Mothers and Daughters Connect at Melave Malka

A typical Melave Malka?

It was anything but!

Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayeira, Bnos Chomesh Academy of Crown Heights held its second annual Mother-Daughter Melave Malka.

Graciously hosted by Maple Street Shul (thank you Rabbi Eli Blachman!), the gathering began with a sumptuous buffet prepared by the students themselves.

A Dvar Torah from 10th grade student Malkah Schack opened the event. This was followed by an absolutely incredible miracle story, told by Rabbi Zvi Goodman, father of 12th grader Chaya Goodman. This now famous story has been written up in medical journals as an unexplained miracle through the brocha of the Rebbe.

After Rabbi Goodman’s words of inspiration, mothers and daughters were treated to an unforgettable experience: a drum circle. Moshe Sobol and his drumming partner brought their astounding talents and infectious enthusiasm….and about 50 bongo drums to entertain the crowd. Everyone had a chance to participate and show off their skills in rhythm and percussions!  This was a fun-filled and inspiring event that left everyone smiling and uplifted and ready for another wonderful week at Bnos Chomesh!

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