CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Police arrested a Lubavitcher woman late last night after a brief vehicle pursuit. The circumstances for the chase and arrest were not clear, and community activists were working on having her released.
A source told that the woman was being chased by police after she was spotted driving and talking on her cell phone, the officers wanted to pull the woman over only she sped off and drove into her garage and closed the gate on the officers.
Lubavitcher Woman Arrested on Albany Avenue
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Police arrested a Lubavitcher woman late last night after a brief vehicle pursuit. The circumstances for the chase and arrest were not clear, and community activists were working on having her released.
A source told that the woman was being chased by police after she was spotted driving and talking on her cell phone, the officers wanted to pull the woman over only she sped off and drove into her garage and closed the gate on the officers.
Officers waited outside the gate and nabbed her as she walked out of her garage and arrested her. Sources said the officers claimed she injured them during the course of this saga, while she retorted that the officers were trying to be inappropriate with her.
It is unclear if the woman was charged with a crime, or if she is still being held.
I was in a car right behind her, she was not being chased. she was waiting by the light for the cars ahead of her to make room for her to drive into her garage. The cops BOTH got out of their car, ran into her garage after her! they did not wait outside. Do they have permission to go into private property for this kind of thing?
kush tiff
their a bunch of anti semites they should all have a meesa meshuna. kach
i dunno but lets start an argument!!!:):):):)
Poor and Angry Because of the COPS!!!
this is getting way out of control. So far the police have to to catch this serial slapper but they have increased their ticket giving 100 times over. I can’t walk, drive or move in my own community without a cop looking over my shoulder ITCHING to give a ticket from anything to everything.
This has got to stop, where are our community leaders? We are being abused by the police. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t be care to obey basic traffic laws, but they are overly zealous about giving out tickets. I have got a ticket twice already for being 3 minutes late to move my car from alternate side parking.
Once because I came out at 12:35 (when it had to be moved by 1230) and another time I came out at 1:37 to mvoe it back from double parking AFTER alternate side parking was over.
I also have seen on multiple occasions cops just bored, walking up and down the street with flashlights hoping to find expired tags and plates.
Again – yes, we should all follow the law, but this is outrageous. If this the kind of help they are bringing us, my wallet doesn’t want it!!
This story is yet another perfect example, instead of looking out for real criminals they are chasing down women into building garages so excited to give out another ticket.
If only they had this type of zrizus to catch actual criminals, the crime rate in our city would be near zero levels.
I am sick of living in a police state, I feel like I am living in a refugee camp. Every move is watched, every turn, every corner, only it isn’t for catching criminals, it’s for finding the next opportunity to give a ticket!
Ad Massai, this has to stop!!!!!
HMMMM . . . . .????
1) When you call the police about anything other than a gun, drug dealing, hate crime, or a car crash, they’re ”so busy catching the murderers, rapists, etc.” that MAYBE they’ll come in the next 12 hours or so,
2) The minute your parking meter runs out, there they are to ticket you???????
why is it so hard for all u close minded people to actuallybelieve that mayube she was guilty of talking on her phone and not stopping for officers?
You should all oome to Israel. Have you forgotten that there is no place for Jews other than the holyland. The majority of cops are anti semitic. At least America is not as bad as the rest of the world but America has gotten more anti semitic over the years meaning the rest of the world is just plain terrible. LEAVE CHUTZ LEARETZ!!!
Welcome to the new america under king OBAMA
and his next CHANINA
Why didn’t she just pull over for the cops. Its good that she was arrested. She should have thought of this before she try to hide like a perp. Shame on her
Now now everyone. Lets all not talk like babies.
Answer to # 1
Generaly a person has the right to privacy in his own home and a warent is needed to enter private property. Some exceptions to the rule are “Emergency”, “hot persuit” and “consent”.
Generaly what happens is police do what they want and later a court determins if the charges should be thrown out.
Botom line is listen to police and deal with the ticket in court. You can respectfuly request his supervisior etc… but if you run or resist arest … police have a bad habit of hurting people who run. You can always sue them later for civil rights violations.
