Video: Tefilin Stolen Off Bnos Menachem Bus
Surveillance video obtained by CrownHeights.info shows an African-American male entering the Bnos Menachem school bus and leaving with a pair of Tefilin.
The theft occurred this past Monday shortly after 6:00pm. The perpetrator was able to enter the bus due to unusually strong winds that caused the bus doors to flap open and closed.
The owner of the stolen Tefilin is not known at this time.
Why African American? What on earth does he have to do with Africa? Call a spade a spade.
this guy walks off the bus thinking he got a suitcase of cash
he came home and opened it and had a heart attack
PS who leaves teffilin on a bus overnight and on a girls bus?
Too Far
Tefillin on the BNOS Menachem bus? First Chabad Lite, then COTS, now Reform Judaism in our schools!
Oy, meh hoyoh lonu!!!
What’s with all the “oy”? Why are you an OYster?
There is a market in used tefillin???
Awesome because I have a Rashi & Tam, I’d love to sell
The truth can be frightening
if you want to sell them post it I am sure there are Parents out there that would love to buy Tefillin@ a discount
they need an attached lock box on the bus.
The Busdriver’s. Those buses are used to take guests from Razag to 770 for Chuppahs and back. There is also a wonderful after-school program that drives the girls home! So sad that a dedicated busdriver has had his Tefillin stolen!
Sure has the walk.
ch bubby
why are the doors left open ???,
also I’m not sure the person isn’t white, not clear in the picture.
Blast from the past
It’s not safe to leave anything in a school bu., There is no way to completely lock a school bus because the emergency exit (back door) has to be unlocked from the outside and in while there are passengers on the bus, so therefore most (if not all) busses don’t even have a lock on the back door leaving any ganif with access to the inside.
he should also be charged with urinating on private property which seems to be what hes doing at the beg of video.
Bnos Menachem/Razag
There is sooooo much thievery there… at chasuna hall, valet parking, this bus…
wait a second
if the owner of the stolen tefillen is not known how did they know this even happened? If no one came forward and said hey my teffillen were on the bus and now they are gone! how did anyone even think to check the cameras and see that this theft occured?
I dont get it.. anyone?
does someone just sit and watch these cameras day and night and just randomly spotted this happening??
to #3
dont just say stuff w/out knowing what u r talking about!!!!!!!!!!
look @ #6 for ur answer!!!!!!!!
dont just say unnecessary comments!
The doors
looks like they flew open from the wind!
to #5
for a good price i wiling to buy it
just tell me whos were they
Seeing that it's not cash,
hope he doesn’t desecrate the Tefillin out of
frustration, anger – not necessarily in that order!
A bit mentchlich
At least he was “polite” enough to close the door after he left
Negligence on owner's own acrayos
Someone who would leave tefillin outside in below freezing weather (Note date of 01/06 on camera time stamp) is doubly negligent and careless. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were posul anyway. Gonif probably did him a favor. Gam zu l’tova.
Doesn't look like tefillin to me.
The bag has a handle on it and is pretty thin. It looks more like some kind of small briefcase or tote.
Who leaves a pair of Tefillin on an unlocked bus? And why aren’t the buses parked in a safe lot, not in the street taking up 4 parking spaces??
The school buses don’t belong on the street, and they should be locked when not in use. What’s to stop an armed thug from hiding on the thing when the driver starts his next shift (G-d forbid)???
Regarding a lock on these buses, an alarm that is accessible for any child to activate when the vehicle is parked and locked, should be installed. The alarm can alert the driver or other wireless contact (such as cell phones) if activated, or it can activate an alarm and lights on the outside of the bus to alert passersby that someone is locked inside.
I am sure the guy did not leave the Teflin on the bus on purpose, he probrably forget to take them with him,