In a shocking incident this morning, a 14-year-old boy was hit by a rogue driver and was left to fend for himself. Although he was quite possibly the victim of a hate crime, the police showed no interest in pursuing the perpetrator and bringing him to justice.

Young Bochur Injured in Hit-&-Run, Police Indifferent

In a shocking incident this morning, a 14-year-old boy was hit by a rogue driver and was left to fend for himself. Although he was quite possibly the victim of a hate crime, the police showed no interest in pursuing the perpetrator and bringing him to justice.

The incident occurred at around 7:15 this morning, on Kingston Ave. near Empire Blvd. The young bochur was on his way to school, when out of nowhere a car swerved to the side of the street where he was walking and rammed into him, knocking him to the ground.

The driver then rolled down his window and shouted “[expletive] you!” he then swerved back into the middle of the street and drove off, leaving the victim bleeding and injured on the side of the street.

According to the victim, the streets were empty and traffic was sparse; the car had absolutely no reason to swerve toward him unless the hit was intentional.

Shocked, bleeding and bruised, with injuries to his knee and hip, the boy limped down Empire Blvd. toward the police station on the croner of New York Ave. The NYPD receptionist immediately called an ambulance, who attended to his injuries.

When the boy’s mother arrived, she implored the police to apprehend the perpetrator of this hit-and-run hate crime. The police said that since he did not get the license plate number of the car there was nothing they could do.

When she mentioned that there were probably surveillance cameras on the apartment building next to which he was hit, the officer told her that she should go and get the footage herself!


  • not surprised

    these cops just get fatter by the day sitting in their office eating fast food instead of being on the road protecting the community

  • WOW

    next time he shud say that the driver that hit him was from shmorim, the cops would them be swarming with hubner to catch the perps.

  • Ron Nolan

    * * * K YOU POLICE OFFICER WHOEVER YOU ARE. BLATANT OUTRIGHT PIG of A POLICE. YOU CALL YOURSELF SMART AND RESPONSIBLE POLICE? I have had it. I will contact Mayor Bloomberg’s office and forward him this incident. Get ready for a nasty visit from the Mayor’s office, heads will roll, I guarantee that.

  • BOB

    THIS IS TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! PLEASE USE THIS EMAIL CONTACT SHEET ASAP to Complain to the honourable Mayor Bloomberg right away. Let’s get everyone from Crown Heights on board. Reading this shocking story — I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonite. The precinct on Empire St. must pay for their utter stinkin’ attitude and no good apathety to this matter.

    Here is the link:

  • Rivky

    Regardless of whether it was a hate crime or not,they NEED to look for that car for leaving the scene of an accident!!

    A big refuah shelaima to the boy, please let us know his name.

  • susan

    I agree with #1. It is very sad that good people suffer. The police are not afraid of jewish people. They know jews won’t kill them so they do nothing. How sad.

  • hate Crown Heights

    UM -why did noone who witnessed the incident a) call Hatzolah? b) Call the police? c) get a license plate number

    What is wrong with people!?!? Who leaves a 14 year old to walk by himself to a police station after being HIT by a CAR!?

    So many times a victim seems ok – but has injuries that seriously show up later….shame on you stupid Crown Heights people!!!



  • my opinion

    i dont see them problem. the police were right. the called 911, to help the boy and said he would help once the lisence plate number was given. plus given that the boy got up and walked to the police station shows he wasnt that injured. hes ok

  • Dovid

    The cops are worse then the criminals. They don’t want to file reports because it makes the crime stats in the area go up, that looks bad for the CO of the prescient. Call city hall and complain get badge numbers, write letters to the mayor and the police commissioner cc these letters to the NY daily news and NY Post and you’ll see results. This would never happen in Willi because the police there know that the kehila will not be quite.

  • to #10

    It said in the article that there was no traffic or cars…who are you to blame crown heights how stupid they are… and not a lot of ppl are in the street at 7:30 a.m. and the stores arent open then!!

  • angry resident to be of ch

    this is why all jews should arm them selves in order o protect them selves from ppl such as these!

    bc the police dont care anymore all they are worried about is there statistics its pathetic!
    we should go to the police and demand answers!!!!!!!

