Oholei Torah Cheder Celebrates Siyum HaRambem
Oholei Torah students from grades 2-8, assembled in the Gutnick Ballroom in honor the 31st Siyum of the Rambam.
The Siyum was made by HaTomim Aryeh Leib Wuensch, a talmid from Grade 6. An amazing story of the Rambam’s was told by HaTomim Mendel Bressinger, a bochur from the Beis Medrash.
The 12 Psukim were said followed by Negunim accompanied by the Zalman Negin band, which includes Oholei Torah Students.
The event was organized by Rabbi Hirschel Lustig, Dean of the Elementary school.
go yj
gggggggggggggggoooooooooooooooooo yisreolik junik
Who is HaRambem?
I spy Leelee Medalie!
I spy Yisroelik Junik!!
From your favorite Monsey cousins!!!!