Kingston Store Clerk Robbed

CROWN HEIGHTS {CHI] — A Kingston Avenue store clerk was robbed earlier this afternoon. The incident took place at Celebration on Kingston Avenue near Crown Street, where a 55 year old black man asked for change of a $100 bill and snatched the change from the clerks hand as he was counting it.

Shomrim was called a short while after the incident and immediately notified the police. Officers responded quickly and were courteous. They stressed the need to notify the authorities immediately after an incident, which maximizes the chances of making an arrests in these cases. A police report was filed.

The thief made off with approximately $80 in cash.

The upcoming holiday’s tradition of buying gifts for loved ones, have turned many desperate people to look for alternate means to raise money. This has turned Crown Heights streets into an ATM for some people. A Shomrim spokesmen advised, people should be very careful and mind their surrounding with even more diligence than usual for the coming next weeks.


  • SB

    “The upcoming holiday’s tradition of buying gifts for loved ones, have turned many desperate people to look for alternate means to raise money. ”

    thats B.S.

  • WHAT????

    You know, we really can’t always blame the police (& I am the first one to scream against them.) But if victims delay in making reports or don’t even bother, what are the cops supposed to do?

    It is so irresponsible of us to just vent & not actually report crimes, no matter how minor. Why did this doofus not run screaming after the gonif yelling “Chaptzem”??? Within 30 seconds he’d have been caught & the guy would have $80 back.

    Sometimes, the delay or inaction IS our fault.

  • Mushky

    It’s really horrible and funny at the same time.
    It’s holiday season so they have to buy gifts for loved ones – seriously, if only their families knew where the gifts were coming from.

  • For the Future

    They should put up Video Cameras, if all the store on Kingston would have them that should help cut crime drastically.

  • tipshim

    I’m just wondering being across from the community council, if there is Any connection. Just a thought. Or maybe It’s a wake up call from them, that if they want to silence the community, things will happen by itself. Again just a thought, from your local tipish.

  • Snapple fact #749

    Would I be a racist if I said that 99.9% of crime in crown heights are committed by black people????

  • crown heights resident

    They should put up Video Cameras that take clear good quality pictures. often you can’t regonize the theif because the cameras don’t have clear sharp pictures

  • ceo

    YES VIDEO CAMERAS, because even the neighbors will catch pictures of anyone who does this.
    Tell our politicians to give us a tax break and discount on buying cameras in high crime areas. This is terrible, really unacceptable. This is not a low income slum area, its got alot of responsible citizens, middle class and above. Someone will come up with an idea of how to deal with this.
    ME…..I say get Guiliani back!!!!!!!!!!! He really was able to do the job!

  • Cher

    Why r u calling the victim ofnthis story, the store owner, a doofus??? Hindsight is 20/20, ur comment is insensitive

  • No good deed goes unpunished

    As they say. You have to be safe first then politically correct.

  • Action speaks louder..

    Problem is they are ‘courteous’ after the fact when the criminals are no longer there.

  • Uncle Mendel

    And the crime total keep growing.
    Never mind a Video Camera, Yisroel. Are you depending on our liberal court system?

    Better a Gun.The best store security is still a Smith and Wesson, although I prefer a Remington.

    Get ’em at ARLANS !!!!

  • Ariyeh Leib Segall

    People in this community need to learn some common sense !!!@
    There are those that will always take advatage of your misplaced trust…!!!
    First sign of trouble — Never handle big bills $50, $100 from Joe Shmoes off the street !!!
    Good chance they may be fakes — Always check the bills first!!!
    When giving change — always make sure you have the money in hand before giving out the change…!!
    It is time for people here to use their sechel ..We have in our midst no goodnicks that are ready to pounce when they see an easy mark !!!
    Children, especially should be taught to be aware of their
    surroundings and who may be lurking in the shadows !!!

  • zaki tamir

    maybe paul the ganif heubner yimach shimam should give all the store owners bulitproof vests like the one he got

  • can we count on the police

    can we count on the police to do something about all the crime going on??????

  • unfortunate fools

    I love how a dastardly act by someone who is not part of the community, is turned into a CHJCC bashing….. buy the looks of it all you fools probably think the CHJCC is responsible for 9/11 … and while we are here the Iraq war as well!!!

