Kindergarten Children Nurture and Release Butterflies!
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Starting as caterpillars the students of Morah’s Dini Rapaport and Tziril Baitch’s kindergarten, fed them till they cocooned and hatched as butterflies. The students then released them last week.

very cute, good job ohlei torah kindergarten!!!
morah leah
Dear Getzy Avi & Avraham I was so happy to see you, with your beautiful butterflies I miss you Kinderlach so so so much!
Love Morah Leah
Mommies & Tatties have loads of yidishe chasidishe nachas
morah leah
o Tzviky Ely & Mendy I cant find you where are you?
LOVE Morah Leah
Morah Mazal
Avi, Avraham, Getzy great to see you are having so much fun in your new class, with your new morah. I deeply miss you, it remind me our caterpillar becoming butterflies and whole the beautifull time we spend together.
PS,i could see Avi, Avraham, Getzy. Leah tzviki is not in the same class, and i don’t know about ely and mendy
but it’s good to see everyone happy!!!:)
Love Morah Mazal
Happy memory lane . . . .
Dear Morah Dini and Morah Tzirel,
‘So happy to read this and bring back memories of your wonder work with the yingelach!
Thank you, crownheights.info, for including this article!
Yasher koach and may you all go from strength to strength,
The Mommy of a ”Morahs Dini and Tzirel” Graduate from a few years back