Maple Street Shul Sees Difficult Past, Bright Future

The annual Melave Malka of the Maple Street Shul took place Motzei Shabbos Vayakhel-Pekudei, March 17. The hall was filled to capacity with a crowd who came to enjoy an uplifting evening benefiting the Shul. The crowd included many guests from the Crown Heights Community as well as from Boro Park, Williamsburg and Flatbush.

A festive Melava Malka Meal was prepared by Benzion Kohen of Mermelstein caters. Special thanks were given to Benzion Raskin of Benz’s fish for his contribution to the Melava Malka.

The event celebrated the synagogue’s growth and continued survival amid past years of hardships.

“When we originally got the building it was in bad shape,” said R’ Eli Blachman, who has been the Shul’s president since 5734 with the blessings of the Rebbe and Crown Heights Rov R’ Zalman Shimon Dworkin ZT”L.

Being located on the borders of Crown Heights, with mostly non-Jewish neighbors, was a challenge at the time. “I used to stand on the corner of Lefferts Avenue and Albany and beg people to fill our Minyan,” Blachman recalls.

When Blachman hesitated about organizing the Melave Malka one year, “The Rebbe told me that I must do something, even small but don’t stop it,” To continue the wishes of the Rebbe, a most beautiful Melava Malka took place this year as well.

The Master of Ceremonies for the evening was R’ Eli Blachman. He greeted the assemblage and thanked all those that came to show support of the shul and its leadership.

Rabbi Yeshaya Kaminker, (who delivers a dvar torah every Shabbos morning before musaf) along with Eli Blachman, presented Reb Yisroel Karp, the Chairman of the Board, with a pocket set of the complete collection of the Sichos Kodesh of the Rebbe. R’ Karp was presented this as a token of appreciation for his many years of dedicated assistance to the Maple Street Shul. Reb Yisroel Karp has served as chairman of the Board of the Maple street Shul for close to forty years.

HaRav HaGoan Rabbi Yaakov Tovia Weiser Shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva of Mesivta Nachlas Yaakov of Vien, addressed those assembled. After thanking Eli Blachman warmly for enabling the Yeshiva to use the Shul during the weekdays, Rabbi Weiser spoke about the importance of Botei Medresh and Botei K’nisios in bringing refuah and yeshua to Klal Yisroel – particularly at a time when the third Bais Ha-Migdash has not yet been rebuilt.

Stressing the themes of Achdus and Shalom, keynote speaker Rabbi Mendel Rifkin thanked those in attendance for their support, and for their sense of communal responsibility, in helping the Maple Street Shul survive and thrive, as Jews have once again begun to live in proximity to the Maple Street area.

To conclude the evening the Olam took special pleasure in listening to the beautiful and inspiring renditions of nigunim and Chassidic melodies, expertly performed on the violin by our own Reb Yitzchok Hurwitz. The olam joined in with neginah as Yitzchok played. R’ Yitzchok Hurwitz has performed as soloist and concertmaster in the United States and Europe. He taught violin at The Juilliard School of Music and was Professor of Music and Director of Instrumental Music at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. His violin is the “Viotti” Stradivarius, made in Cremona, Italy in 1712. Reb Yitzchok now teaches violin privately in Crown Heights.

Those who were unable to attend the Melava Malka in person are encouraged to send in a participating contribution, which will undoubtedly bring blessings of health, success and nachas to them and their families.


  • Eli Keep strong - You are a great person

    Dear Eli
    Keep strong , stay away from Rabble rousers -all the sharptons loose and dry up .
    We love you , stay strong , I am ashamed of those who attempted to atimidate you , you saved the shul from being lost , you are a straight honest guy , the others are dishonest and failures in their life , and jelouse of you .
    with Love Bung # 21

  • Ad Masai!

    It’s nice to see Jews of all chassidic stripes getting along so nicely. Ahavas Yisroel is THE Mitzvah that’ll bring moshiach.

  • Uncle Mendel

    Mazel Tov to Eli and Maple Street Shul.

    Thanks for Shopping Arlans !!!!

  • Former Maple Street Mispallel

    Congregation Ahavas Moische led by Eli Blachman and Yisroel Karp upholding the Rebbe’s ways in Crown Heights, and building bridges between Lubavitcher and other Chassidim. Kol Hakovod. There’s a lot to learn from people who for 40 years steadfastly take care of a small Shule, without changing standards, for no personal gain, simply being oisek bitzorchei tzibbur b’emunoh.

  • a maple street davener

    Very enjoyable evening , Yitzhok Hurwitz was unbelievable, Did Rabbi Schwei have another commitment he usually graces the Melva Malka

  • Former Mispallel

    Since moving from CH many years ago, I can say Maple shul is one of the bright spots of CH I truly miss.
    Thank you for keeping the shul going all these years. Eli and Yisroel especially thank you for all the time and effort put into maintaining the shul. you should grow from strength to strength.

  • Shalom

    to #7, your are mistaken Eli Blachman has taken care of our Shul not for 40 years but for close to 50 years, WOW