  • Facts of: Jewish Crimes

    To Number 9 who wrote:
    9. Snapple fact #749 wrote:

    Would I be a racist if I said that 99.9% of crime in crown heights are committed by black people????

    No, it would not be racist but it wont be based on facts either.

    Much of the crime against the Jewish community is sadly coming from the Jewish Community.

    1. There are those (CHJCC/Sperlin family) who are stealing money that belongs to the good people of Crown Heights.

    2. There are those (again CHJCC/Sperlin Family) who are ordering the police to target other Jews.

    3. There are those (CHJCC/Sperlin Family) who are working hand and hand to cover up crime.

  • #9 to #29

    That is what I meant, violent crime, blacks are not that sophisticated to commit the crimes that some people from our community do. They would go to jail for a buck (fine, five bucks) now that is stupid!

  • No justice no peace!!!!

    If you want justice and peace stop stealing from Jews and give us back the $80 and the rest the money you stole from the Jewish people

    No justice no peace!

  • TO client # 9

    You are a heartless cold blooded racist, targeting the less fortunate, instead of offering them ways to help them out of their funk, u just blame them for committing crimes, which u could have stopped from happening by welcoming them into our community and realizing that noone is better than others, your white skin is filthy with hate,
    shame on you, you white supremacist, u should think before you speak, and have feelings for others, especially the unfortunate African american community,

  • 8 dimes for a dollar

    When someone I don’t know asks me for change, and I even think there is a potential for shtick or I’m in a place where I’m best off not taking out my wallet, I just tell them “I take 20% commission”

    Whoever it is either cracks up and assumes I don’t have change (usually the case anyway but I don’t take out my wallet to check) or just walks away.

    And in the bad old days of beepers and payphones, I worked for an insecure creep who constantly disturbed me with his incessant calls for petty reasons whenever I was away from the office (for legit reasons). I got so desperate once that I asked a newsstand owner who had a no change sign for three quarters for a dollar (which I was going to bill to my boss anyway) – no luck.

  • Mica Needs a New Broomstick

    The real crime being committed by Jews against Jews is being committed by a slumlord who packs po’blacks into his apartments to avoid having to do maintenance. And of course Mica Machshefa reports on every penny his barely Modern Orthodox son who is now packing in the po’ black tenants gives to tzedoko (because he pays for every article) and puts his ugly mug all over her site as if he is an example of how Chassidim should behave.

    Mica Machshefa is therefore an accessory to this crime just as she is to the continued failure of the 71st to meet the needs of the more law abiding segment (Jewish and Black) of the precinct.

  • To #34

    Either you are a African American yourself or your are just a stupid liberal outsider that does knows nothing about CH. I got mugged twice and it was not by a Jew, yes it was by a African American. And no not every Black in CH is a criminal, there happens to be a lot of really nice black people in CH sometimes even nicer then Yidden, but 99.9% of violent crime in Crown Heights are committed by African American that is a fact look up on CHI all the articles about crime, muggings, shootings, and see who commits all the crime and you will (not) be surprised when you find out. As a side issue Blacks have to stop using the Race card and all other crap they use, when Blacks are wrong their wrong finished stop blaming white (according to you, Supremacist) people for your problems it`s enough how many times can you cry wolf???

    Conclusion: There are a lot of really nice African American`s in CH. 99.9% of crime n CH it does not make a difference if a Jew or Black was attacked, the attackers were African American`s. Stop blaming Jews, whites for your problems, enough!!!

  • paul the ganif huebner

    maybe paul the ganif heubner can give out bulitproof vests to all store owners

  • To #34 and the other criminals

    When grown people people still don’t believe in taking responsibility for their own actions, they find it convenient to blame everyone else for their unlawful behavior-particularly those who would never rob or assault another human being. But things have a way of catching up with people. So, to all the supporters of local criminals: You can continue to ignore the victim and encourage criminals to blame everyone else (including the victim) for their lack of self control and lack of basic humane behavior. But in the end, your distorted sense of justice hurts both the victim and the perpetrator. And it’s the criminal, about whom you ostensibly care so much, that ends up doing the time and experiencing all the consequences of the actions that you enabled.

