A Yeshiva student in 770 has been suffering in recent days from threats and verbal abuse every time he attempts to enter 770. His crime? Assisting police officers when they came to investigate the shocking attack on a respected Mashpia last Wednesday, as reported here on this website. [Update: Hanhalah response added]

Student Driven from 770 by Hooligans

A Yeshiva student in 770 has been suffering in recent days from threats and verbal abuse every time he attempts to enter 770. His crime? Assisting police officers when they came to investigate the shocking attack on a respected Mashpia last Wednesday, as reported here on this website. [Update: Hanhalah response added]

Every time this bochur tries to enter 770 to study, he is surrounded by Tzfati thugs, who proceed to drive him away from the Beis Midrash with shouts and threats etc.

In the video it is possible to see other intimidation tactics being used such as the Tzfati holding a video camera in the center of the knot of those shouting.

In is worthy to mention that calling the police in that situation was permitted, as well as necessary, according to the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch. In fact, a number of rabbis told the bochur that he had done the right thing.

The Hanhalah of the Yeshiva as well agreed that the bochur did nothing wrong; the only thing left to see is how they will respond to the latest round of hooliganism.

Update: The following sign, with a message from Hanhalah begging “both sides” (perps and victims) to refrain from violence, appeared today in 770.


  • sad, upset, confused and hoping for.....

    well I guess they don’t believe that the Rebbe is in 770 then, because if they did, then how could they act so irrationally and aggressively.
    WHERE oh WHERE is their heter or their halachic rationale for being able to do this?? OH….maybe they have decided that in THIS case, they are allowed to give in to their EMOTIONS.
    I do believe that these are such lost people that they don’t really care about much else but having a cause that they can FIGHT for.
    as in: I FIGHT, therefore I AM.
    how sad for everyone. It is a LOSE/LOSE situation.
    to all teachers and parents: this is what will happen when we don’t relate or have patience or don’t give quality time and attention to each of our children. Beware because once we do it, it is similar to Loshon Hora…..the damage goes all over like feathers in the wind. And this time the feathers ended up in 770 and are still very much around. very big loss. Their physical strength is expressing their anger, thats what it is. There is no ruchnius here, it is expressing their unhealthy childhoods.

  • yossel

    What don’t you understand?

    These “people” don’t care about halocho, they don’t care about authority, they don’t care about learning, they don’t care about the Rebbe.

    All that matters to them is lets destroy things, make trouble and beat people up.

    /end of topic.

  • bad taste in my mouth

    insane, there is no place for such behavior in the Rebbe’s shul, and they call themselves chasidim????
    these are animals!! if they commit crimes they should be arrested, I DON’T CARE HOW “JEWISH” THEY ARE!
    they are the ones that are supposed to be the followers, and show what the Rebbe was about,
    gives me such a bad taste in my mouth when i think of crown heights and 770

  • shenor

    and 30 years ago when pepole would fight in 770 and you could see it on videos they allso did not belive the rebbe was in 770 you see on the video the rebbe standing their so plese dond write stubid things and all the pepole so called lubavitchers walking in 770 with ot beards is worse or short skirt

  • shenor

    and 30 years ago when pepole would fight in 770 and you could see it on videos they allso did not belive the rebbe was in 770 you see on the video the rebbe standing their so plese dond write stubid things and all the pepole so called lubavitchers walking in 770 with ot beards is worse or short skirt

  • Driven Out by Freaks

    I was driven out of Crown Heighs and presently have practically nothing to do with Lubavitch due to Meshichist hooligans many years ago and my frustration at all Chabad “leadership” for doing nothing about the deteriorating situation.

    How many others have been driven out, and will continue to be driven out by these freaks? How many thousands upon thousands have they distanced from Chassidus and the Rebbe ztl’s legacy?

    When describing the damage that these people did even way back then, Rebbe many times said that they are “waging a war” against Chassidus and against all the Rebbei’im. Today the situation has degenerated so much further that Chabad is a mere shadow of what it was, a total laughing stock, a total turn off, a total sham and fraud.

    Ad mosai l’eida ha’rah ha’zeh? Is there no one left in Lubavitch who will stand up and do what needs to be done to clean up the place?

    Enough is enough, and it is way, way, way too much already.


  • Shomrim Six

    Meshichistim like all bullies are cowards!!!

    They want the street fight, but when they get it back (when they start to loss in their own fight that they started), they cry like babies.

    Why the double standard?

    Here I was thinking, after sitting in court for six weeks and watching 7 mishechistim testify against myself and 5 of my brothers, that theres nothing wrong with Mesira (?)

    I also remember how…
    1) The Meshichist web-sites encouraged, excused and justified the shomrim Six blood libel.

    2) I know that many of those that testified worked at one point or another for Mendel Hendel. One Mosser Sholom Cohen still does.

    3) I know that the community stood silence all the while Jewish blood spilled.

    4) I know that these Mossrim where able to walk freely in 770 and live in 749. The Meshichist Gaboyim even arranged Aliyas to the Torah to those Mossrim who where to be married.

