CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Oholei Torah recently received a substantial pledge for the renovation of the dormitory on Eastern Parkway. The dormitory houses students that are learning in Zal.
Oholei Torah Receives Pledge to Renovate its Dorm
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Oholei Torah recently received a substantial pledge for the renovation of the dormitory on Eastern Parkway. The dormitory houses students that are learning in Zal.
Construction is slated to begin this year, but after the school year ends. “The amount that was pledged won’t cover the entire expense of the project” said a source in the yeshiva, adding that initial estimates have the project costing over $8 million, and the pledge wont cover half of that.
I think they need a different contractor…..
what a waste, let them give a tuition break, 3 million pledged, i wish i new the givrer and convinve him to really help and give a tution break for those who need it
crown heights
Did you say 8 million are you all CRAZY please do your self a faver and get a diffrent contracter you will all save alot of money
Wonderful. Just in time.
Maybe they could spend a little of it so that the heat works, THIS YEAR!
8 Million!!!!!!!
Lets do the math. Lets say it costs about $100,000 to renovate each apartment and there are approx 24 apartments then the total would be 2.4 million. Where is the rest of the money going?
8 mil sounds way too steep!
the zal brings in about 200 & 9000 =18000000 plus all that gov funding its probably around three and a half million a year tuition this is where they make their cash why not let the zal get something out of it
Thanks to o.t. I dond know any math in figuring out the stats better I am sure someone here can do that for us
in the know
They are knocking down the whole place, gutting it, and building from scratch incl. central air, bathrooms to each room, etc. A honest contractor will tell you that $8M for such a job is not farfetched at all
concerned resident of CH
100k per unit is still alot of money they are not doing luxury accommodations they will be doing basic standard things.
it should cost no more then 50k peer unit that equals to 1.2 million dollars. if the hanholla wont feel like they need to take exuberant salaries and waste money on nonsense the yeshivah would be in better shape. but why would they do that they need to live comfortably in their mansions when many other people in the community are suffering.
concerned resident of CH
No fan of OT but….
200 x 9000 is $1,800,000 not $18,000,000! Do the math “walla”!
So who is this generous benefactor?
hey there mesivta building needs serious fixing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If there are 200 students there should be at least 10 teachers a principal, cook, maintenance, and a few other jobs. Lets say there are 20 employed verse the 200 students. (That is very little). Of the 200 students less than 50 pay the full $9000 the average is probably closer to $5000. So, $5000 times 200 students $1,000,000. Lets say each staff member gets $45,000 per year that would equal $900,000 leaving $100,000 over for gas, electric, food, buses, new books, desks, chairs and other costs. If The staff are only paid $45,000 per year and have 3 boys in yeshiva ($15,000)and two girls in high school ($6,000) and one in seminary ($10,000) totaling $31,000 without airfare if the seminary is out of town leaving the teacher with only $14,000 to live on for a year. Lease a mini van for 1 year $4,000. leaving him with $10,000. Rent at $1000 per month puts him $2000 in the red and that’s without food clothes and other essentials.
So calm down and let it be. Stop bloody complaining about other peoples mazel.
o.t nick
what about the mikva they whehre supposed to build
ot bochur
I was in OT last year and lived in the dorm. it was beautiful and cozy. I went back to visit this year and over the summer a bunch of renovations were done making it even nicer. I see absolutely no reason to waste 8 million bucks on more renovations. The money should be used elsewhere!!!!
8 million
With 8 Million – Maybe they should just buy another building