantial) there but as soon as I heard they threw CHK under the bus I vowed never to give them any more of my business. Empire Kosher tastes much better anyhow and good sushi is available in that new sushi shop. And Cafe Rimon has good breakfast so I don’t need them.
Shalom Dovber
We need but will not get a upstanding respected Beis Din in Crown Heights before Moshiach’s arrival.
The darkness will not lift until that very moment.