  • Do It

    If you want to do something then please attend the monthly 71 precinct police meetings (in the school on corner of New York and Empire).
    You can talk directly to the CO Simonetti and tell him all your issues.
    He is asking all the citizens of this community to be the Ears and Eyes of police and he promised to follow up on all the leads.
    He said crime is low in Crown Heights but many iPhone snatchings are still happening.

  • Well what do you expect?

    We are not exactly talking about people with a sense of responsibility and a value for human life. And unfortunately that applies to both the criminal and the ‘law enforcement’ personel involved in this incident.

  • Soneone who knows!

    GO directly to the MEDIA!!!
    CC a copy of the press release to the mayor, the commisionor and the 71st.

  • disgusted

    #14 who are you? there is not one person I know who didn’t have a contact with the police that didn’t end the same way. the police either don’t do anything or they turn it around on the victims. I have witness many many such incidents. I even lodge a complaint against a woman police officer for the way she treated me, during a incident on my block. when I told my friend about this woman she TOLD ME the PO’s name, that is how well known this PO women was for being anti semitic. you know the results of my complaint. “exonerated” on all my complaints. Not even a small reprimand. you can’t go to the police for anything. they are, unlike, what we were taught as children, our friends. they are the enemy.

  • To # 11

    Stop writing stupid comments and hurry along to your anger management class.
    If you bothered reading the article, you would have read that it was early in the morning and there was nobody around to help the bochur.
    Oh, and if you hate crown heights people, please stay away from us.

  • They are not afraid of us

    We were walking to shul on shobbos and a Cab Driver rolled down his window and was SCREAMING at us unmentionable things because we are Jewish [he was on the other side of the street in traffic, we were on the side walk]

  • eli ezagui

    the young man walked away from the accident, thank G-D. the young man was taken care of by paramedics. what else should have been done without a description of the vehicle and a plate number?

    you complainers of the neighborhood have no reason to be bitter, besides being bitter for your own ignorance.

    few people in ch are angry for jews living there.
    i believe that that the way you make your chullent is the way you will enjoy lunch, so to speak.

    yes, i’ve had wheels from my car stolen; but, i’ve only seen that the way you look at your neighbor is the way the neighbor will respond to you.

    and, yes… many in ch are troublesome to both the neighbor AND themself.

    stop complaining and screaming guns, guns. you’re obnoxious.

    ny is miserable. i mean, the city is great but the energy some of the nuttier people put off is terrible.

    let me close by saying 770 is old time-for the cult…
    the rebbe passed after being sickened by the behavior of the hood. the reason chabad rabbi are successful in other hoods is because hoodies from ch are NOT there to create controversy and insult those whom are “ not like them”…

    btw… the boy is lying to save his butt from his folks for running into the street. i’m willing to bet all the driver did was say why did you run into traffic. yes, he shoulda stopped; but, hey-the boy is part to blame. maybe he ran into the car without lookin. it happens. as a 11 yr old i ran into a car while running and not looking.

    the end



  • Mother

    “the boy is lying to save his butt from his folks for running into the street. i’m willing to bet all the driver did was say why did you run into traffic”

    I wanted everyone to know this was really an accident, the boy had fallen having been forced to squeeze into an impossible position by the arriving driver who cursed and left. The police have called paramedics and had done their best in the given situation ..NO HATE CRIME…simply a miss hap and the boy is fine now. May we share only good news!

  • to 28 you-re an idiot!

    #28 you stupid fool. it’s a crime to leave the scene of an accident. Besides, how in the world do you know these other facts? I cannot believe that you are a mother, perhaps you left out a certain word after ‘mother’ which would be a better description of your character.

  • PS to the real mother of the boy

    first of all call the internal affairs office.

    2nd please go around empire and see if you can find people who have security footage.

  • Sicko!

    This was totally a hate-crime! Who hits a kid then curses him? He was an anti-semite! and number 14, you are mentally ill and really need help!

  • someone

    ewwwww feelling bad who ever did that is a jew or black i want to know its mean to do that the mother should not let her kids out the house them seleves for safty