Man Stabbed After Argument with ‘Friend’
A man was rushed to the hospital after suffering multiple stab and slash wounds on a Crown Heights street. Striking more fear in a neighborhood already on edge following a string of recent attacks.
Police sources say that the victim was traveling with another man in a car on Empire Boulevard when the two got into an argument. One man pulled a knife and stabbed the other multiple times.
The victim then got out of the car and fled up Albany Avenue, then turned down Montgomery Street where he entered a bodega on the corner of Troy Avenue and asked for help.
Police were called and an ambulance rushed the victim to a nearby hospital.
A worker in the bodega told CrownHeights.info that the victim, a black man in his 20’s, came into his store bleeding from stab wounds to his arm and stomach. “He was bleeding all over, so I sat him down and called an ambulance” he said.
The victim was listed in stable condition and is expected to survive.
Police say that the attacker is believed to be a Black man in his 20’s and that he knew the victim.
This is the latest incident in a string of attacks which began Tuesday night when a Hatzalah volunteer was stabbed on Eastern Parkway, then another incident on Wednesday morning where a 49-year-old Jewish man was attacked on Albany Avenue – that suspect was apprehended, while the assailant who attacked the Hatzalah volunteer remains at large.
א שווארצע קעגן א שווארצע איז נישט קיין נייעס. עס איז מעשים בכל יום. דאס האט קיין קשר ניט מיט די פריערדיקע צוויי פאסירונגען
Some friend
I once had a friend like that, kept stabbing me all the time. Things didn’t really work out and we slowly drifted apart.
oki toki boy 73-76
to post # 1 thanks for posting in mama loshen ,, because goyiem go on this site too
do bist kloog . ah gut shabbos
To summarize number 1, it is as follows:
You see: the Goyim tell us something like,”look, we also are victimized by crime, even more than you! So, don’t focus so much of the attention to yourselves.”
Wanna know something?! You Goyim have no business hurting each other either. So, don’t look at that as an excuse to justify hurting any other group or individual!