  • TO #9

    To the unfortunate commentor #9: You would be considered racist for saying that, but more importantly, you’d be considered IDIOTIC. Do you have any idea how many non-black crown heights residents are involved in illegal acitivies on a daily basis, all to different degrees?? (Whether it “scamming” the goverment in some way, or allowing underaged drinking, or the consumption of illegal substances..) This is NOT meant to speak ill of other people, but to point out that you are ignorantly quick to judge and slow to actually think about what you’re saying. It may be possible that, as #29 suggested, a majority of voilent crimes in the area are committed by black people, but I don’t actually know the statistics (although I’m sure your figures are quite exaggerated). Regardless, your comment is completely unconstructive.

  • #9 To # 42, # 34

    I don`t have to answer you twice but I see that you are a little overdosed with the disease known as liberalism so I will repeat. READ COMMENT # 32 AND # 38

    The figure are not exaggerated, it`s called not take responsibility (As comment #34 writes) to for your actions and saying yes WE have a problem.

  • Only in CH to #34

    Only in CH that they can Mug/rob you and blame you after that and say your at fault, very sad I will have to laugh it off LOL!

  • Low life

    only a low life can steal from you and blame you, this is a such a Kushi`s mentality


    I can remember some years back, when The Police Commissioner Benjamin Ward said about crime, ‘That if you are going to be mugged on a subway or anywhere else, it will be by a Black’, Chas VerSholem, and this Benjamin Ward told the truth about his own Black Community, so there you go, accept reality, for you see what goes on in our Community. We are in need of more protection, and surveillance videos at every store, so go ask Homeland Security, it is a must.

  • Truth to Power

    To #9 Snapplefact #749 and #32
    To the Black people who have lived in Crown Heights long before you and who, when you began moving into Crown Heights, refused to follow the advice of their non-Hasidic Jewish neighbors to move rather than welcome you, as they did, into their community of Crown Heights, you are indeed a racist, and a stupidly ignorant one at that.(which all racists are).
    In the 1960’s when the Blacks of Crown Heights opposed the designation of Crown Heights as a “Poverty Area”, you did not listen and you won. Now you are reaping the whirlwind as it has steadily deteriorated ever since.

  • Truth to Power

    To #9 Snapplefact #749 and #32
    To the Black people who have lived in Crown Heights long before you and who, when you began moving into Crown Heights, refused to follow the advice of their non-Hasidic Jewish neighbors to move rather than welcome you, as they did, into their community of Crown Heights, you are indeed a racist, and a stupidly ignorant one at that.(which all racists are).
    In the 1960’s when the Blacks of Crown Heights opposed the designation of Crown Heights as a “Poverty Area”, you did not listen and you won. Now you are reaping the whirlwind as it has steadily deteriorated ever since.



  • Shula

    I’d just like to make one point – and this is not excusing the actions of the robber, which were reprehensible by Jewish AND civil laws alike. What I thought was sad was the author’s comment about “the upcoming holiday.” Yes, there are desperate people who do commit crimes to get Christmas gifts -but I don’t think we should necessarily lump everyone and every crime into that category. Desperation of another variety may have set in for this man – maybe he had a starving family at home, etc. It doesn’t m ake it right, but I don’t think it’s fair to vilify people based on the religion that so many yidden think is tantamount to evil itself. For many of our non-Jewish neighbors, it’s a season of peace and goodwill.

  • reuven

    to 34…. i love you for saying it as it is. be well..most in ch are biggot, racist, self-hating jews that find no relationship with yidden in other communities.

  • jane

    I do not live in Crown Heights but am sick of being told that a 19 year old male wearing $300 worth of gold chains and $450 shoes mugs an old lady because he is poor and downtrodden. Demanding I sympathize with those who prey on the vulnerable and hardworking is as offensive as demanding I sypathize with the KKK.
    ps- where I live (again, not NY) there have been a dozen incidents of young people mugging people, in several incidents the victim was killed. In not ONE of these instances was the perp extreamly downtrodden- just extreamely arrogant.