CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A Bochur was robbed at gun point late Thursday night on his way home. The incident took place on Albany Avenue and Park Place at approximately 2:00am when he was approached by a talk black man who pulled a gun on him and demanded his shoulder bag and the contents of his pockets.

Bochur Robbed at Gun Point in Crown Heights

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A Bochur was robbed at gun point late Thursday night on his way home. The incident took place on Albany Avenue and Park Place at approximately 2:00am when he was approached by a talk black man who pulled a gun on him and demanded his shoulder bag and the contents of his pockets.

The victim, Davidi Crombie, an Israeli Bochur, described the perpetrator as a broad and tall Black male in his mid 20’s who approached him and pulled a gun and pointed it at him, and demanded his cell phone, wallet and shoulder bag which contained his laptop.

In a conversation with Crombie said “the gun looked real and a I was scared for my life, I didn’t even hesitate to give him my valuables.”

Immediately after the incident police were called and many officers responded, and attempted to find the perpetrator in searches which went on all night, but were unsuccessful.


  • wahts wrong

    Can you please take this off the site. all you are doing is scaring the people.

  • Board

    cant wait for “laber day” when the prisons will reopen (at least from 9-3 weekdays)!

  • Pick and choose!

    We found a gun once and 13 policemen came to c it!

  • be safe, arrive alive!

    Mr. Crombie did not use his smarts.

    Three strikes:

    1. 2:AM

    2. Albany and Park place? He should know better!

    3. I deduce he was alone.

    He’s very lucky.

  • Resident

    2 am is no place to be on albany and prak place and if u need to go out late make sure to only take 1-2 credit cards and some small bills. so you dont lose much

  • To whats wrong

    Its important for people to realize that Crown Heights is NOT safe and Bochrim and girls should NOT be walking around at night. Crown should continue to post such things, until people realize that its not safe,and they a should do something about it and B- should be careful and not think, i am a guy its OK for me to walk around!

  • motti

    Crown Heights is no longer what it used to be. Its became infested with roaches from the darkest places on earth.
    most of these roaches are armed either with a gun or a knife.
    pshita, its time for us to go Home Eretz Yisrael is calling us.

  • mussar man

    who ever wrote that they are a guy and they can walk around dont tell other people that they cant walk around at 2

  • ceo

    can’t we have some little reminders daily of what the Rebbe said? One of them was not to walk alone at night.
    Some Rebbe quotes, daily please.

  • TWO AM

    2 AM – Crown Heights Streets.
    2 AM – Toronto Downtown
    2 AM – The Bronx
    2 AM – Downtown Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, you name it…

    TWO AM IS NO PLACE FOR A BOCHUR OR BOCHURETTE TO WALK… EVEN TO COME HOME FROM A CHASINE FROM OHOLEI TORAH should be maximum 1 AM. Just start your dancing earlier and end earlier.

    Nighty Night… Sweet Dreams, Don’t let the Bed Bugs Bite.

  • One Bochur please

    A Bochur walking around that neighborhood at 2am is like putting goldfish in a shark pool.

    The perp that held him up probably couldn’t believe his luck. It was like ordering room service.

  • BS D

    poor guy
    i hope they find the criminal
    i an sorry that he had to loose his lop top and other valuables
    he is just one lucky man that it didn’t cost his life

  • shtik seichel

    wahts wrong,
    Good@ Be scared.. then dso something.. in most states in the USA you can easily get a concealed carry permit.. I have carried a loaded gun daily since I was 21.. pull a knife and I pull my gun.. pull a gun and if your slow i’ll shoot you first.. and drink a l’chaim lizecher nishmaso after ;)

  • amazed

    How about not walking round there at 3 PM? Let’s be honest here, white people & frum Jews especially are a mugger’s dream come true! This bochur is lucky he wasn’t hurt or killed. What a jerk!

  • DrumIntellect

    The criminal here was the guy who pulled the gun and mugged an innocent victim.
    I find the collective outrage directed at the victim disturbing.
    There is nothing wrong with walking around at 2 AM. It doesn’t make a difference whether you are male or female, 20 or 90, alone or with a group. The streets are public property, and unless you are committing a crime, it’s your right to walk the streets and not be mugged.

  • Right on, DrumIntellect!


    That is true, DrumIntellect!

    We are so quick to play ”Monday Morning Quarterback“ and ”Blame the Victim“!

    Yes, there are precautions that it makes sense to take, but the bottom line is that the perp is the one at fault here!!!!!

    NYC is a ”city that never sleeps“. How do we know that the bochur wasn’t employed somewhere on the ”second shift” and doesn’t get home until 2AM? I used to sometimes work second shift, and even third shift. There are many legitimate reasons to be out at such a late hour, as risky as that may be!

    But, the bottom line is that we should not lose sight of the fact that the perp is the one in the wrong here!

    Stop kicking a guy when he’s down!!!

  • Dovid

    I dont understand. All of you are saying one thing that no one sould be out at 2 am. But maybe he was doing something important or was helping someone. You guys shouldnt blame it n the Bocher he might have reasons why he was out late.


    If the neighbirhood is relatively safe,
    then why not be out in the wee hours of
    the morning, especially if you have a good

    However, Crown Heights is not safe! It’s heavily
    infested with low-lives who do these types of crimes.
    So, if you have to be out at such hours, then you must
    take precautions. True, it’s not fair to blame the victim.
    But, if you are swimming in water infested with sharks or any
    such predators (eg. piranhas), and you don’t protect yourself,
    what a fool!

  • Catch the parasite, use bait

    If there were undercover cops dressed as vulnerable bocherim walking by the same corner at the same hour, the culprit would be caught, and fast!

  • To DrumIntellect

    The point that a lot of people are trying to make, in my opinion, is not the fact that the bochur was the guilty one, they are pointing out an important factor for EVERYONE. Yes, the streets are public property, but that doesn’t stop the fact that there are meshugana people in this world who have no regrets in pulling out a gun and shooting someone. Unfortunately we’re in Galus right now, so this calls for extra measures/precautions. It’s very possible that the bochur didn’t know, and hence people are wrong in calling the bochur stupid; but it’s a fact of life that the later it gets, and the more goyishe populated area your in, the more trouble you’re heading for. Let everyone take a lesson from this story – The streets are dangerous and we have to guard ourselves.

  • cant you stop?

    i hate to read such scary stuff crown always has something bad to say.

  • to what-s wrong..

    so if you put your head in the sand you’ll be more safe?

    To all who blame the bochur….it wasn’t always like this. Guiliani had it much more under control…we need leadership that can focus on the basics of safety instead of ticketing alternate side parking violaters….

  • Nighthawk

    I work nights and there are no 24 hour grocery stores like in Borogh Park. The only place open at night are the corner stores on St. Johns and theres one at schenectady and Eastern Parkway. I regularly do my shopping there durring the wee hours, and I sometimes see these isolated homless looking drugies, but never would I expect a thug. I will still be doing my rounds at 4 am, only now I’ll have to watch my back and jump at the sound of every leaf russling in the breeze. Dont lock yourself up. We need to live.