    5) I know that The Mossrim were supported (with money) by the CHJCC/Shmira and the Meshichist leadership to carry out the blood libel.

    6) I know that everything was done (from the Shomrim side) to prevent the blood libel. Only to fall to deaf ears.

    It’s about time we treat the Meshichistim with the same standards they treat everybody else. Whats good for the goose is good more the gander.

    Lesson Of The Day: Don’t Throw Stones

  • Ironic

    How Ironic it is to see THE MOSSRIM call others Mosser.

    The Meshichistim Mossrim think it’s another slogan, perhaps they should go study what the meaning of Mosser is. Perhaps they should all look inward before looking outward.

    If a Meshichist called me a Mosser, I would tell him either…

    1. I learned from the best Meshichist there are.

    2. Are you asking me to be your friend? Is that a code word asking me to join your gang?

  • 1, 2, 3 go

    I am waiting for all the comments criticizing ch.info for publicizing the story and explaining how the tzvatim really mean well.
    Time to chuck em out!

  • disgusted mother

    Anywhere else, this would be bullying, assault & would be dealt with properly by the police. The Yeshiva & Gabboim are pathetic cowards and a disgrace to their forebears who showed such bravery under communism. These so-called Chassidim allow the 2012 communists to terrorize innocent people.

    As for this poor bochur…where are his friends? They should march him in, as a large group, and be prepared to defend him. Obviously if they won’t do that they are as bad as the communist thugs.

  • A solution

    I am pretty sure this article will yet again get a knee jerk emotive response as does every similar article.

    How about a different approach this time ?

    We are an intelligent community. Let us put our heads together and discuss possible solutions. Instead of raw emotions.

    As I see it, the hanhalah are the only people who can make substantial changes. And seemingly, they cant or wont.

    The next logical step would be to bring them a higher authority, namely the Beis Din.

    That wont work either,

    The hanhala and the Beis Din are in bed with Hendel. He provide them backing, politically and financially.

    The next step would be the Community Council.
    Pretty much the same alliance there. Besides these people are up for elections every few years, why should they want to step into it.

    The solution lies with lay leaders, activists and concerned individuals who will meet,organize and rally for solutions.

    They have to be prepared to confront and challenge the hanhala and the Beis Din. As well as a small but very vocal group of diehards.

    They have to be prepared to be labeled and maligned.

    A formidable task indeed.

    The upside is, the vast majority, albeit a silent one would applaud them and back them when it came down to it.

    Ask yourself, are we whiners who have accepted this situation as our reality or are we honorable chasidim who will do whatever it takes ?

  • B O B

    Continue to call the police and have security in 770. Public mischief if against the law in New York State or any other state and should be treated as such. The good learners should not have to be prevented from entering 770. Call the police I say.

  • I was there

    What in world happened to us?

    Where is the hanhala? Where is any leadership? Where is anybody? Wherever one is on the Lubavitch spectrum, how can anybody tolerate this behavior?

    Hundreds of ‘normal’ people standing and watching and nobody says anything?

    These people are making a chillul Lubavitch and are being mevazeh the rebbe in his own house “V’ein potzeh peh umtzaftzaif”?

    Do we not realize that all of us are “oseed litain din vechesbon”?

  • chaim pinchas scheinberg

    its all volpe and kuti crap and jerry springer and as moses said let my wackos go

    If the gabaioym cant control 770 let Merkaz!!!

  • Rabbonim were involved

    Apparently a few minutes before the Tzvati attack “Rabbi” Shlom ber Volper gave a speech condemning the Australian bocher for being a moiser.
    After this fight, at around 12, 150 bocherim went to zalman Labkowski’s house, and handed over a list of 5 tzfatim they say are the ring leaders and need to be thrown out. Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi accompanied them and handed over the list to Labkowski, who said he will think about it (yeah right, the puppet masters won’t to anything).

  • Long live the Tzfatis - Lolom Voed

    1’m surprised Bluming didn’t tell the Rebbe mh’m to hold yechidus after seder. Probably because he wan’t there and nobody called him

  • A Solution ( Part Two )

    As it stands now, everything is stacked against normalcy.

    It is a three ring circus, and an unpleasant one at that.

    The hanhala wont change one iota, they will claim the Rabbonim instructed them otherwise.

    The gabboim will claim the same thing.

    Each group will encourage and accommodate the other.The way things are structured now, it will never end.

    Since Gimmel Tammuz, the pendulum has swung in only one direction. There was a power grab at that time and the rest of us didn’t pay enough attention. Now they have unfettered reign.

    It might possibly take something very dramatic or even extreme, to change things.

    As difficult and painful as it may be, it might take the shutting down of Seven Seventy as we know it, for an unspecified amount of time.

    Purify the air.

    The gabboim, rabbonim, hanhala and kvutza can carry on their shenannigans elsewhere, in some some rented space.

    And then to come up with solutions and make the necessary changes to reopen 770. The details would need to be worked out.

    Otherwise, with each passing year, more shuls will open in Crown Heights and more children will grow up with almost never seeing the inside of the Rebbes Shul. Totally disenfranchised and cut off from Beis Chayeinu.

