Close to 250 men and women packed the JCM banquet hall this past Motzoei Shabbos to pay tribute to three great Tzadikim whose Yahrzeits fall out in close proximity this week: Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira (19 Tevet), the Rambam (20 Tevet) and the Alter Rebbe (24 Tevet).

‘Hilula’ of Three Tzadikim Celebrated in Crown Heights

Close to 250 men and women packed the JCM banquet hall this past Motzoei Shabbos to pay tribute to three great Tzadikim whose Yahrzeits fall out in close proximity this week: Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira (19 Tevet), the Rambam (20 Tevet) and the Alter Rebbe (24 Tevet).

The event was organized by the Merkaz Sefarad Chabad, a vibrant Shul in the heart of Crown Heights which provides daily Minaynim and Shiurim for the Sefardic/Israeli members of our community.

The evening was emceed by Rabbi Lazer Avtzon, Founder and Chairman of the Merkaz Sefarad who welcomed all the Rabbonim and guests who came from Flatbush, Queens and Manhattan as well as many local community members.

Rabbi Yisroel Shimon Kalmanson of the Vaad spoke about the greatness of the Alter Rebbe and recounted the famous story of the Alter Rebbe interrupting his studies to tend to the cries of his grandchild, son of the MItteler Rebbe who fell from his carriage and whose father did not hear the cries as he too was engrossed in deep Torah thoughts. The Alter Rebbe later told his son, that when a child cries, one must always be in tune and do whatever is necessary for that child and the lesson taught to us by our Rabbeim that we must do whatever we can to help all those “crying” Jewish children and adults who thirst for Torah knowledge. He called upon community members to reinforce and take advantage of the many classes offered by the Shul on a daily basis.

Next speaker was Rabbi Meir Soussan, Rav of the Merkaz Sefarad Chabad, who inspired the crowd with beautiful stories of the Rambam and the also made a Siyum on Mesichta Brachot, which the Shul recently finished.

He was followed by Rabbi Yitzchak Biton and orchestra who sand wonderful Piutim of the Melava Malka and other special songs such as Lechvod Hakadosh Rebbi, Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatseira, etc.

Mr. Shimon Abu, owner of Shimmy’s corner – Koshertown and President of the Shul spoke next on the significance of the Shul, what it has done for him in his personal life and thanking all the supporters of the Shul, those who come to daven there, those who attend the many Shiurim as well as all those who support the Shul.

He then called upon HaRav Meir Soussan and Rabbi Eliezer Avtzon to provide a beautiful portrait of the Rebbe on canvas to Mr. Chaim Narkis, a strong supporter of the Shul and close friend of a number of community members.

In accepting his award, Mr. Narkis related his history with the Rebbe, coming on a regular basis as a non-observant child and young man to receive dollars, Brachot and Lekach from the Rebbe, but never truly appreciating the Rebbe and Chabad until he was introduced by his close friend and associate, R’ Yehudah Elmakies to HaRav Soussan. He went on to discuss how he adopted Harav Soussan as his personal Rav, the miracles he received from the Rebbe since then and the importance of every individual to adopt a Rav for themselves.

He called upon community members to join the Tefilot and Shiurim of the Shul, saying if additional space is needed and there will be a need to move to larger locale, that he is committed to make that happen as he would like to see the Shul continue and grow.

Rabbi Avtzon then called upon his close friend, Rabbi Gad Bouskila, Rav of Cong. Netivot Israel in Flatbush and Rav of the Moroccan Jewish Community in New York to speak the greatness of the Tzadik and Mekubal, Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira and grandfather of the famed Baba Sali, OBM. As part of the introduction, Rabbi Avtzon related how as a Shliach in Morocco in 5743-5744, he worked alongside Rabbi Bouskila’s father, Rabbi Dovid Bouskila, who translated the Tanya into Arabic, and prepared his handwritten translation to print.

Rabbi Gad Bouskila shared personal stories of his travels in Turkey and his letters and answers from the Rebbe regarding that Shlichus and the establishment of the Moroccan Shul in Flatbush, along many other interesting stories and anecdotes and how was inspired by the personal story told by Mr. Narkis.

He went on to tell of his being invited to Morocco some ten years ago by the King to celebrate the the life and legacy of the Rambam, and how they attended a nationally televised event where the Rector of the University, which is located in the very building which used to house the Yeshiva of the Rambam, stood up to thank all the Rabbis who came from all across the globe to celebrate the life of the Rambam. The rector then proclaimed to everyone’s shock that the Rambam was born as a Jew but who ultimately converted to Islam RL.

The next speaker was a Jewish professor from the Sorbonne who was not intimidated by the Royal presence and national TV and proudly denounced the Rector’s remarks and unfounded research; he proudly proclaimed that the Rambam was not only born as a Jew, but who proudly died as a Jew and never even entertained the thought of conversion to Islam. Needless to say, their private audience with the King the next day was cancelled and they were escorted to their planes to return to their homes.

He then told the crowd how he used to travel every year to the Kever of Rabbi Yakov in Damanhur, Egypt on the Nile river banks every year and that he went there two years ago with his entire family, but that last year only a small delegation went to the recent uprising in Egypt. This year, no one was allowed to go as the transitional Egyptian government advised the Israeli Foreign Ministry that it was a matter of extreme danger and that they would not allow a single visitor to his Kever this year. He then quoted from the Zohar that Tzadikim are present where their lives and teachings are celebrated and that this year, Rabbi Yaakov joined the Rambam and the Alter Rebbe and were present here in Crown Heights at this beautiful Hilula.

Following his speech, Reb Yitzhok Fakiro led the auctioning of Mitzvot of special Hiloula/Havdala candles with beautiful sets of Seforim and portraits of the Tzadikim, for the benefit of the Merkaz Sefarad Chabad.

Rabbi Meir Soussan then led the benching, followed by yet more beautiful and inspiring music by Reb Yitzhok Biton and orchestra.