Same Victim, Same Crime Just Two Months Later

CROWN HEIGHTS — He just can’t get a break! The owner of a late model Infinity M37 whose tires were stolen back in October just a few hundred feet away, was the victim of the same theft once again – only this time his window was smashed and the car was burglarized too.

In both incidents the car had security wheel locks installed but the thieves defeated them, leaving them discarded on the street. One must wonder how no one saw the crime occur, no matter what time of night since the incident occurred on Brooklyn Avenue between Crown and Montgomery Streets – a well traveled major thoroughfare all day and night.

In two such incidents obtained surveillance footage of the actual theft while in progress. One on Maple and Kingston and another on President near Albany. Both incidents took the thieves over 10 minutes to commit their crime.


  • Take the hint!

    I think its better for Crown Heights residents to get cheaper cars so they dont get their tires stolen.

  • Must be insane

    The car owner must be insane** (probably for swtaying in CH)

    **Definition for insanity..Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

  • Investigator

    Was the key to the wheel lock left in the vehicle? Was it stolen by the thieves and used to open the locks?

  • simple

    with the millions CHJCC gets every year it should not be a big deal to put up cameras – 4 of them – at every corner in CH

    We hire 2 people to sit and watch them 24 hours a day so we can catch these perps in action

    PS you put up the camera crime will go down 99%

  • cher

    to comment # 4, 5, 6 & 8.yes i understand your point that parking such an expensive car like that in the street is not a good idea but how do you know weather there is a garage available near the house where the owner lives?what if there is no garage available near the house where the owner lives?


  • danny

    to the Idiots in comments 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11…
    should he have traded down a car model to say a crappy old car so his tires dont get stolen?
    Its a reality of life that car may be broken into, and thats why you get insurance…
    same thief that defeated a car lock, and tire lock can also break into a garage which usually has substandard security.
    and to #15 what makes u assume he doesnt have those in his car?

  • y?

    dont get how ppl are blaming the guy for having this crime done to him! u shld be saying how grosse this act is! y do ppl get away with it?

  • I wonder if

    I wonder if the car was parked outsite his house? Perhaps he should set up good cctv. The results may surprise you.