Owner of Kosher Bakery in Philly Shot in Face
The owner of a kosher bakery in Philadelphia was shot in the face during an apparent attempted robbery Friday morning. She survived, though she is listed in critical condition.
The shooting happened about 6 a.m. in the rear of the Best Cake Kosher Bakery in the 7500 block of Haverford Avenue in the city’s Overbrook section.
Police say the 56-year-old owner, identified as Ziza Djordevic, was smoking out back of the store when she was approached and shot in the face.
The bullet became lodged in her chin. The victim was able to call 911.
She was taken to the hospital and is listed in critical condition. The suspects fled the scene.
Police only briefly talked to the victim when they arrived, though she was able to hold up her fingers to let them know there were two attackers.
Investigators also say the woman was the victim of an attempted robbery last Friday, but she was able to fight off her attacker. Police say she never reported that incident.
Police believe today’s armed robbery was planned.
“What we’re understanding from people is that she pays her employees on Fridays. So this is why they’re targeting her on Fridays. So it clearly was a setup robbery as far as we’re concerned. They clearly cased this out, knew what she did, and had familiarity with this particular business,” said Lt. John Walker of Southwest Detectives.
Refuah Shalayma to Ziza!
Yossi A
I was just there last week
Philly is NOT safe
To all those who complain about CH – there are places like philli and Detroit and Chicago and Baltimore that are WAY worse
Philly suburb fan
That area is not the best- like inner city issues similar to ours. A few blocks away, though, is a nice Jewish neighborhood that is beautiful and BH does not have this type of news. It’s a growing community and I am actively looking to move there. Rabbi Moshe Brennan is the Rabbi you can contact for more info.
The owner is not Jewish as far as I know.
Smoking is not good for you…
Smoking is not good, but what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?
A woman was targeted and shot in the face. She is in critical condition.
Does her smoking make it ok to shoot her? Of if she’s not Jewish as you claim, then it’s ok?
From Philly
The area that this happened in, has consistently been rated one of the safest area’s in the city. As the article points out this was not a random act, these were individuals who knew what they were after, and it could have happened anywhere.
We hope Ziza has a complete recovery!
Fed Up
To #4, the owner may be Jewish based on the name, it sounds Russian or Polish. This attack proves again that useless gun-control laws do not work! It is a good thing that she fought off her attackers the week before. At least she wasn’t charged for that, as it happened in Philly. In N.Y.C., she would have been charged for defending herself and not fleeing!
Any name for Tehillim?
i can think of 2 different ideas where if either one or both of these 2 things would take place then crime would go down dramatically if either one or both of these 2 things would take place.
one sggestion is a law requiring every homeowner to have video cameras & if a crime takes place then the homeowner has to give the video to the victim.there are alot of places that don,t have video cameras & even the places that do have video cameras there is no law that requires the homeowner to give the video to the victim.if every homeowner had a video camera with a law requiring the owner to give the video to the victim then the video cameras from other homeowners would show which direction the criminal went & catch the criminal at his house.like if a crime takes place on 1st ave & the criminal goes towards 2nd ave then the video cameras from other homeowners would show that the criminal went towards 2nd ave & catch the criminal at his house.
alot of houses still don,t have video cameras & even the houses that do have video cameras there is no law requiring the homeowner to give the video to the victim.that is one suggestion.
the 2nd suggestion is a law that all metal items have to be scanned then have metal detectors all over the place & any metal item that wasn,t scanned & this metal item that wasn,t scanned passes a metal detector then the metal detector goes off if an unscanned metal item passes these metal detectors.
if either one or both of these 2 things would take place then crime would go down dramatically.these are the only things that i can think off that would make the area much safer.until either one or both of these 2 things take place there will always be alot of crime until either one or both of these 2 things take place.
I live there
It’s funny to see all you Philly bashers with your opinions. I live round the corner form that bakery and here are a few facts for you.
She’s not Jewish, but owns the Kosher bakery.
She pays her employees in cash on Fridays. An Ex employee knew that and took action.
The number of shootings in the area are almost zero, while gun crime on the streets of Brooklyn continues to go up.
If you want to come visit for a Shabbos, feel free to contact and of us, we’ll be happy to have you.
we need the police all times in the streets