New Eruv Erected in Crown Heights
Over the past few weeks there has been much speculation among members of the Crown Heights community that the erection of an Eruv in the neighborhood is imminent. An investigation by CrownHeights.info has determined that the rumors are indeed true: A new Eruv has recently been erected that encompasses a large portion of northern Crown Heights.
The new Eruv stretches from Atlantic Ave. in the north to Sterling Place in the south, and from Albany Ave. in the east to Nostrand Ave. in the west.
On its western border on Nostrand Ave., the new Eruv connects with an already-existing Eruv that was constructed some time ago to the west.
CrownHeights.info was unable to determine who is behind the construction of this new Eruv, which is being dubbed the ‘Brower Park Eruv,’ nor were we able to find any rabbinic authority which certifies this Eruv as Kosher. As such, anyone who wishes to make use of it should consult with their own rabbi on the matter.

The rebbe said that if an eruv will be made it should be kept quiet
Well… These things don’t apply to amazing websites like chinfo
Basically the Rebbe was not happy about it !!!
The Rebbe said not to make an eiruv or to keep it quiet, but a lot of people seem to know better.
The Rebbe shturemed against limudei chol, screaming against that more than anything else – and the Alter Rebbe writes almost at the beginning of Tanya (Ch. 8) that such studies are metamei hamoach, make the brain impure and less functional, R”L. Some “people” who seem to know better now fight to introduce ordinances that could, G-d forbid, see menahelim and kashereh Rebbes (principals and teachers) arrested. The only difference between them and anyone else who sought to uproot Torah teachers is that these kindred folks happen to where yarmulkes.
So please… Everyone who’s smarter than the Rebbe or who knows better.
There are tons of people who need answers as to whether to pursue risky surgeries. Others need guidance in critical matters in their lives. And you, who are each smarter than the Rebbe, need to leave your names, phone numbers and emails and those of your mazkirim, because along with your keen insights that you believe surpass those of the Rebbe, comes the absolute obligation to guide others.
Please leave your contact info below and thank you in advance for your great service to humanity.
it s the other side of crown heights & is questionable at best An eiruv cannot be erected ina reshus Harabim & how can anyone claim that Atlantic Avenue , eastern parkway, Nostrand Avenue at the very least by themselves are indeed a Reshus Harabim
The halocho is that 600K is needed for a reshus horabim, and none of those streets have that. Even the whole enclosed area doesn’t have it.
And if you add up all the boundaries of the joint Brooklyn Heights/ Park Slope / Prospect Heights / Brower Park eruvin you may find it’s omed merubeh al haporutz, in which case it’s kosher even in a reshus horabim. (The Park Slope section is definitely omed merubeh. I don’t know about the rest.)
You have no idea what you are talking about. How is it that every jewish community in the world has an eruv? Are you saying there are more people on Atlantic Ave, Eastern Parkway and Nostrand Ave, then there is in every other city???
This Eruv is a GOOD thing! If someone doesn’t want to hold of it that is their privilege.
Charlie Hall
It is actually a machloket whether 600,000 is needed — Rashi thinks so but Rambam doesn’t appear to. The current practice is to be meikel.
would love it to cover the otherside of crown heights lefferts garden
WE don’t want one in the REAL Crown Heights community.
Why? Because the Rebbe didn’t want one.
Yes, there is no reason why mothers and their small children should be stuck in the house.
This eruv will make crown heights a much warmer community.
Just think about it, people accepting others that may not have the same opinion. That would really be beautiful.
Take it down
this is crazy. it’s poshut ah sakune for the birds and those who fly kites
Go fly a kite. But be careful because of the eiruv.
How is it different from any other eruv?
old timer
there goes the neighborhood….
Crown Heightser
There are all kinds of things – including Italian restaurants, whatever, that have absolutely ruined what was supposed to be a place that stood out as an example of yiddishkeit. The difference between Otvosk and CH of 20 years ago may be greater than the difference between CH then and CH now.
