Gun Violence Rocks Crown Heights Shabbos Morning
Early Shabbos morning, April 5th, a shooting took place at the intersection of Eastern Parkway and Utica Ave. in Crown Heights.
The incident occurred at about 3:30am. Police responded to the scene shortly after and found a man who claimed to be the intended target of the gunman. He directed the officers to a produce store on Utica Ave., where they found an African-American male holding a gun.
Police immediately ordered the man, identified as 26-year-old Obatakum Staton, to drop his weapon. When he refused, the officers opened fire, though he was not hit by their bullets.
The alleged gunman then surrendered to police, who arrested him and slapped him with a litany of charges, including several counts of criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of stolen property and resisting arrest.
One officer was then taken to Methodist hospital and treated for tinnitus.
Gun control
“Officers opened fire, though he was not hit by their bullets.”
i feel so safe in CH
“One officer was then taken to Methodist hospital and treated for tinnitus.”
oh and they missed
declasse' intelectual
Welcome to the most unsafe city in the world–even the Yidden have seen more abuse in 2013.
It is unsafe because the police could not hit the broad side of barn even if they were in front of them–remember downtown where the police hit everyone except the criminal. typical incompetence of new York law establishment.
If you are a Jew in new York–beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crown Heights
Gun Protection
The Justice of New York. SUCKS!!!! i wouldn’t be surprised if the guy who had the gun, & got arrested will not get jail time….& be let FREE….The NY Justice SUCKS!!!!!