ULY’s Learn-a-Thon for a New Roof
This month, the boys at Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Crown Street are getting an exciting practical lesson in how the Torah learning of the Tinokos Shel Bais Rabban is truly building the Bais Hamikdosh. By learning and reviewing Torah by heart in the ULY Learn-A-Thon, they are actually building a new roof for their yeshiva!
During the weeks between Chof-Ches Nissan and Chof[Hei Iyar, the children in grades 1-8 are studying, memorizing or reviewing the topics of their choice (Tanya, Mishnayos, Gemara, Chumash, Tehillim, Pirkei Avos, the 12 Pesukim) in age-appropriate units. They are asking relatives, friends and neighbors to sponsor them – for example, 25 cents or $1 per quota of study from each sponsor, or a one-time donation. The more sponsors a boy collects and then the more he learns, the more he earns for the yeshiva.
To increase the excitement for the children, the contest takes place on several different levels. Every boy receives raffle tickets for his learning which entitle him to enter the raffle for the Grand Prize, a deluxe digital camera. In addition, every boy who learns 10 quotas is entered into a weekly raffle for free tickets for all the children in his family for a day at Six Flags Great Adventure. Last week’s winner was Yisroel Ohana of the fourth grade. Boys who raise $5 or more will choose a special prize. And at the end, the class that raises the most money will be treated to a gala pizza party with all the trimmings.
To top off the contest, every dollar the boys raise will be matched by an anonymous friend of ULY Crown Street, in honor of the yeshiva’s excellent, dedicated Rebbeim.
“We began the contest on Chof-Ches Nissan because on that day in 5751, the Rebbe issued an emotional call to increase our efforts to bring Moshiach immediately. These are also the days of Sefiras Haomer, when we are preparing for Matan Torah. There is no better way for the boys to accomplish both these goals than to learn more,” said Rabbi Y.Y. Simpson, Menahel of the Yeshiva.
Any reader who would like to sponsor a child in the contest or make a donation to this very special project is welcome to do so. Please email ulypta@gmail.com or contact the Yeshiva during daytime hours at 718-774-4131 x103.
go learnathon organizers!!!!!!!!!!!
ur amazing!!!
What a great way to get kids to learn!
kudos to ULY!