Listen up people: Here in Canada – if this would have happened. The cops would have pulled over the van, or when she arrived home, they would have told her politely “Madame, you’ve been caught talking on the cell while driving, please show me your license and ownership”….. like it would have been a totally different scenario. Crown Heights Cops!!!!!! Lately, I mean this past year, you guys stink!!!!!!
I feel bad for this lady who prob has children and relatives who might look at these comments.
How do you think they would feel to see that a fellow jew is saying Baruch Hashem she was arrested!?!? About their own mother too?!
How can s/o bentch hashem that another jew is in distress and arrested for TALKING ON A CELL PHONE!
I understand that it can be dangerous to drive like that but to say YAY! I’m sooo Happy! Thank you Hashem!!?????
It is horrific!
I just hope that for the sake of my family nothing like this happens to me…..
I am disgusted!
It wasn’t like she did s/t to hurt s/o else!
And y’know what? The person who wrote that SICKENING comment probably also drove and spoke on the cell phone in his life!
Listen fellow jews! In time you will realize that there is no one else to stick up for us besides for our own brothers and sisters.
War with police!
In alot of states Cell phone in permited while driving.
In NY -EVERY SINGLE DRIVER ALWAYS breaks stronger laws (points) like crossing yellow line on (Empire lefferts and E NY. to go around cars).
The police want to fight with the community and are therefore giving out stuped irrelivant tickets!!
Contact eternal Affairs!!
You cant arrest someone for a cellphone ticket!
Police in NY are not alowed to chase a car Unless Murder (etc.) is involved.
It is against any law and against constitution for Police to enter Private Property without permission.
It is a crime for a Police to lie in court.
yungerman in crown heights
To Poor and angry
I read your comment with great interest.
I wonder too about the many things you write here.
One thing caught my attention more then the others is, you ask, “where are our community leaders” I thought of how I will comment on this thought. First I thought I will comment comically and make a remark of the “lack” of leaders, which ever kind and which ever camp you wish to pick.
But seriously speaking, as they say about bananas “yes we have no bananas” yes my dear friend we don’t have leaders, community activists, rabbonim etc. We have a community filled with 1500-2000 families. Woman walking down the street being touched by a bored homeless unhappy man. We have people being robbed, beat up, car crashes, suicides, kids going off the derech, girl’s boys hanging out all hours of the night, doing and enjoying every lust in their hearts. Tell me my friend when was the last time you heard something from the leaders of our holy community. When was the last time the rabbonim made a night of tehillim to beseech the almighty for rachmonis on our people?
When was the last time there was a kinus hisoirerus in 770, beis rivkah, lubavitcher yeshivah where ever. when was the last time a rov a community leader, a member of the vaad, a community activist walking down the street stopped you (not you stopping them, they stopped you) and seriously asked you without any prior reason too, asked you how are you how’s the family, the kids, how are you coping with schar limud, and to top it off when was the last time you got an open invitation from one of the above to come and talk when ever the need arises.
Listen my dear friend as you know well enough I can go on and on. My point is we are a community of orphans. We live alone we decide on our own and think on our own. Get used to it
Gamely Tammuz was 15 years ago. compare 15 years ago in all of the above and for one minute in fantasy land think what we will look like in another 15 years. Yes I know Moshiach is coming now and chas veshalom to think of another 15 years. but in nun daled did you think of samech tes or tof shin eiyin.
May hashem have loads of rachmonis and listen to our prayers of ad mosai. May we be zoiche to be with the Rebbe now mamash
A frustrated yungerman that needed to write this
May we all have an easy fast and better yet may I wish you a gut yom tov for tomorrow the second greatest yom tov in the jewish year after Tisha Be’av
moshiach now mamamsh mamash mamash
under the great co in 71 the situation is going from bed to worst. but Chanina will praise everyone who is petting him on the back.
and yes in 10 years chnina got jobs for 8 people but can only name 1 eli slavin
Contact eternal Affairs, either you mean the eternal One – God – or you meant Internal.
to answer to #1
police or detectives or ANYBODY has zero permission to enter private property without a search warrant. they can end up in federal prison…
the remark made by BH is not that of a yid a yid shold never ever say that it is good when a yid is arrestid. what one MAYBE can say that in the future one should pull over and not run away.
