Thief Busted Red-Handed Stealing in 770 – Arrested
After months of slipping money out of charity boxes in synagogues around the neighborhood – some captured on surveillance video – the thief was busted by a student this morning. Police were called and he was arrested.
The incident occurred at 6:00am Thursday morning. A Bochur spotted the man wandering around the two learning halls in ‘upstairs 770’, after watching him for a few minutes he spotted him taking money out of a charity box.
Police were called and officers placed him under arrest. After searching him they found the money along with illegal narcotics.
kicked out of 770
they should keep making arrests
Sherlock Holmes
Great Catch
I’ve given this man gelt for ages.. he seems like a poor, innocent Russian, trying to feed his family. Now I see he’s into drugs and stealing for his habit? ad mosi ad mosi
stop giving all these people and start giving to legit organizations. very unpleasant walking down kingston avenue and being harassed by these beggars
well said
some of these beggars are poshut crazy
Oy Vey!
Glad he got caught!
help me sleep better at night knowing that my money is getting used goodly instead of supporting some drugged up people and to help them by more and make CH and the rest of the world illegal!
find out about his gang!
was it possible we did not have enough ahavas yisroel to really attend to his need s / or we turned back on him until he landed up in such a situation ?
i had him rob me twice in the six month period he lived in my apt. He returned the money he stole from me. It’s good that they caught him. Maybe he learn his lesson once and for all. Another couple had him living in their apt as well and the lady said he stole from her .He is not Russian, he’s American born
why are we coming down so hard on this person the Rebbe would not approve this, so much anger and viciousness yes the person made a mistakebut but let’s not forgethe he has feelings to
Barry had feelings too, but he was still a thief and the Rebbe came down very hard on him.
Unfortunately, many of the beggars that hang out in or outside of 770 have severe drug problems, including multi-hundred dollar/day crack addictions. There is no mitzvah to give them money as they are using it to hurt themselves and/or others. There are women as well, believe it or not. If you want to help them, offer to buy them some food.
community member
this individual has no mother no father no siblings in the usa no friends no mentor no maspia no one who cares for him!!! hes ALONE IN THIS WORLD no one should ever have this test in this world! hes was once a normal person who had a nervous breakdown and snapped, he was at chanoch lanar for years! when forced into a corner with no help, YES STEALING IS FOR SURVIVAL! hes on meds anyway!!! all messed up! so what did he have 2 morpine pills in his pocket? dont judge leave that for g-d!!! he belongs instutionlized in a jewish home with proper care!
Beverly Hills Shlucha
He is a Jew who rachmanus has went through a hard life – baruch Hashem we have been fortunate to grow up with parents supporting us and we got educated and we should never know what a person feels like…
We should always be the givers… ! Not Chas Veshalom in the opposite situation…
jewish dude
Was he Jewish? If so we should not call the police. But contact a Beth Din, or even better a Rabbi who would order him to stop. Goy cannot give a fair trial to a Jewish person. This is what the rabbi says. Read Talmud.
Roy Silverman who was born in New York Oct 24, 1961, is known to go from shul to shul and steal whatever he can, usually from Tzedakah boxes.