Bomb Threat at 770 Forces Evacuation

A bomb threat targeting 770 was called into 911 and forced a complete evacuation of the buildings. Taking no chances, the NYPD enlisted the help of the neighborhoods volunteer patrol Shomrim to assist with the evacuation.

Police sources told the the call originated from a payphone in a psyche ward in Queens, NY and in light of recent incidents in the world police took the threat seriously and called for an evacuation.

Members of the NYPD’s Emergency Service Unit were accompanied by Shomrim volunteers who helped translate and explain the urgency of the situation. Everyone cooperated and the building was successfully evacuated in quick and orderly fashion.

Police then did a walk-though and an inspection to see if anything was amiss, once successfully completed everyone was allowed back in.

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  • oy veyski

    That’s the first step accomplished – create fear. Fear. Evacuate. If threat to self or others, immediately run, call, panic.

  • izzy tal

    Baruch Hashem, it was false alarm.
    But I must say, I was shocked to see the state of the basement: the ceiling is filthy, every surface is damaged, the benches have not been painted for many years…. It’s present state is a disgrace. Why? What about Kavod hamakom?

  • mikva news

    I heard that the authorities determined that the bomb threat was called in by a meshuginer. That narrows it down…