Jewish and Black Teen Taken Into Custody Following Incident
A large group of rowdy teenagers set out on a course of menacing and harassment on Eastern Parkway, culminating with one pulling a knife on a Jewish man and threatening him. Meanwhile, two girls from the group accused a Jewish teen of threatening them with a gun.
The bizarre and confusing story began at around 2:45pm when the group of approximately 20 to 25 teenagers were spotted on Eastern Parkway off Brooklyn Avenue acting wild and ‘starting up’ with passersby.
One witness told CrownHeights.info “at first they were just fighting among themselves, but I was really concerned that it would escalate.”
As the group was making its way towards Kingston Avenue they accosted a Jewish man and one of the teenagers pulled a knife on him and asked “you wanna start something?” while holding up the knife at him in a threatening manner. “I was afraid for my life, he pulled a knife out on me with the intention of stabbing me” the would-be victim said.
A passing NYPD van was flagged down and once engaging his lights and sirens the group scattered, many recklessly running into parkway traffic in an attempt to flee the cops. The victim was able to point out the attacker and police apprehended him.
The victim told police officers that he witnessed the attacker hand off the knife to another teen as they fled. Officers stopped one of the teens and searched him, but they did not find the knife.
Meanwhile part of the group got back together in front of the police van and began shouting and making allegations that a Jewish teen pulled out a gun on them and threatened them. Police took the both teens to the station in an effort to get to the bottom of the story.
At the station two girls from the group were separated and interrogated, they both came up with an identical accounts of the Jewish teen threatening to get a gun and ’get them’.
Both teens were later released into the custody of their parents.
A police source told CrownHeights.info that “serious allegations were made against both teenagers, and police brass decided it would be best to release both into the custody of their parents, who were made aware of the serious nature of what had transpired.”
what Jewish kid has a gun?
police presence should be escalated especially when these African American teenagers have no place to be but roaming the streets.
A Mother
It doesn’t sound right to me.
A black teen was arrested because he took out a knife and threatened another man.
A Jewish teen was taken into custody because he made a comment that he was going to get a gun. Silly comment.
But the police equate the two and take both into custody – and let both go.
The Jewish teen to go home with his parents – and the black teen to go home with his parents – and his knife – to prey on another person.
Does that sound equal??
This is Summer Police Policy in CH
If, during the summer, police receive a complaint from a Yid that an African American (or more than one African American) has perpetrated something against the Yid, for years now the policy (unpublicized) has been (unless the police themselves witness the act in progress):
1) Arrest no one
2) Arrest BOTH the alleged perp AND the Yid making the allegations! They conjure up false stories about the Yid, to justify arresting him!
(This supposedly “keeps the peace”.)
IF this happens to you, my fellow Yid, call the excellent lawyer, Dovid Zelman! He helped us when this happened to us.
(He helps all who are mistreated by the police, who seek his legal representation, not only Yidden. [R”L, as bad as this is for the Yidden, he could tell you horrific stories of things the police have done to African Americans, too.] He is very good; there are probably other lawyers who are also good who we don’t know, but we have had success with him.)
yossi & berel, CH
it’s time our jewish boys got guns.no turning the other cheek no more
Citizen Berel
Yes that’s a good idea, cause there’s no better place for young Jewish men than Rikers Island.
A term in Rikers for just possessing a gun, let alone brandishing or using one.
I like the idea of armed self-defense but we are still very far away from where the gain outweighs the cost.
And before it ever got really close, we’d probably have to pick up vacate the area, because Jews really do have better things to do than wage street wars.
It's summer!
The good weather is here & that’s when the Black kids start up. No school, no jobs, & they need something to do to get cash. Watch out for muggings, robberies & general harrassment. Don’t walk ANYWHERE alone at night (or during the day if you can avoid it in quiet areas) NEVER use a cell phone in the street. Keep to well populated routes. Ladies, wear a crossover pocket book & don’t carry too much cash or wear expensive jewelry. Men should be careful too, even Friday nights as these dumb kids don’t know we don’t carry cash or wear watches on Shabbos. Children should register their bikes & scooters with the police & again, not ride alone or far from home. Parents, keep an eye on your kids if they play outside, even (especially??) in Lefferts Park. Take a chair & sit outside & watch the kids (I had to do that 20 years ago, it’s much worse now.)
It’s no way to live, is it? Thank G-d for Shomrim.
