Dress Exchange Helps Alleviate Economic Woes
Recognizing the burden that these tough economic times have put on families and individuals, a number of Crown Heights residents got together and created a Dress Exchange to help alleviate some of it.
In these economic times we all look for ways to save: we reuse outfits, wait for items to go on sale and if need be we buy what we deem to be a bargain.
How many of us have or had Simchas where we either created a gown/dress from scratch, or bought a dress/gown that is now buried in the back of our closets collecting dust? How about turning those unused dresses into easy and fast cash.
Recently a site was launched called the DressExchange, some of you have heard of it while others have used their services and have been satisfied. But for those of you reading this article and learning for the first time about this site and its unique concept, you will find that it’s simple and easy to use; all you have to do is go online to the TheDressExchange.net click on the submit a listing tab and upload you dress or gown. Once someone views your dress and is interested in buying or renting it, they will contact you directly. No commission is taken from the sale or rental of any gown or dress on this site!!
In short, the DressExchnage is a place for people to feature their beautiful and affordable gowns and dresses for any type of occasion. View the selection by browsing your desired categories, and when you find a dress you like, all you have to do is contact the person renting or selling the dress directly.
The DressExchange has a wide collection of sizes and styles. So what are you waiting for? start turning your unused dresses and gowns into easy cash today!!
Leah T
I never heard of this site. Thank you ch.info for sharing
What an excellent idea! Thank you!
A regular clothes gemach?
Is there one for regular clothes: skirts, sweaters, etc.
oh my gosh I have so much clothing in my wardrobe,
I wish someone would come and just take them off my hands, making place for better ones,
please give more info about this org.
bless you all
I have clothes & coats to give away in good condition. Is there anywhere set up for clothes donations?
A proud dress recipient
Such an Amazing concept!!! Your family must be proud of you for establishing such a briliant idea, and by aiding those is this time of economical hardship!
Much success! you should be rewarded, perhaps with vanilla iced -chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles :)