From Cucumber to Tomato

A few months ago, shoppers walking along Kingston Ave. noticed something different on the block between Montgomery St. and Empire Blvd: Q-Cumber Café was closed. In its place was a hip new Pizza shop with a [not too] different name – Pomodori [Italian plural for Tomato].

A partnership between Crown Heights native Avremel Lokshin and his Son-in-law Nachi Light, Pomodori is Crown Heights’ only authentic brick oven pizzeria, and, according to Lokshin, assures that community residents will no longer have to leave the neighborhood to get a good slice of pizza.

The new pizza shop will serve up a varied menu, including: pasta, paninis, salads, soups and of course… the very best Pizza on this side of the Hudson.

The shop is under the supervision of the Crown Heights based OK Kosher, and will serve a variety of over 25 different types of pizza, made from scratch from the finest ingredients New York has to offer; even the tomatoes are crushed for sauce right there in the store.

Walking into the shop takes one back to a nostalgic place of their childhood; the bare brick wall with the 1940s style hand painted sign, and the vintage photographs of Crown Heights from the early 20th century all give off that homely feeling of a Classic New York City eatery. The interior was specifically designed, says Lokshin, to give the guest the feeling that this is “home away from home.”

Even the glass sign on the outside of the shop was designed to accommodate community sensitivities. The frosted glass lettering was placed close to the floor so that it would block any non-tznius views for those passing by, explained Nachi.

The manager, Josh Skurnik, a boisterous fellow with 15 years experience under his belt, says he loves the Crown Heights community.” I’m still learning” he chuckles, referring to the slight culture clash he encountered in his new Hasidic surroundings.

The new pizzeria’s chef, who has been working as a pizza chef for over 25 years, says he is half Italian and half Spanish. “Are you really not just another American boy faking the Italian accent to get the job?” we asked, suspicious. He laughed “what can I tell ya? Would I have a name like Pete Graniela if I wasn’t Italian? Would I make such good Pizza?”

We couldn’t argue.

Pomodori is a advertiser.


  • if ure looking for somewhere to go......

    pomodori is the place!!!!!! i went there to celebrate my friends birthday and the customer service was great!!!!!!

  • A mom

    Seriously, the pizza is fantastic. The brains and imagination that went into the special slices, is unreal. I love Pomodori. My family has a new place to go on Sunday. My big boy loves the salt shakers, and my little one likes to show his independence with going to the fridge to take his own chocolate milk!

  • BB

    This may be a little obtuse of me, but…

    1. How is this a “brick oven pizzeria,” if the oven is (by the looks of it) stainless steel?

    2. What is better about brick oven pizza than any other kind, anyway?

  • Number 5

    Thse stones in the picture (tiles on the bottom of the oven) are called bricks. They absorb heat and causes the bottom of the pie to become crispier.