A group of public school children gathered on East New York and Albany Ave. in Crown Heights to protest mayor Michael Bloomberg's budget, which includes funding cuts to the after school program. A Crownheights.info reporter was at the scene.

Video: Public School Children Protest Budget Cuts

A group of public school children gathered on East New York and Albany Ave. in Crown Heights to protest mayor Michael Bloomberg‘s budget, which includes funding cuts to the after school program. A Crownheights.info reporter was at the scene.


  • save money

    If the city wants to save money they should take all these children and put them in one large room, lock the door for the day and place 5 NYPD officers outside to watch the safety

    This way they wont need to waste any money on salary for these so called teachers and lets not forget the pensions they get when they retire

  • ideas to save money

    I’m still laughing at comment number 1. What else can we do to save money? Maybe one office should be enough? or even better, tie all kids down so they don’t kill each other?

    better yet, put these kids to work. no more outsourcing jobs to china! make these kids do slave labor and pay them in cookies!

    come on people… we need more ideas to save money.

  • children-s programs ARE needed

    What’s wrong with you #1? They are poor and need enrichment programs to keep them from bothering us. Who do you think the trouble makers are? The kids with nothing better to do.

  • Pay Now Or Pay Later

    The City should look elsewhere to trim the budget. Kids are easy to pick on because they can’t vote. After school programs help keep some kids off the streets, which can save the City more money in the long run.

  • yes #3

    because OT has a great english dept, although LY came in dead last recently in the whole state in regents scores, go figure!

  • Crown Hts mom

    After school programs are very necessary and crucial for our neighborhood kids.The Mayor is cutting the wrong line items.

    Some of these posted comments are really shameful. Thankfully, they are not representative of Jewish Crown Hts residents.