Lubavitcher Man Stabbed in Crown Heights
A Lubavitcher man in his 30s was stabbed in the back by an African-American man on the corner of Empire Blvd. and Kingston Avenue in Crown Heights. The attacker fled the scene and is at large. The public is asked to please say Tehillim for Yehuda Leib ben Rivkah Alta.
No words were exchanged between the attacker and his victim. The victim said the two crossed paths while walking along Empire Blvd., and he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back. He quickly realized he had been stabbed in his upper right back.
The victim was transported by Hatzalah to Kings County Hospital. He never lost consciousness, and his condition is believed to be non-life-threatening.
Please say Tehillim for Yehuda Leib ben Rivkah Alta.
This is the second unprovoked stabbing incident to target a Jewish man in Crown Heights in the past year. About three months ago, a Hatzalah volunteer was stabbed by an unidentified assailant while jogging along Eastern Parkway.
same guy???
I wonder if it was the same animal who stabbed the hatzolah guy
Don’t insult animals. He is much lower. ;)
Community council????
Anybody home???? until the community council will put pressure on the cops to catch these animals…i’m afraid to think….
Don’t hold your breath. A more useless, ineffectual bunch of ego driven losers is yet to be discovered under a rock somewhere.
time for all of vadd halkal to resign….
why wasn’t the guy from last time caught?
Why do Israel catching all the terrorists every time but only in New York they can not catch even once !?!?!?!?
too graphic
Please remove the main image of this story or at least move it to the extended part with a warning. It is very graphic and traumatic and should not be in full view like that.
Let’s not forget the stabbing of the bochur in 770!
Refuah shlaima!!!!
so we dont nd to go to isreal to get stabbed ;( get the guy hang him on kingston ave!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, you don’t have to lay out $$ in fares, you can stay home & have the same misery we have every day.
Stupid comment.
Yehuda Leib ben Rivkah Alta
Say tehillim for him
Ma Rabbi
I hope the police catch the black criminal.
There must be surveillance cameras on that street.
O.T . boy 73-76
were is the video tape from the store ???????????????/
The Guy with the Dog
African American is a national origin. Black is a race. Unless you’re talking about his ancestry instead of his skin color, it’s perfectly acceptable to call him black.
Crown Heights originated Macabees & JDL
Need to put The fear Of G_D Back into the Anti Semites
& We will once again Take the Lead;
Never Again
why arent they checking every video camera on the street for more picture
Just last night I spoke to someone in Boro Park who thought CH was safe to walk through.
increase simcha
Increase simcha for his recovery.
unless we make a large scale demonstration in crown heights nothing will be done about this. If this was reversed you would not hear the end of it!!
Best case scenario, if we rally. There will continue to be a large police presence in CH for a week instead of a day.
We (Lubavitch) need to be vigilant, and we need to start training our young to protect themselves.
By the way he is runing he looks like a profesional.
Let’s not be fooled.
Long strides. Back straight. Excellent posture….
When did Israelis randomly assault anyone?
Stop ignoring the fact that the rate of violent crime among black people is much higher than among anyone else, and at least an order of magnitude higher than among Jews.
Crown Heights Resident
The Rebbe Said: If Israel gives away land that Hashem gave them In a miraculous way during the June 1967 SIX day war. This will put the lives of Jews all over the world in Extreme Danger.
Crown Heights Resident
On a positive note: Even though The fight for Sh’Lemus Ha’Aretz seems overwhelming. We need to remember what it was like to fight for Yiddishkeit in the Former Soviet Union (the 2nd most powerful country in the world).
And with the Rebbe’s brochos & guidance we won. & now the Soviet Union only exists in history books.
Israelis Do not randomly assault anyone!!
What r u trying to say?
Are you really so out of it? Time to lay off the weed and booze, they obviously did something to your brain (such as it is.)
It is bad enough that he got stabbed. Why must these photos be plastered on the web for all to see? Give the guy some privacy. If it was you being taken to the ambulance you would want the same
Community Council?
When were elections for community council held last?
Was it four years ago or five years ago?
Isn’t it meant to be a three year term???
Perhaps some new people in the council would do better then the ones which we have now.
the council is headed by someone who rips off the $. Shady. Shady. No elections. ?
DeBlasio is the one to blame – he gave these criminals the right to do whatever they feel like. He will always defend them
I wonder
Is it being investigated as a hate crime? There may be muggings and knockouts and sexual assaults, but as far as I know no one is stabbing Jews except Muslims.
refua shlema!
The main thing here is for the young man who was stabbed, to have a fast and painless recovery.
The police are all over CH now flashing lights on most corners. Do they think this helps us? Give it 2 days tops, and they will go back to the donut shop, Starbucks, or even Dunkin donuts.
I say (been saying for a long time) it’s time to start applying for gun permits. At the very least open carry permits. It will help. It’ll make the …….. I can’t find a proper word to call the anisemitic scum……… think twice before attacking anyone. Not because they might be packing but because the witnesses might also be
Concerned CH resident
The main thing here is for the young man who was stabbed, to have a fast and painless recovery.
The police are all over CH now flashing lights on most corners. Do they think this helps us? Give it 2 days tops, and they will go back to the donut shop, Starbucks, or even Dunkin donuts.
I say (been saying for a long time) it’s time to start applying for gun permits. At the very least open carry permits. It will help. It’ll make the …….. I can’t find a proper word to call the anisemitic scum……… think twice before attacking anyone. Not because they might be packing but because the witnesses might be packing and will take action.
WE MUST COME TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY if not with guns then with bats, sticks, and anything usefull in putting THEM in the hospital and not us!
45 (give or take) years ago a little red bearded guy started the Maccabees…….we need to recreate that!
The package thief
Is it possible the guy that was stealing packages from our porches and had a knife??? Ad mosai may be have a complete refuah
now that we have the color of his hood and jacket
keep your eyes open for him
5 things:
1) we should all riot, we are not going to tolerate this.
2) where are the cops ? we should have cops on every single corner.
3) why was this black piece of …..dirt not caught and beaten ?
4) just watch, here we go again, there will be another press conference in front of the “j.c.m.” just like the last time that this kind of thing happened. what good did it do for us ? NOTHING!!!
5) this thing happened in middle of the day in the heart of crown heights, does not make any sense, VERY SCARY!!!
The guy that looks like “Obama’s son”, wearing a hoodie, running with the knife? Where George Zimmerman when you need one?
age correction: the man was in his TWENTIES
Jay Sorid
Please come to the community board 9 meetings to help prevent an eight story building for the seriously mentally ill with possible drug addictions from going up on East New York Ave between Utica and Schenectady. There are many new Jewish families who live there and attend Kingsbrook Jewish Shul. The meetings are the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. I have been fighting this proposed project for two years. My thoughts and prayers go out to the injured young man.
I don’t see any lots or buildings going up on East New York between Utica and Schenectady?
Do you mean Maple between and Utica and Schenectady?
Or Remsen and E 52nd?