Music Month at Bnos Chomesh
It’s Music Month again at Bnos Chomesh and the students are loving it! You would too, if every day that you came to school there were special musical surprises for an entire month.
Like a concert with the incredibly talented and soulful Esther Freeman. Or a game of “Name that Tune” with an ice cream treat going to the winner. Or a Jewish music only Zumba class. Or a Purim party featuring an outstanding performance by world class entertainer Moshe Hecht.
During Music Month at Bnos Chomesh, each student is encouraged to explore music that is a step up from what she may have typically listened to before. Incentives are offered for taking these steps. Students are also encouraged to keep a journal documenting their feelings when listening to music. What does each type of music make us think, feel and want to do? How is this different when listening to a niggun dveykus as opposed to when hearing s a lively, bouncy tune? How can a niggun without words take you higher than a song with words? How does a song’s composer reach into our Neshama?
During her visit to Bnos Chomesh, Esther Freeman farbrenged with the students about her quest to find Jewish artists and music that she could relate to. Today, Baruch Hashem, there are many Jewish artists who have the talent and emotional expressiveness to truly uplift listeners of all ages. It’s a new era of Jewish music.
The heartfelt messages of Esther’s original compositions, sung in her beautiful voice, resonated with Bnos Chomesh students and they were left awed and inspired. She offered the students a free song for their commitment to raising their standards in the music they listen to.
At the Bnos Chomesh Purim Bash, Moshe Hecht interspersed his powerful musical performance with inspiring talks about “pure music,” and how music goes straight from the neshama of its composer to our souls. Moshe and his bandmates regaled the students with slow, moving ballads, such as the popular “My Friend”, as well as some upbeat tempos. This lively concert lasted for over two hours, ending in a standing ovation and an encore.
There are more surprises in store for Bnos Chomesh students as the month progresses and you can rest assured that Music Month will retain its impact long after the month is over.
sounds fun!!
i wish my school would do that!!
I see my daughter DZ in that picture.
She loves the school!!
It’s the best girls school in Crown Heights!
I love to see schools do innovative projects with students that encourage positive behavior rather than punish negative behavior. Kudos to Bnos Chomesh.
zevi is the coolest guy there is.
A former dancer's opinion on the lack of Tznius of Zumba
From my background as a professional dancer I can tell you that we do NOT condone this type of dancing. The music and the type of dance it elicits are one and the same, they serve each other, and were created for each other and the BOTTOM LINE is: zumba done right is NOT TZNIUS! Does the nature of the dancing and the music change if done only among other women? A strong NO with a hint of why not? Halachically – YES but on a deeper level NO?
I have made huge strides in my life in the area of Tznius. All middos are a function of our habits. And though one zumba class will not change that, one zumba class eats away at what I work so hard to accomplish and that is to refine myself and the world around me.
I spy 2 of my friends having an awesome time at their skewl!!!!!!
go Esther Freeman!!!!
Esther freeman is sooooooo amazing!!!!!! you guys were so smart to get her!!!!!!! her music is so cool
the link to Esther Freeman is broken, here is the correct link: