Kids Learn About Health and Safety in Ambulance
After learning all about the greatness of the Rambam, his Seforim and accomplishments, the boys of Gan Temimim-Lubavitcher Yeshiva Preschool in Crown Heights also got a lesson in keeping healthy and safe.
On Monday, Chof Teves, the Rambam’s Yartzheit, the Yeshiva arranged for a visit by the Crown Heights Hatzalah ambulance in front of the Yeshiva.
The children were invited onboard, where two Hatzalah medics talked to the children and gave them a great hands-on learning experience.
teach it to the older kids
these young children will not remember anything by the next day
Is that the famous Rabbi Davis?
WOW – So good to see Rabbi Davis !!!
To Eli
Children remember more than you think.
ha good joke
nembir 3 is rite
a chassidishe chinuch
vos brengt men kinder in azelche erter
Vossere erter? Rateven idden iz doch a mitzveh, punkt vi leigen tfillen! M’brengt kinder tzu zen vi a soifer arbet, un vi m’bakt matzes, farvos nit do?
Tzu Milhouse
Gut gezogt