Att: Eternal Affairs [sic]:
You are wrong on every single point you wrote. (Besides, maybe the last (and irrelevant) point about lying in court.
Its not “serve and protect” but Fine and Collect. The cops are drekola…. chasing this woman. I dont care if she giving a power point presentation in her front seat.The cops have their priorities messed up. Rabid dogs they are
Living In Chelm
Like a lot of people I once got a ticket for talking on my cell. I didn’t see the cops behind me at first, but I soon realized they were there when they used the hailer & yelled at me to stop. Maybe they weren’t following her for more than a couple of blocks, she parked & went in her garage. To treat her like a criminal is disgusting.
I feel very sorry for her. She must be so embarrassed. And it must have been terrifying. I hope she can afford a great lawyer (not Poltorak I hope), the stress must be terrible.
As for community leaders, we don’t have any. We have EGOS. That’s all.
And hear this. A councilperson told an ex-Vaad Hakahal person very recently that all funding from the City to CH has been stopped because of internal fights & politics & going to court. Which means no $$ for jobs, housing, roads, schools etc. How do I know? The ex Vaad Hakahal person told my husband.
As usual, we get nothing because we have idiots fighting publicly & we are a joke in City Hall.
Scratch that…THEY ARE A JOKE. WE suffer. Why don’t we have decent public housing like WB, & less tuition because of subsidies? Answer: Because THEY have Achdus & get the job done. Stimulus $$? That’s funny.
THANK YOU Cohen, Brownstein, Poltorak, Sperlin & every one else. Great job!
att hmmm
att: hmmmm
in case of a real emergency call 911 and tell them there is an expired parking meter!
Please step forward and make sure that your version of the story is heard. Be her witness and say what you saw, you can clear things up, and prevent things like this from happening in the future.
to poor & angry...
thanks for writing:)
i agree 101% with you!!
I am not surprised,woman in this community are very tough.
Att: Mr. Lawyer
You write that eternal affairs is wrong,
internal affairs
to contact internal affairs you need to take the badge number or name of the police who acted like an idiot
than fill out the form…
to Lawyer
I guess youl have police comming in your house arresting you for talking on your phone while driving!!!
what is worng?
every kid knows that police are not allowed in your house.
Driving while on Phone is considerd a “infraction” you cant be arrested!
Alot of police are just intrested in fights and action
If police would be able to do what they want it will become Like in Russia 100 years ago
Some of these Police are the biggest crimminals its just cheaper to give them a shooting job then to keep them in prison
New mayor
it seems Mayer Dinkins is back!!
we have no leaders and need to learn how to protect ourselves from these officers
Itamar Rosenblatt
1) If you leave your car double parked past the posted time for alternate side you are breaking the law. If you break the law, you deserve a ticket. It doesn’t matter if you are jewish or a native american- this is America. If you break the law, you pay the penalty. Even Pirkay Avos says it clearly- w/o the law people would eat each other alive.
2) If the police are chasing you, and you pull into your private garage, the police have all the right in the world to use force to complete the arrest. Again- it does not matter if the woman is Jewish or the queen of england, if you are stupid enough to run from the cops, you deserve the force that is used to bring you under arrest, and the subsequent charge that accompanies resisting arrest, etc. The laws of this nation are set down to protect society. If she ran from the crops, she is a criminal. It’s a very simple principle.
I work in Riker’s Island and I know exactly how tough the job of a Corrections Officer and Police Officers are. Sure they make mistakes sometimes and discriminate against us at times. But w/o them risking their necks every single day, we would all be hiding in our houses w/ the lights out holding a shotgun. Get it? The police keep society safe, so you can get in your Escalade and drive around like you own the world.
Think before you write stupid things about the cops.
Att: Mr. Lawyer,
“Eternal affairs” is wrong because the police can arrest someone for a cellphone ticket or for any other traffic infraction. For example, an officer pulls someone over for running a stop sign. During the stop the officer observes that the driver is drunk or is underage or… you get my drift.
I could not find an official NYPD policy preventing officers from pursuing a vehicle unless murder was involved. While it is true that some localities have no-pursuit policies, New York City does not appear to be one of them.