    The increasing number of shuls in Crown Heights is the loudest vote out there. People are voting with their feet. Taking them elsewhere.

  • you are nuts!!!!

    you are nuts!!!
    you remind me the Smolanim in Eretz Israel.
    they are doing things from hate!! puting videos and telling lies that wasnt even created!
    you know that in tv you can put part of a video and you can change the story from a to z…
    and that what this site us doing.
    it look like they are driven by hate.
    if it wasnt sad i would be laugh…

  • Tioshav Hashchuna

    Comments 13 and 21 – “A Solution” – are very well written. I really enjoyed reading an intelligent writer with a great pen for a change!


    The Hanahlas letter to say the least is disgusting.

    Like cowards they take the easy way out, by blaming “both sides” for the violence. It’s a fact that it’s only one side (the Meshichist side) doing the violence.

    With such action is better we don’t have anything at all.

    The letter is pandering to the violent Meshichistim.


    On Friday, February 17, 2012 the Yeshiva administration issued a cowardly, disgusting and quite frankly propaganda filled letter, which panders to the violent Meshichist.

    The following cowardly sign, with a message from Hanhalah begging “both sides” (aggressors and victims) to refrain from violence, appeared in 770 and 1414.

    By asking “both sides” to refrain from violence the Yeshiva administration is implying that the violence is a two way street. Besides being the opposite of the truth, this propaganda only helps the Meshichist cause.

    When you compromise with a terrorist, only the terrorist wins.

    The yeshiva administration should be ashamed of themselves and in fact should offer those who have been assaulted and bullied by Meshichist thugs an apology for the above insulting propaganda letter.

  • Yehuda Haskelevich

    I did not see anything on Vedio, but those who did see it should do what the Rebbe would do!

  • no mistake

    let no mistake be made. there are many stable and normal Lubavitchers. When will we all get together and deal with this in a way which will be appropriate to Torah life, but appropriate for those who are defaming our great Rebbe.

  • blahblah

    kol d’alim gvar. the strongest wins. so if those who don’t like this behavior just type here but do nothing to actually stop the hooligans, they will stay and spread. are YOU ready to fight them? will YOU go to the hanhalao and ask why they allow them to stay?

  • Sick and Tired

    I’m sick and tired of this question…where was this guy…where was that guy?

    Guess what? They are nowhere to be found. Everybody has their own agenda.

    The only question should be asked, is…What did I do? What can I do to stop this? Stop relying on everybody else.

    In a place where there is no man, be the man!!!

    Let’s stop looking for that “someone” who will take action,your not going to find him or them, because that someone is YOU!!!

    When dealing with Meshichistim Mossrim you should know….

    1) they are [like all bullies] cowards, they are only “brave” when they are together in a group.

    2) they don’t play by the rules, so don’t try to be the nice or better person when dealing with them, you will only get screwed. Do what needs to be done!

    3) the meshichist “bochrim” in 770 are only foot-solders, they march on orders from their leadership. Menachem Mendel Hendel is their leader, hit the head and the body falls. Don’t get distracted with the small guys, get them out of the way so you can reach the head and destroy it.

    Perhaps you divide and conquer, some of you deal with the foot-solders, distracting them, while the others deal with the head.

    Have this in mind: The foot-solders have nothing to loss. Mendel Hendel has millions of dollars to loss.

    Bottom line: Don’t rely on anybody else. You have no “friends”, you are your only friend. Have this in mind and you won’t be disappointed and you will be successful.

  • Frustrated

    This is a perfect example of why me, Matisyahu, and thousands of other would be Lubavitchers have ditched Chabad.
    But you all can keep on thinking that there is something wrong with us if it makes you feel better to ignore reality….

  • ari

    i agree with number 7 and number 31 im connecting with chassidus and moshiach on admas eretz yisroel eretz hakodesh bayis of all the jewish people.. not just tzfatim or merkos..

    lubavitch has the answers to all the questions but i usually wonder if it is anymore the answer people are needing..

    and i think to myself maybe there is another movement that channels all the good things that chabad does and teaches
    (i luv chabad!) and takes judaism and the goals of judaism to the next level bbye yechi adoneinu bbye pinat hachai..

    only har habayis maintains its kedusha, 770 eastern parkway is probably the same inherent value of say otvotzk. but since the memories are not being maintained…

    soo yes i left and i AM doing my own thing.. good luck to all the corageous thinkers.. those who really want to bring the moshiach in their time..

    leave behind basil restaurant and yes yagdil torah is important but its a means to a end not a end in itself…

    think people! think!! get out there be cutting edge

  • Enough!

    This is a perfect example of why me, Matisyahu, and thousands of other would be Lubavitchers have ditched Chabad.
    But you all can keep on thinking that there is something wrong with us if it makes you feel better to ignore reality….


    As if Matisyahu has ANY grip on reality. He, anyone who looks up to him, Chabad-lite, and these loonies are just flip sides of the same worthless coin – the Oisvorf Shekel – which according to XE.com trades at 1/10000 of a food stamp.

    These, too, will pass. Right now they’re passing that which we all pass after a cholent pot full of beans.