Mesivta Students Tested in Borough Park

In the days leading up to Shavuos, the Bochurim of the Oholei Torah Mesivta traveled to Borough Park for a farher from Rabbi Yitzchok Raitport, a loyal friend and supporter of Oholei Torah.

Over 30 bochurim were tested on entire Mesachas Kedushin, which they are learning this year. This was a final test after a full year of written tests, which included Tosfos and some meforshiom.

Unique to this year, was the participation of bochurim from shiur Aleph as well.

Rabbi Raitport was visibly impressed with the vast knowledge and quick response from the bochurim, and he hoped that many of them would continue in Oholei Torah, to become talmidim in the Raitport Beis Medrash.

After the official farher was over, Rabbi Raitport shared with the bochurim a dvar torah about shavuos, which they can share with their families at the Yom Tov table, and gave them chizzuk to continue and grow in their Limmud.

Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm said “ todays testing shows the immense amount of learning and hasmodah, which surely brings much nachas to the parents, the hanholas hayshiva and of course to the Rebbe”

At the conclusion, certificates were signed. In the following days the bochurim will also be tested by Rabbi Yisroel Freidman, Rosh Yeshiva of the Oholei Torah Beis Medrash.