CH’s Oldest Gmach Marks 40 Years of Service

Gemilas Chesed Keren Yisroel Aryeh Leib, Crown Heights’s oldest and long running Gmach, marked 40 years since it was established last night in its annual Seudas Melava Malka. In recent years this free loan fund has come under attack and its very existence was threatened, but today it stands strong after overcoming and persevering.

Keren Yisroel Aryeh Leib was established 40 years ago on the Lubavitcher Rebbes 70th birthday along with 70 other institutions around the world, and was named after the Rebbes brother – Yisroel Aryeh Leib.

A group of Chassidim, which included Rabbi Kalman Brikman YBL’t, Rabbi Sholom Ber Eichorn OBM, Rabbi Shmuel Tzvi Fox OBM, Rabbi Hersh Moscowitz OBM, Reb Shimshon Stock OBM and Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky YBL’t, got together an established the Gmach. Today the Gmach is directed by Reb Eli Ebber, and Rabbi Bogomilsky and Rabbi Benji Stock.

Emceeing the event was Rabbi Bogomilsky who told the gathered crowd “today Boruch Hashem we are the largest Gmach in Crown Heights and there is hardly an institution or an individual that we don’t extend loans to.”

He told the crowd how last year a Melava Malka was not held since the fate of the Gmach was hanging in doubt, but thank g-d over the year the matter was resolved. “This year’s Melava Malka more was like a Seudas Hodaa thanking g-d that all the things were straightened out and though the Gmach continued operating, we are now in full operation” said Rabbi Bogomilsky.

Rabbi Michoel Seligson, who together with his brother have a Keren in memory of their parents Dr. Avrohom Abba and Hinda Rochel Seligson, gave over a Dvar Malchus and a Sicha from the Rebbe.

Rabbi Shlomo Holtzberg, sang Melava Malka Zemiros – traditionally they have been sung by Rabbi Mottel Berkowitz, who is one of the the Baal Tefilos for Yomim Noroim in 770.

Chazzan Moshe Teleshevski, who is known as the Rebbe Chazzan, was fondly remembered. In past years he would come and sing Chazzanus at the Melava Malka and is dearly missed.

Reb Yaakov Magalnik, made a Siyum in honor of his mother Chaya Chana whose yohrtzeit was on Friday, and for his uncle Dovid ben Yaakov Blickstein whose yohrtzeit was Motzai Shabbos. A Keren was established in the Gmach in their memory.

Concluding the event, Rabbi Bogomilsky gave details on all the Kronos in the Gmach and in whose memory they were establishe. He also told stories regarding the Rebbes brother Yisroel Aryeh Leib, his connection with the Frierdiker Rebbe and in honor of Yud Shvat he talked about the work of the Rebbe, spoke of the Rebbes activities in Russia.

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