3 Men Brutally Attack, Rob Crown Heights Woman
Three men mugged a 21-year-old woman in Crown Heights earlier this month, tackling her and punching in the face repeatedly – breaking her nose – before stealing her cellphone and purse.
The incident took place on October 2 at 2:30am outside of a liquor store at 680 Franklin Ave. between Prospect Place and St. Marks Avenue.
The three suspects made off with the woman’s Samsung Galaxy cell phone, her driver’s license and ATM card, a metro card, $5 in cash and a handbag purse, according to police.
The victim was treated for her injuries at Methodist hospital.
No arrests have been yet been made.
Shocking footage of the assault was released today by the NYPD:
video cameras!
Wow tough guys. These are obamas and Eric holders innocent son’s
was she jewish?
Lone Noachide
Stop walking alone! Especially at night! This isn’t the 1950’s anymore! Wake up and smell the dystopia that the Goyim have created! And people wonder why I rage against Goyishkeit? And people wonder why I prayer for the means and wherewithal to move to a Jewish community? This isn’t the America I grew up in. Very sad…. How am I suppose to have emunah and believe that everything works for the good, when the world just gets worse and worse?
Flatbush native
I must disagree!
The Goyim did not create the dystopia.
Bleeding heart liberal democrats created it.
Expect things to get much worse under Di Blasio.
Tell me please why the Jewish vote amounted to over 70% for Obama, when his policies have contributed to the rise in crime nationwide in general, and in the Jewish communities in particular?
was she jewish?
I'm moving
Getting outta this place.
crime up = lower RE prices
more of these savage attacks and people will leave. its a sickening twist
Just saying
Not exactly out crown heights.
Stiffer penalties needed to deter violence
I hope they catch these perps. They have a very clear picture. someone has to recognize them. They need to stiffen the penalty for these crimes. zero tolerance and years in prison even for a first offense and minor injury to the victim. There is no other way.
Otherwise, Liberal NY will be going back to the stinkin Dinkin days when it was known as the rotten apple.
no justice no peace kid their slimmy butts
thank you for posting
I think it’s great that all the kids of our community who have access to the internet should be watching this
NU? Go find them
let the cops walk the beat instead of standing 4-5 on the corner and look for crime. These thugs are probably on that street every day, should be easy to spot with their beards – or tell all building supers to be on the look out for tenants who recently removed their beards.
tired of the PCness
Three black men attack………?
Obama sons
That’s what they would look like
just me
just plain sick – animals!
It doesnt matter what religion she is , it is terrible what these hoodlums did to her, this poor young female, and cant believe that the police did not catch these thugs yet.
how is it relevant if she’s Jewish? She’s a young woman, minding her own business who was brutally attacked by three of our neighbors.
Hilarious that you pathetic Americans are all sitting around expecting the Police to solve this when you could easily do the work yourselves, and furthermore, enact a much worse punishment that prison.
Weak, weak, weak…. you Americans got 9/11 and you still are sadly dependent on those who don’t care about you whatsoever, your government.
Tell me.. if you saw a plane coming.. would you get out the building or call 911? ;) Wake up Americans!
Kol Tuv
What police protection are you looking for?? all they are busy now is giving tickets for Bus lanes, Bike lanes, 25MPH driving etc.
unfortunately they have no time left for such small matters as crime and security, only tickets
this is ridiculous
yes they are sick animals sick people crazy people dumb people and a bunch of sick imbeciles whoever you are I guarantee you’ll be locked up in jail for the rest of your life
Always travel with a chitas and pushka, as the Rebbe advised many to do.
This is an outrage
It doesn’t matter what religion or nationality the victim is. This can happen to anyone, anywhere at anytime. No one deserves such treatment. I hope these guys are caught and punished appropriately.
A Moment of Silence
This is exactly the type of thing that the Rebbe was talking about when speaking of Moment of Silence.
If every kid in public school grew up with a certain sense of morals, that there is an Eye that Sees and and an Ear that Hears, then s/he would stay away from doing immoral things, such as these.
Of course the police do their job, and try to find and punish such people. But leave that part to the police…
We have OUR job, which is to get the Rebbe’s inyonim implemented. Those of us that have public influence, starting with our own communities’ websites (such as crownheights.info) should utilize it to spread the Rebbe’s relevant messages, which in this case is Moment of Silence.
That is OUR unique contribution to the world, which nobody else can do. And if we do our job, everyone will for sure benefit from it!
Shes our neighnor. Can we at least help her to replace her things? Gift certificat to Macys for a purse and wallet and enough for a phone. She was very brave and strong and.held on as long as she could ti her belongings that she had.
Thank you Rochel for your beautiful thought and message. Also, the Moment of Silence message. Lovely. She is a neighbor to all of us. The police should be pushed to do their job. And we ours. Light a candle in the wind instead of cursing the darkness and we will all be better for it.
Crime is actually going down during this administration but that’s means nothing to this poor innocent woman who should not be blamed for walking on a street in America.
Everyone is my neighbor, even the ones who need to be incarcerated like these three. I am responsible for them too!
CH= CHelm
If only Monsey had normal chabad education folks could move and stay semi-local. Only thing left that is afforable is FL or Shpitsburg