Rash of Minivan Break-Ins Plagues Crown Heights
A rash of minivan break-ins has been plaguing an area in Crown Heights over the past couple of weeks.
Shomrim volunteers told CrownHeights.info that over the past two weeks, about a dozen minivans have been broken into in the vicinity of Crown Street between Albany and Utica Aves.
One such incident occurred last night on Crown Street between Albany and Troy. The thieves broke into a Jewish-owned minivan by prying open the ‘vent windows’ located on both sides of the vehicle in the rear.
The thieves stole the minivan’s built-in DVD players, and opened up a Tefilin bag left in the vehicle. Luckily, they determined that the contents of the bag would be of no value to them, and left the Tefilin behind.
The break-ins usually occur to vehicles parked in shady and dark areas; the thieves always break in on the side of the vehicle facing the sidewalk.
A Shomrim coordinator recommended that vehicle owners not leave anything of value in vehicles parked on the street – especially Tefilin, and it is advisable not to leave behind anything at all that is visible from the street.
so how much are you looking to pay for a house in this “amazing” neighborhood.
it’s very sad.. this is the area the Rebbe put so much koichos into and it’s gone down in many ways..
the appearance of unzere mentshin is r’l too similar to the new “residents’ in the hood. I cannot even decipher who is who anymore.
Oh, the lawns may be nicer and the prices may be higher – sort of reminds me of the Red Delicious apples they display in stores. The spit shine them and display them – they look lovely and shiny but when you cut into them they are mostly starting to rot.
menachem mendel
Go shomrim you guys are the best keeping crown heights nice and safe and making the Rebbe Proud amazing Naighborhood!!!
Crown Heights Resident
One way to help is (for those that can afford it) to Install video cameras around the outside of our homes. To video tape these break ins.
This may allow us to stop the break in during the act by calling the police or Shomrim volunteers.
picaboo shimon
cameras may not help. come on , honestly most of the time the camera footage is such low quality its not even watchable , let alone identifying a thief.
we need more civilian patrols. in cars, on foot etc. the moment a crime is occurring a pair of eyes in the street can call the police immediately
we should institute a mandatory system where every resident of crown heights is required to spend 4 hours a week to patrol a particular street. we will have people covering every inch of the community 24 hours a day.
Crown Heights Resident
Those of us that can afford it. Should install high quality video cameras that have high quality images.
Also if we see it when it’s happening on the cameras inside our house. We can call the police or Shomrim.
to # 3
very funny, “for those that can afford it”, UNFORTUNATELY we CAN NOT afford it at all, and the real truth is: i don’t think anybody else can afford it either !!!