Police officers are allowed to enter a homes without the owner’s permission. Getting a warrant from a judge is one obvious example.
It is a crime for anyone to lie while under oath. As far as I know, it is not a crime for anyone to lie in court when they are not under oath.
(BTW, yungerman, “yes we have no bananas” is part of a verse from Harry Chapin’s 30,000 Pounds of Bananas.)
Pick and choose
If the person were black none of you would care, perhaps you should comment this passionately about all police “injustices”
Fun, fun, fun.
Today I went on a blatant red and police just stared.
TO:money is not everything
that is is a disgusting comment!!! how could you say something not nice and so untrue! people have feelings and this is not a place to put personal untrue comments that make no sence! THINK before writing! someone should get the REAL facts of the story…
disgusted by ppl
to money is not everything….
dear lady (you cant be a man with SUCH a short temper)
sorry for you, youve probbly waited and kept this suuuuuuch a long time in urself, and now youre taking this as an opportunity to take out all u have against rich ppl….
AL TAAMOD AL DAM REECHA!!! stupid crown heightsers, calm down!!!!!!!!!!!
moshiach now!!
Sad to say but Itamar is correct!
Look at you guys screaming racism, Gimmel Tammuz, no leadership, corruption blah blah
It is so disheartening as a Lubavitcher to read the immaturity of the comments on this website. Of course it is unfortunate any time one of us gets into trouble, but people need to take responsibility for their actions. It is a big enough Chilul Hashem when people break the law as it is. This is not communist Russia there is no law that is “more unfair” to Jews.
She is my friend and she is a very nice lady with a warm chadishe heart whos kids are are BH frum and CHasidish
People make mistakes get a life
Are they looking for witnesses?
Itamar Rosenblatt’s comment is the only one worth reading or considering.
When you choose to not follow the laws of the land, do you also choose to not follow Torah also?
As if Eretz Yisroel is Better
To “Simcha”
I don’t know if you have been following the news that is going on in Eretz Yisroel, but being an American, I think that, as Jews, we are much safer being in America. How can you live in a place where the government, supposedly ‘Jewish,’ are making laws just to please all the other nations? How can you live in a place where the Yidden are being thrown out of their homes, just so that the arabs will make peace with us? Have you seen any peace? I haven’t. Just reading all the stories about the happenings in Eretz Yisroel can make you sick to your stomach. First listen to the true news, and then you can decide which place is better
Stop the police
In New York it is totaly Impassible to drive without breaking the laws.
What are you supposed to do if there is a double parked car on lefferts or empire and you need to cross the yellow line???
do you need to wait all day????
the police pick and choose who to give tickets
somehow we need to stop this
the cold, hard facts from a witness
i witnessed the incident.
the women was waiting for a car to move away from blocking her drivway. then a cop pulled up and asked her something while she opened her garage door. the car blocking her drivway moved away so she pulled into her drivway and started closing the gate. the cops then ran out of their car into her private property!
she then came out of the garage with the cops and the male cop grabbed her hand and was holding it! talk about inapropiate behavior! didn’t see her injuring THEM in any way!(or the police car chasing her car!) they then arrested her and alot more cops came as if they were arresing a criminal! (she was not even driving to be using her cell while driving! the cops came after she already stopped even if she was using a cell phone!!)
they were all there to arrest someone who did nothing but they are Not there to give tickets to those that block driveways!
rachel libanov
Yeah well if she had nothing to hide, she should have stopped as asked to. Being jewish and a woman doesn’t excuse her from stopping when police signals her to do so. Next time she drives, she should think twice before talking on her cellphone. The law is the law and it is dangerous to be talking on a mobile device and drive at the same time. Hopefully, she learned her lesson. And what example does she lead to her kids??? No disrespect to the lady, she could be the nicest woman in the world but doesn’t excuse her from acting retarded as she did. There are bigger problems in this world than this. Move on people.
she injured the cops
Why do we pay such high insurance rates??
1-because cops (and other criminals) “claim their injured”!
all this fake sewing and courts rase our insurance
2- all the stuped tickets cops give out,
when you get a ticket and later crash; the judge will blame you and sew you because you once “got a ticket”
Now we need to pay 3000 a year for insurance!!
to pick and choose
yes, we care more about family than about outsiders- and that is as it should be.
