Cops Hurt While Chasing Car Burglar
A routine call alerting Shomrim to a suspicions person turned into a full blown chase with a police lieutenant and sergeant getting injured. The suspect, who had broken into a car and stole a radio, managed to get away by hopping over fences and garages.
The incident began on Carroll Street and Albany Avenue at around 12:45pm, Shomrim received a call about a suspicious person who looked like he was going to break into a car. Two volunteers who responded found that the car had been broken into and its stereo was stolen.
A Police Lieutenant, Sergeant and Officer happened to be passing by in a police SUV, the Shomrim volunteers flagged them down and alerted them to the crime.
As they were inspecting the damage and theft, police received another 911 call about another burglary of a car and the person was following the thief. The officers made their way to the location where the suspect was last seen and spotted him.
He was described a Black male on a small red BMX stunt bike and wearing a backpack.
When police attempted to stop him he bolted down Montgomery to East New York, then Down East 94th Street where they managed to stop him by blocking the sidewalk with their SUV. He crashed into the police vehicle, fell down, only to get back up and run into the year of a building and begin hopping fences with police hot on his heels.
At one police officers managed to grab him, only he managed to wiggle free and leaving behind the backpack containing the stolen items.
During the chase the Lieutenant sustained cuts to his hands while the Sergeant and officer sustained bruising from the chase. The suspect managed to get away.
Watch out
What do you call an adult (full sized person?) riding a kid’s bike in Brooklyn?
answer: A Thief
behind scenes
another example how CH NYPD giving tickets delays and @ times, like this, causes a thief to get away..all it takes is coordination of a few real CH NYPD to have caught the thief!!!
to #3 we have to thank fishy vail for his quick thinking