Oihel Nosson Builds Largest Sukkah in Crown Heights

The congregants of Oihel Nosson, located at 580 Crown St., have built what is being billed as the largest Sukkah in Crown Heights on the property of adjacent Lubavitcher Yeshiva.

The Sukkah was built the Rogatzky brothers with the help of other members of the Shul. It is approximately 1,600 square feet.

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  • ye

    while it is indeed large, there are larger sukkahs, to name a few:

    -Sukkah of the Vaad built in front of Kehot

    -Sukkah for guest built in Ohlei Torah Parking lot (in the past not sure if still done

    – Sukkah of 770

  • zelig

    there is no makor to only use green schach. Nobody knows if the rebbe used green schach davka.
    also i remember the succah the rebbe used in the parking lot in front of his room was schach from a lulov tree

  • to 770

    are you the Rebbe? and i don’t see any schach there so what is all the commotion about? im pretty sure the Rebbe’s suckah had cross beams to hold the green schach up because the mazkirim were not strong enough to hold it by themselves all yom tov long

  • Sick of peoples comments

    What is wrong with this community!!! Someone built a nice big Sukkah and every one has to put it down. How about saying something nice for a change and maybe things in this community will start to improve

    • 770

      This community is finished wanna live I in a good community go on shlichus.

      A chossid once said (I heard it in the name of Reb mendel futerfas) “lubavitchers are like manure if they spread around they are good if they stay together they sink” so your dreams of having a nice lubavitcher community are nice just not practical.

  • Alter Rebbe

    Finally they built it according to Alter Rebbe and not on the grass where you cannot eat on Shabbos and Yom Tov.

  • Ahavas Yisroel

    If you lot were to have a discussion about Ahavas Yisroel – that would also lead to a fight!!! A freilichin Yomtov to all :)