No, you can’t be arrested for a minor infraction like talking on your cell while driving, BUT you can be arrested for evading police.
Anywhere in the United States, where this is law, this would have happened. It is only because you have NO experience outside of CH that you see it this way. It is a very sheltered point of view.
If you break the law, you will be ticketed. Sometimes you aren’t caught but if you choose to break the law of the land where you live (which is in Jewish law – that you should follow the law of the land) and you are caught then you need to accept consequences. Life is full of actions and re-actions.
As for the officers chasing her, she was evading the officers. That is also illegal. She was clearly trying to avoid being stopped. That is not cool and frankly, causes the police to not trust this community and is a bad example of who Lubavichers are. We don’t know if they ran into her garage or, like the story suggests, they waited until she came out to arrest her but she should NOT have run away from them. She should have accepted that she broke the law and pulled over when they flashed their lights.
Break the law, pay the consequences. I am getting sick of hearing about CH people complaining about the cops when they don’t take action and when they do. Decide what you want – cops who take care of crime or who ignore it.
And by the way, meter maids can’t arrest drug dealers… those are different people. Police officers don’t check meters, people who are certified in that role do. Apples and oranges folks. Perhaps if we showed them a little more respect and appreciation instead of making nasty comments all the time they would be more inclined to help us out in a timely fashion.
I am also a strong believer of “don’t criticize until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” Basic faith in human beings (be they CH Lubavichers or not) makes for a better world.
shes a doll and a human being like every other one of us. the cops are a bunch of sickos who prob loved humiliating a classy ch women.
Itamar would be correct....
But she is not correct in this case!
Of coarse the 1st part she asid and the last paragraph make total sense but she wouldnt have written #2 IF SHE CARED TO READ COMMENT #1!!!
A lady who was right behind her, was a witness and saw exactly what happened UNLIKE CH.INFO WHO DID NOT SEE A THING THAT HAPPENED THERE!
So if that’s that happened (which im sure is true cuz after all she was right behind her) then the cops certainly had NO right to barge into the home!
I will copy/paste what (s)he said: I was in a car right behind her, she was not being chased. she was waiting by the light for the cars ahead of her to make room for her to drive into her garage. The cops BOTH got out of their car, ran into her garage after her! they did not wait outside. Do they have permission to go into private property for this kind of thing?
Now please read that Itamar and the person who said she was correct, and tell me if you think the lady deserved to be a arrested and for 2 cops to BARGE INTO HER HOME FOR NOTHING AT ALL!
Thanks you.
P.S. If you were right of not, please read the comment “SHOCKED!”
Even if you think she was wrong, there was no reason for you to write it there because im sure her entire family is reading this! HOW DARE YOU SAY SHE DESERVED TO BE ARRESTED!!!??? A FELLOW JEW!??? please read that comment
It will help you see sense (unless you care about the cops more then a fellow jew as it seems in your comment…)
You may be right in some of what you wrote.
But the bottom line is: Why all the sudden are the police giving out tickets for stuped things like “Cell Phone”?
Even if they choose to be idiots and do so (and ignore all the REAL agressive speeders in CH), why do they CHASE someone for JUST talking on a Cell phone.
Also why do they Lie that they were hurt?!
Speeding (over 30), Going Over Yellow Line, Beeping (without Danger), Agressive Driving, RedLights – Are all much worse Violations that are just being ignored
Even People Crossing in middle of the block not @ Crosswalk is Probably wrose than Cell Phone and thats always being ignored.
The police themselves don’t beleive in this ticket, they always drive with wide open windows talking on THEIR Cell phones!!
The majority of you should consider careers in theater for being so dramatic.
simcha - florida
I think the issue here is that they alleged that she refused to stop when asked to do so. The cell phone issue was only the first thing and it wasnt major. It appears that the refusal to stop, which i know to be a serious thing, is the main problem here, or at least that is what the police claim. The radio messages between them and central will reveal the truth, but hopefully it is over
Chillul hashem/lubavitch.