Jewish Girl Assaulted by Perv on Scooter
A young teenage Jewish girl was the victim of an assault in Crown Heights Thursday evening. The perpetrator, a Black teenager riding a scooter, groped the girl and sped off.
The incident occurred on Carroll Street near Schenectady Avenue at around 7:00pm. The victim, a young Jewish teen, was walking from Troy Avenue when she noticed a Black teen about 17-years-old loitering and acting suspiciously. She did not pay him much attention, and continued toward her destination.
A few minutes later, as she approached Schenectady Avenue, she was suddenly groped by the same teenager she saw earlier. The pervert immediately fled on his scooter without saying anything to the victim.
A family member told CrownHeights.info that the victim is young and innocent, and that she is in shock and feels extremely violated.
Find the perv and chop his arms off
Thank you for sharing
Many do not report it (for a variety of reasons) and the community remains unaware that this is an ONGOING problem.
Don't walk alone!
Certainly not when it’s dark & not even during the day if possible. Next time you see a punk hanging around, go into any store or ring a doorbell, even a non-Jew’s. And call Shomrim & the police.
Define what you call a punk. Be aware and understand that there are people out there that you should watch out for. You’re allowed to cross the street if you feel uncomfortable. If you are being followed, thats a different story. Then you should notify someone or create distance between your follower and find someone to tell.
The Rebbe Said: the solution to the increasing crime rate
among the nation’s youth is to begin each school day with a moment of silence.
Its the Jews fault! The back teen was simply protesting Jewish success!
Went didn't she call shomrim
That’s why they are here for. Every girl living in CH should have them in speed-dial on their cell phones!
He most probably did that because he resents her taking away his house…….ask madam cumbo
What’s the number to shomrim??
dear yank
this is not nazi germany or maybe it is where we rationalize why a 17 yr old gets groped. WAKE UP , it is well past the time for being lambs. It is time for us NOT to take this abuse , trust me it would exist in Willamsburg
It happened so fast that u cant call shomrim while your being attached.Obviously after the incident shomrim was called and spent a lot of time trying to find the guy. The victim did make a police report.
To comment number seven
the girl actually did call shomrim, who came withing moments. thank you shomrim!