Fed Up
Politically correct cowards preying on innocent Jews. Of course the individual blacks in this group accused the Jews of threating them. After all, they tried to take away attention from the individual, who threatened the Jewish guy with a knife. Funny how these teens accused a Jewish guy of threating them with a gun, when more Jews in Crown Heights have been robbed, assaulted, and pistol-whipped at gun point by individual black perpetrators. Not racist to mention, as articles and videos have shown evidence supporting these facts!
it does not sound right.
If they keep living on lies, then that will be what their whole life quality will be. Where are their leaders?
Radio Silent
I decided that I was going to go radio silent until after Yom Kippur, but this is too tempting for me. I do not know what they heck is wrong with Jews today. I suspect this has been going on since the sixties, and I was born in 1975, so I can’t be sure.
But I wonder; have we all been brainwashed by Hollywood? All the movies, television, etc. – have they convinced every single last one of us that Jewish=Yiddish? Really, it has gotten to the point where some Jews consider eating a bagel to be fulfillment of a mitzvah.
A bagel is just a piece of bread, and a kugel is just a sweet noodle casserole. And I assume that the Orthodox of Brooklyn know better than to equate food with Halacha, but it seems to me like perhaps they/we have been drawn down the Hollywood path of believing Yiddishkeit = Judaism.
This is not so.
And until a competent, honest legitimate body has ruled on the matter, who is to say how far back Halacha goes?
My point: never, ever, ever assume that an African American is not HALACHICALLY Jewish. Given the reality of most of the United States, it is highly probable that the African American teens in this story were not practicing Jews. But what if according to OUR LAWS, they are Jewish?
Just a thought.
And, having taken this bait, I will now no longer be commenting until after the new year. Which, by the way, comes in September and not December.
Citizen Berel
Its very good that you broke your silence and I award you the most prestigious Citizen Berel special comment award!
To #8
I’ll have what he is having.
Dear Troll radio silent
And also, since gangsters have a “no snitch” policy, gangsters or gangster wanna-bes should remember this:
Just because someone “looks white” and is dressed modestly, wearing tzitzis and a yarmulke, etc. — that person might in fact also (or really) be a gangster and/or African American too.
What if, according to the code for gangsters, the “Jewish” individuals in this story might also (or really) be African American and/or gangsters??
PS: “Radio Silent,” I suggest you lengthen your moratorium.
PPS: Every American originally from Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, etc. fits into the category African American, like it or not.
Garbage. The HALACHA makes this assumption. סוקלין על החזקות, and there is a strong chazakah that a random person whom yoiu have no reason to suspect of being Jewish is not. Kal vachomer a black person, where we have proof that at least the majority of his ancestors were not Jewish, so there’s even less chance of his really being Jewish. It happens that davka someone’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother was Jewish, but it’s rare, and the Torah tells us to ignore such a possibility unless we have solid evidence for it.
Furthermore, we don’t live in a vaccum, we have a mesorah for how to behave. The chance of some random black person in America being Jewish is surely no greater than the chance of a random Russian or Pole (or Arab or Moroccan) being Jewish, and yet for all the centuries that we lived in those countries our ancestors never gave even the slightest consideration to this. A goy was a goy, and there was no speculating about who his great-great-grandmother might have been. This was even so in Italy, where at one point there were a very large number of gerim, enough that 10% of the Roman empire was Jewish! So why should we suddenly start having such thoughts now, and davka about a population with no significant history of Jewish ancestry?
#3, well said, really.
on a practical note…..we need more surveillance cameras.
Then I have to say that the police will see that there was no weapon on the Jewish person, and it will make the perps look rediculous.
I agree with #4 also.
with the old breed
the way property vallues are going up they will be asking if that is an organic gun or free range ….
לאו עכברא גנב חורא גנב
Getting to the bottom of things it seems the real problem is the police, the young blacks smell they can get away with it so they do what they do.
why would a jewish teen ager have a gun
why would police be so stupid as taking the accounts of two teen age girls who just want to get out of trouble ?? i see no fairness in this
Can't We All Get Along
Anyone that threatens another person with a weapon or verbally should be reprimanded – regardless if they are African American or of Jewish decent
Also – comments on this site seem to be pretty derogatory toward African Americans. It’s unfortunate that the problems some individuals have perpetuated are skewing the views of an entire demographic.
It is time that we don’t let ourselves be victimized