NYC Marks Full Week Without Reported Homicide
As of Sunday night, A full week has gone by without a single killing in New York City, a rare milestone.
From the NY Daily News:
As of Sunday night, police had not been notified of a homicide in the city for seven straight days, cops said.
The last homicide occurred at 11:16 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 1, when five people were shot by two gunmen near the intersection of W. 136th St. and Broadway in Harlem.
In February 2014, the city went an impressive 10 days without a life being taken, topping a seven-day break from killing in October 2013, which had been preceded by a nine-day stretch in January of that year.
Is this something to celebrate? Proves what a despictable place Brooklyn is without evening adding weather problems.
All of New York
this post says NEW YORK CITY not just brooklyn.
Jewish dude
All good and well but Jewish people in NY city are robbed, beaten and hurt every day. When will this stop?
Locked and Loaded Lubavitcher
Uhhhhh, when the frum Jews throughout the city collectively get the concealed carry laws changed so that every non-felon, responsible adult can legaly carry a firearm. Until then there isin’t a chance.
#3) You are 100 per cent right; just add that top flight training should be a requirement as well from institutions such as Frontsight and ICS Rob Pincus)
Moshiachs Tzeitin!