ULY’s Hands on with the Parasha in Prospect Park!
This week, United Lubavitcher Yeshiva’s 2nd graders went on a hands on trip to the prospect park in order to have a hands on experience of the parsha of this week.
The class fed the birds kasha in accordance with the age old custom started when the birds ate up all the man in order to save the Jews from being mechallel Shabbos and collecting man. The classes earned the trip after working hard for 2 months on a ahavas yisroel campaign.
Great to see teaching ‘out of the box’!
Didn’t they do it last year?
The Raksins
Beautiful pictures and excellent learning experience! Thank you Rabbi Karp for your continued energies!
Wow, what an excellent way to bring the parsha to life! Rabbi Simpson runs an amazing school!
miriam a
go mendel berghoff u look so cute!
a Proud Parent
I must say a huge thank you to Rabbi Simpson; these programs are amazing. I don’t have a son in this class, but even my son’s class; they do so much, so creative, so exciting; he’s always with a smile.
And my older son? don’t even ask. What these boys do is tremendous. Yesterday he was doing a special mission, some tzivos Hashem program, today he’s learning tanya, he’s always on the go while at yeshiva. I know you are behind everything that goes on; thank you, thank you, thank you.
Rabbi Simpson is the best principal, he works tirelessly for the benefit of the students. Thank you Rabbi Simpson.
a parent
The school has a lot of good ideas but they NEED to have smaller classes – close to 30 kids in the class is NOT NORMAL and not FAIR. And they need to take the kids out at recess (unless it rains or snows) those kids have tons of energy and they stay cooped up in their classroom all winter long – the staff is amazing but there’s a lot to change and swiping it under the carpet will not help.
One of the moms
What a fabulous opportunity to bring Torah to life! My son is having an amazing year (once again) in Rabbi Karp’s class. Rabbi Simpson, thank you for organizing these special trips. They give the kids a chance to breathe, run around, and experience learning in a different setting.
a mother
thank you Rabbi Simpson for being such a dedicated principal. Thank you Rabbi Karp for being such a great Rebbi!
where’s Rabbi Karp? The only teacher I see is Rabbi Gurkov
to confused
Rabbi karp is probably taking the pictures
a very happy parent
thank you to Rabbi Gurkov-a great teacher