Two Teenage Jewish Girls Groped in Crown Heights
At about 5:00pm Thursday evening, a Jewish teenage girl was walking on Carroll St. between Schenectady and Utica Ave. when she was lewdly groped by an African-American male on a bike.
Shomrim were notified about the incident and several volunteers canvassed the area, but were unable to find the perpetrator.
About an hour later, a 13-year-old Jewish girl was similarly groped near the corner of President St. and Albany Ave.
The 71st Precinct’s Special Victims Unit interviewed both victims and is considering whether the incidents constitute a pattern.
A Shomrim volunteer told CrownHeights.info that these two incidents might be connected to another two gropings that occurred recently in the same area. On November 29th at about 10:00am, a Jewish girl walking on Crown St. near Albany Ave. was groped by an African-American male on a bike. A week later, on December 6, a Jewish girl walking on Carroll St. between Troy and Schenectady was groped by an African-American male on a scooter.
The 71st precinct doesn’t have a special victims unit. Get your facts straight. The cases are transferred out to the closest precinct with a special victims unit such as the 77th.
Ch resident
I’m sorry to tell you that your comment is really stupid. What’s the differrnce which preicient is dealing with it. They NYPD gave it to a special unit to deal with it. Please be a positive mind
don’t criticize, they are trying to help
What color were the perps? I know many African American White people. Are you referring to Negroes or Blacks? Why do people & publications fall into the trap of letting people refer to themselves in ways that are ambivalent? How dare Black people steal from White people born in Africa who are now Americans the moniker African American!
God bless these girls with healing from this cowardly behavior.
vos geit a meidel oif utica?
tzu zehn bnois haaretz
next will come an attempted co-cultural wedding;
then shimon and levi will take care of the rest
To #5
jewish girls live on those blocks!
it is very normal for her to do so, not necessarily safe, but it happens and should be prevented!
Are you from ch? That is a very Jewish block? And besides your racism and sexism stinks, why not focus on what actually happened?
Vatezei Dina bas Leah – when girls do not dress tznius, they attract Chamorim to attack them AND THEIR TZNIUS FRIENDS, once these bnei shchem are aroused, they attack all female.
Yitzchok Halevi
Blame the victim! I’m glad you’re not the DA
Well, not only did you manage to say something stupid, vile, & evil, but you don’t even know how to spell your mass-murderer sub-vermin name.
What an ignorant comment! Blame the girls and not the assailants! Typical orthodox male reaction!
A terrible thing happened. Justice for these young Jewish girls is what I hope for!
Still, let us not be brainwashed into believing that African American people are all Christian. This is not the case. Jews have always been multi colored.
The young man (I assume young, because of the bike?) might be Halachically Jewish. Sad but true.
ouch. i live on that block..