Yeshiva World News

Tzvi Bogomilsky

Tzvi Bogomilsky, 36, a resident of Florida, is the man behind what some would call the largest hachnasas orchim operation in the world, playing a major role in Uman’s Rosh Hashanah event hosted by Breslov.

Crown Heights Native Behind Uman Hospitality

Yeshiva World News

Tzvi Bogomilsky

Tzvi Bogomilsky, 36, a resident of Florida, is the man behind what some would call the largest hachnasas orchim operation in the world, playing a major role in Uman’s Rosh Hashanah event hosted by Breslov.

The project began modestly about a decade ago, involving a kiddush for the visitors, then numbering a few thousands. Bogomilsky realized that many if not most of the yomtov guests arrived with cans of food, unable to arrange for a suitable yomtov meal. Hence the birth of the kiddush towards enhancing yomtov for those spending Rosh Hashanah at Rav Nachman’s Kever.

One thing led to another and the relatively modest events of a decade ago have mushroomed into today’s reality, but the process was not an easy one. For one thing, there simply was insufficient space to prepare, serve and host the guests. This year, a plot of land was purchased, about 15 dunams (3.75 acres), permitting the kitchen and large tents for guests.

Including the kiddush, an estimated 11,000 will benefit from this project. There are 4,000 seats in each tent and meals are served in two shifts. The food alone costs about $300,000.

Some facts surrounding this operation include;

-There are 15 containers of food sent from Israel, the USA and China.

-100,00 full meals are served (including fish, chicken, meat and side dishes).

-There are 800 workers which include 200 volunteers from the USA, 100 from Breslov communities in France and 500 locals (Ukrainians).

-25,000 tons of salads are served.

-100,000 rolls (from the USA) are served.

-35,000 tons of cakes and cookies (from the USA) are served.

-The kitchen operates under the supervision of Rabbi Meir Siruta.

-The head chef is Natan Mordechai Lichtenstein.

-In total, over 250 tons of food, disposable items and kitchen equipment is sent from America, China and Israel.

Tzvi was born and raised in Crown Heights. His father, a prominent rav on Chabad’s International Vaad HaRabbonim. About 16 years ago, Tzvi launched a restaurant in Miami, and was quite successful. He rapidly became a prominent figure in the community, becoming active in local politics as well. His big success came however from his rehab and health center and senior citizens’ care. He met with Eliezer Scheiner, and that union led to the hachnasas orchim in Uman after they were in Uman about a decade ago, realizing the situation and the need.


  • emily segev

    Amazing! My husband benefits from this great Mitzva every year!! What a wonderful way to help tens of thousands of Jews doven better to Hashem on Rosh Hashanna!

  • outrageous exaggeration

    25,000 tons of salad. That’s 500 lbs. of salad per each meal served (100,000):). They better have large efficient bathrooms. All these organisations exxagerate Like Mendy Hendel saying 3,600 boys when the whole Tzfas yeshiva has around 300 (add a few hundred more for their sattelites). He also says 750 couples. do you think there are a hundred? What a waste of Yiddishe gelt. Maybe our chinuch would be better if they had another $7.5 million in their coiffures instead of El Al and the rest of this tourist industry. What a waste of money, Drizin!

  • Nachman

    Rachnan litzlan!!!

    Instead of helping our own mosdos who are in a dire situation, money is being spent on a foreign minhag?

  • Nana

    Rachmana litzlan? Why? Do you know tzvi? Do you have Any idea as to what he went thru with our own Mosdos? Better yet he is currently dealing with an issue that is thank god not all over the news. Get your fact checking straight he would be happy to support our own if they would be honest. It’s a two way street. You step on someone and mistreat them don’t expect them to still be busy with you.

  • Nice Balogna Story

    To #6
    You don’t know what you’re talking about. The issue with “our Mosdos” that Tzvi has is not with :honesty”. Rather with his EGO as he has issues with other Rabbis in Chabad in Miami. He is a nice guy but a VERY BIG Baal Gaava. The issue with the Shul there is that his father in law wants to GET RID OF IT. Yes he wants to sell it and dismantle it from being a shul. R u aware how much OUR (real Living) Rebbe faught to keep Shuls open???

    He doesn’t even send his children to Chabad Moisdois and the fact that he is busy spending money on the people who go to Uman (leave their families and go to party there)- is not going to last forever – after all, sooner or later he will have a falling out with them as he did with others that he supported.

  • to number 7

    Excuse me ! what do you mean, that he suing shluchim! he has no regard for halacha!!

  • Shlomo.

    I was there this Rosh Hashona,the Hachnosas Orchim was amazing.There were 2 gruops,1)pre booked for a nominal fee for $50 for 10,000 people .2)Across the road for anyone,who was given pre packed trays to take out.Also there was a beautiful Chabad Minyan, were sichos were said,& moifsim of the Rebbe were told ,
    after singing all the Rebbeims nigunig on Shabbos.

  • miami

    yes suing a shliach is what he is doing and we are calling him a good guy

    come on lets get real abd find out what he is doing in miami to a rebbes shliach before you post this

  • To 13 and 8

    Go to Miami and chech out the suits for yourself. The reality is that now it’s in the open let’s talk facts. Faivish dalfin is the so called shaliach in question. He was thrown out from the Shul of bal harbor by rabbi lipskar years ago for stealing. Bogomilsky contrary to some people’s advice picked the garbage up of the floor and gave dalfin a second chance. Dalfin had no right to anything so he advised some old members to go to a din Torah. All the while he was lying to Bogomilsky. Just wait tzvi has all the text messages from dalfin, blackmail letters and threatening voiv

  • To 8 and 13

    He has all the threatening voicemails and letters that dalfin has sent him. All the while dalfin spread all different rumors of a sale to a church. He did it to scare people. Talk about the behavior of a shaliach while they were waiting for the din Torah dalfin together with his rabbi weber an went to court twice. So what choice did he have not to fight back? Bottom line dalfin is a lowlife. He is not respected by most suluchim so let’s get the facts straight. And as fa as what our rebbe said about shuls. Maybe it’s time to start acting correcty period instead of going behind the scenes and lying to peopLe and trying to steal someone else’s property. Just for the record I know tzvi is holding back but there will be a website going up soon with everything on this dalfin character. Maybe now he will learn his lesson not to bite the hand that feeds him. One last thing that building has been for sale for over 8 years. Dalfin signed multiple contracts and never came thru with any of them. Now he is trying to steal it by hostile takeover. He has already been thrown out. Bogomilsky could have kept all of dalfin’s stuff but actually packed in storage and gave him the key. So he must not be as bada as 8 and 13 are making him out to be

  • calculator

    35,000 tons (ton=2000lb) of cake.
    that would mean 35,000×2,000=70million

  • To # 15

    I don’t think Bogomilsky would create any website after seeing what was distastefully done when his father was running for elections.
    And besides the Rebbe reb Nachman would never approve.

  • assi

    U mean it was over the top pritzus. W. Men and wooman dancing together to goiyish music bumping and grinding. …yeah I agree it was over the top …way over or “”oiver”

  • Willie Stone FL

    Yehi Rotzoin, Avino Sheh Bashomayim. May the Ribbono Shel Oilom repay Tvi Hersh Ben Moshe Bogomilsky for all of his deeds, all of his dibros measure for measure. Eloimkim yevakesh es ha nirdof(m)