Shomrim Apprehends Sicko Who Groped 2 Jewish Women
A pervert on a rampage, who groped two Jewish women and attempted to touch a few more, was apprehended and arrested thanks to one of the victims – who called Shomrim and persisted in pressing charges.
Shomrim received a call that a Jewish woman was groped at around 3:15pm last Thursday, and that she was following the sicko. A number of Shomrim volunteers arrived in the area within minutes, quickly spotted the suspect and kept an eye on him while calling 911.
While waiting for police, Shomrim observed the pervert attempt to grab at a number of women.
Shomrim spotted a passing NYPD patrol car and flagged it down. The officers immediately stopped the suspect, and – once the victim identified him as the assailant – he was arrested.
A second Jewish woman who was accosted by the same man refused to press charges.
yossi A
If we don’t press charges it will happen again and again….
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!
There is no word sicko
Sicko: sick·o ˈsikō/ noun / informal – a mentally ill or perverted person, especially one who is sadistic.
Thanking the NYPD and Shomrim!
Thank you Shomrim, Thank you NYPD and must of all thanking the brave and courageous woman, who would not allow herself (and anyone one else) be a victim of this pervert. Thank you for taking time out of your day and doing the RIGHT thing.
As for the other woman….I feel bad for you!!! You were a victim and your inaction could have made more victims. Think about it for a while.
Good work!
Thanks to Shomrim and NYPD and the fearless woman who stood up to accuse her attacker. Let Moshiach come and put an end to crime.
its people like you who refuse to press charges that encourages more of such acts!!! you’re not being noble when you let such things go by the wayside. the woman who did press charges deserves a lot of credit for being brave and defending not only herself but anyone else in the neighborhood. Thank you to her.
Where did the incident occur?
Thank you so much Shomrim and NYPD!!
The other women
I was not touched!! The guy just came close to me in my face. I was brought up not to lie so did not press charges!!
that’s still inappropriate though!