Lemrick Nelson Jr.

Rosenbaums Murderer Stabbed in Road Rage Incident

NEW YORK [AP] — Police say a man convicted in the death of a Jewish man during race riots in the 1990s in Brooklyn has been assaulted in a possible road rage incident.

Lemrick Nelson was stabbed in the head, possibly with an ice pick, and hospitalized.

It happened at 168th Street and Riverside around 1 p.m. Sunday.

Nelson was convicted of federal civil rights charges in the death of Yankel Rosenbaum. Nelson, who was 16 at the time of the incident, was convicted a a dozen years later and was released from prison in 2004.

The riots were sparked by the death of the 7-year-old black boy in an Aug. 19, 1991, accident involving a driver from the Orthodox community. The 29-year-old Rosenbaum was stabbed to death during four days of violence.


  • G-d is in control

    No need for us to laugh, G-d is in control, He will ensure justice. To the family of Yankel, although it is so many years later, I feel I must say haMakom venachem eschem besoch shaar avalie tzion veyerushalayim.

  • no justice, no peace

    Couldn’t happened to a nicer guy. Hope he’s paralyzed & lives out his life a drooling wreck.

  • someone who didn-t know Yankel but cares

    I was always taught not to laugh at other people’s misfortunes… This one is hard not to smile about. Been praying for his downfall for many many years. I guess what goes around comes around. bh’

  • ChanChan

    Oy! So much hatred… the man is a murderer, but it is Hashem’s job to judge and decide if he should have a slow and painful death…

  • Half Nelson

    Stable condition for a man who has a certain malodorous substance filling his cranial cavity and a heart made of cold granite is not the same as it is for someone who has a brain in his head and a heart in his chest. Therefore, Nelson YMS could be in a coma and in stable condition.

    Please daven for the slow and painful demise of Lemrick ben Behema besoich shaar shvartze machles.

  • SHOCKING....

    For a people that claim to be governed by religious beliefs its ironic that all the posts seem to be about ‘praying’ for this guys slow and painful death. Yet at the same time deluding yourselves into thinking you’re somehow of greater moral fiber. Sad commentary of the widespread and depraved thought process of the individuals who posted. One must wonder did these individuals ‘pray’ for the slow and painful death of those responsible for the 7yr old’s death? Somehow, I think not. ChanChan’s isn’t the only one who can see it for what it is….hatred pure and simple.

  • Troll on the roll...

    Hmm, could 16 be Al Sharpton’s secretary?

    Anyone who does not know the difference between a car accident and racially motivated murder needs to go back to Trolling 101.

    And ChanChan’s post is a sad example of the new touchy-feely, alternative lifestyle warped thinking that has replaced Torah and Chassidus and is bringing us all down especially in CH.

  • Fed Up

    Oh gee my sympathies go out to Lemrick Nelson, not! He is a thug and a murderer. Yes, he and his cowardly lowlife thug buddies lynched Yankel Rosenbaum. That’s right lynched, not killed. What happened to Yankel was no different than what happened to blacks down south, but this time the races were reversed. None of the opinions in this particular writing are racist, but rather true. Nelson violated Yankel’s civil rights. He only got off because he was black. I guess if you are a Jew in some parts of America, then you are not entitled to civil rights, as Nelson and his politically correct buddies thought. An all black jury acquitted Nelson, not surprising. The next time some politically correct fool says how the justice system favors Jews over blacks, let them read about the Nelson trial. Yankel got the raw end of the deal, since he is still and will always be dead. Oh, but Lemrick Nelson is still very much alive. To the Jews of Crown Heights, wait for Al Sharpton to blame Nelson’s stabbing on your community. He is the type, who would do that. Rest in peace Yankel, you are a martar.

    P.S. Nelson is probably a typical black panther Obama voter, another reason why Obama sucks.