Pair of Vicious Pit Bulls go on a Mauling Rampage

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A pair of wild pit bulls went on a mauling spree last night on Eastern Parkway, attacking many passerby’s, and even biting a number of them.

The incident took place last night at around 7:00pm near the intersection of Eastern Parkway and Kingston Avenue, where the two pit bulls, one white and one brown, started chasing people who fled into nearby houses and buildings.

Others were not so lucky and suffered bites, one victim was treated by EMS on Brooklyn and Eastern Parkway and another by Hatzalah in front of 770.

One of the victims heroically drew the dog’s attention to himself when it began chasing a child, and he suffered bites all over his elbow and arm.

Eyewitnesses said that a police car cruiser, car number 4920-08 from the 71st Precicnt, was parked in front of 770, and people approached the officers pleading for help, but they refused to get out of their car. It was unclear if they called for backup.

Shomrim was called and they searched for the dogs in attempt to prevent any further mauling, but they fled and disappeared.


  • let-down new york

    typical nyc cops for you, huh? they dont care about anybody’s well being except their own! not to mention their usual horrible anti-semitic attitude…

  • mendel

    very clever police, as the saying goes “as long as im not hurt let me sleep” i think this saying goes to the policeman

  • out side my apt

    1st dogs where at cnr of brooklyn and eastern pkwy alot of ppl called police and Hatzalah police didnt show up till 20 mins later and Hatzalah i was surprised didnt show a ambulance came before police and got the dog of 1 guy and treated the bite to his hand them while the dogs run after bochurim who where running they run towards 770 but when i wnet to 770 ppl said the dog already fled one got hit by a car but got up and fled

  • mee

    perhaps these dogs were sent out by their own “dog” owners to cause some trouble! Say someone has a gun and see how fast the police will respond.

  • Just Sayin-

    Yea, see, the problem is, cops don’t deal with dogs, and they’re not supposed to. If you have a dog running around, you can call 911, but they will inform Animal Control, not the police. There are plenty of legitimate complaints to raise issue with the police; we don’t need to go looking for more.

  • Me

    I was there. The police don’t care about a thing but tickets. Why can’t the Vaad Hakahol once and for all explain to the cops they should be lucky to be here and not in South Bronx where they can be shot (and maybe killed) at any time. These cops are a waste.

  • to #3

    perhaps hatzalah wanted to come but pd made them drive around the block and look for parking

  • chanina fan

    lets get together with a lawyer who will defend us and chanina and crew can go lick some tuchas

  • Peoed

    Those dogs belong to an african american guy on who lives on brooklyn ave between eastern parkway and union st

    I hear them parking their heads off all the time and they are vicious f….gs creatures and next time someone sees them they should shoot them to death!

  • awacs

    “and next time someone sees them they should shoot them to death!”

    If you can get to their cage, please feed them chocolate. Baker’s chocolate, if you can find it (high percentage of cocoa solids).

    Dogs just LOVE it.

    Unfortunately (for them), they can’t digest (the theobromine in) it, and it poisons them to death. Pity. Google for ‘dogs chocolate’ for more info.

  • ohis vorrff

    the cops will get there `s and ill be laughin .. they deserv what they get from the hood rats ,

  • Lots of questions

    Does anyone know where the dogs are now? Is it safe to walk the streets again? Actually, is it EVER safe?

  • Crown Street Resident

    These are stray dogs. I saw them seperately on Crown and Albany several times last week after midnight.

  • officer vega

    att. to all readers ,

    if any one see`s those dogs please call the 71 pct, we r short 2 officers..they call in sick 4 2morro , we can use those dogs on our beat patrol


    why are we all just sitting on the internet waiting for somneoinbe else to go do something? WHY DONT WE STAND UP AND TAKE CARE OF THIS NONSENCE THAT IS GOING ON IN CROWN HEUGHTS FOR THE PAST FEW WEEKS!!!

  • thank you!

    Thank you to the person who saved the child and suffered himself instead! That was really touching to read!
    Moshiach now!

  • ceo

    they didnt have anything they could use?? not very brave or competent. hope they will learn to be prepared for the next time. and who owns those dogs???? ARENT THEY ILLEGAL TO OWN IN NY????

  • nypd.... C-MON!!!

    Time to do something about this nonesence,
    Good deeds like the one who saved the child, will bring moshiach!
    Why couldnt the police officers just:
    step one: take out a gun
    step two: get to the dogs
    step three: pull the triger
    step four: get the dogs outta here
    what was the big deal, tell me! I think we could make some use of those dogs, we will hire them to be our new cops, Who Needs New York Police Dept??? ALLL THEY DO IS TROUBLE!

  • I was there

    and i called 911, they said they had received two other phone-calls about the incident.
    two minutes later a cruiser came and the cops started asking questions.
    I continued home at that point.

  • Maple Street

    These dogs came after me motzei shabbos on Empire and Albany. The owner was with them, one was on a leash and one wasn’t. The one that wasn’t came after me and I B”H barely got into a building before being torn to shreds.

    Shoot the dogs and arrest the man.

  • auntie

    and btw, whomever drew the dogs away from the child has shown us all that heroism still exists.

  • To me and peoed!

    What is wrong with you peoed? that is such an arrigant thing to say! Alot of lubavitchers claim that they are the best in the world trying to reach out to others…and many are, but so many, including you, peoed, are just so racist! I am an modern orthodox jew who grew up in a non-jewish town. ppl are very antisemitic…why? because they dont know us so they assume we are lazy, etc (many other stereotypes). But we are not! and guess what? they are not either! i have several african-american friends, asian-american friends, etc. we ALL need to learn how to look at each other as the individual person we are! and stop being predjudiced. because i think you are completely ignorant. To me – i understand you dont like police! because, i dont either but they are not bad ppl! a cop in crown heights once saved me from being harmed by (i later found out) a rapist. so not all cops are bad!

  • Yisroel

    According 2 the article above they fled & ran away. However that is not safe either being that they could do the same thing in a different part of Bklyn & they could even come back 2 our neighborhood so what good does that do ? We should go out there & really look 4 these dogs so they don’t do any more damage anywhere.

  • to # 29

    my dear friend. please relax abit. maybe oyu have viisted crown heights, but you probably have not stayed in crown heights long enough.

    I am from crown heights but I have spent many years out of town as well. I understand where you are coming from. you are ecompletely right that african americans and other non jews are very friendly and normal. i have seen that. what you have to understand is that brooklyn is different. now not all areas I will admit but areas like crown heights itcetira happen to have a vast majority of the low lifes who are anti semetic etc. crown heights has a very high crime rate, not all non jews in crown heights are messed upbut as the majority are the ones few that are normal sadly get lookked down upon.
    most of the residents of crown heights have not spent much time elsewhere if any for that matter so when they see all this crime around them you cant blame tehm for steriotyping.
    and by the way the non jews here dont think jews are lazy whereever you got that from.
    Ihope you now understand your crown heights family a litttle better

  • ipod

    thats we get from nyc cops,Shomrim are brave thank you to them for at least trying to help.