So yes, if one cares one drop about there being any example of a chasidishe community left, one should care.
All one has to do is see the way Poilisher Chassidim live, even though they don’t have the reichkeit of Chabad Chassidus which is essential today – and what they have to say about Lubavitch and one realizes that there’s a problem.
“Oh, but who cares what they think? They’re not worldly?” Are we really all now such prosteh nisht yiddishers?
Rafael V. Rabinovich
The problem is the existence of the cables misleading Jews into wrongly thinking that Crown Heights has a kosher eruv, which it does not.
So let’s correct the statement:
If you care for your fellow New’s Shabbos, take the cables down!
Post Chabad
Chabad is over
What’s it got to do with Chabad? It’s not in Crown Heights, and it probably wasn’t put up by Chabad chassidim.
BH – its about time…
will prevent lots of chilul shabbos…
Pretty Please
Can we please make this happen in Crown heights proper……
this is amazing for families with Children lucky them
TO #2
To #2 (1 it is questunabele if its evan a karmalist 3rd av in manhaten wold be a rishus harabem
To evryone (2 the alter rebbe said that evan if thare is a earov u cannot relay on it becuse u never know if some wind or somthing can break it or make it pasul
1) What do you mean it’s questionable whether it’s even a karmelis? What else would it be, reshus hayochid?! It’s either karmelis or reshus horabim, and the halocho is that without 600K it’s a karmelis.
2) The Alter Rebbe said no such thing. Liozna and Liadi both certainly had eruvin, and so did Lubavitch.
Ch resident
Crown Heightser
Yes, thank you! I totally agree.
just trying to be a chosid
chassidim always protested those who opposed their rebbe
Before you know it everyone will be frei
Charlie Hall
There is now an eruv in pretty much every frum neighborhood in North America and Israel and they have contributed to the growth of observance.
Shtettle dweller
This Eruv has been up for sometime and is in now way related to the upcoming crown heights eruv.
Exactly. This is not news.
what ?
does it include maple strret
This doesn’t include many areas. So many mishoachos live between Albany and Rochester north of eastern parkway. It’s healing like 60% of CH’ers. And a lot of them won’t use it considering the Rebbes caution. I’m lost at the hype here. Sad. But just another CH propaganda
Maple Street?! Didn’t you bother to read the article, or look at the map?
great news, please cover the entire crown heights asap and save tons of mechalel shabbos!!!
Why report it if you cannot find a rabbinic authority to back it. Are you – the website – taking responsibility for anyone who will now carry as a result of this report?
now its going to be much easier!
ch resident
we must find a heter for pork think of all the machalai treifos we can save
What are you talking about? Are you suggesting that an eruv is some sort of dubious “heter”? It’s one thing to question the validity of a specific eruv, based on knowledge of its details, but to question the validity of eruvin in general is apikorsus. מי שאינו מודה בתורת עירוב is like a goy.
The Rosh wrote to a rov who refused to make an eruv in his community that if he did not make one immediately the Rosh would put him in cherem.
Yes. And a heter for mixed events and intermarriage too.
Think of how many people will be saved from their lack of conviction in the Truth of Torah if you find a heter for everything!
Hellooo Yes, it’s kosher. By the way, what is the Shayla?
BH!! now me and my chavrusa can go for a Friday night shpatsir (stroll) and not have to leave our keys in 749.
And we can walk with a hot tea.
Thank you so much
749 is not included
Space leprechaun
That is by far the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard !!! Who goes on shpatzirs anymore ???? Plus, why would u even walk into such a terrorist headquarters like 749 !!!!
I guess so many years after the 3rd of Tamuz why should people take into consideration what the Rebbe says or the Rebbe’s concerns or the Rebbe’s feelings after all the Rebbe is physically not here ….. Very very yes very sad how SOME in the community think ..
Calm down
Chill out, okay? There’s over thousands of people dedicated to making the Rebbe proud each second of the day. Hundreds of people who won’t use this excuse of an eiruv, and maybe dozens who will.
At the end of the day you need to realize that people DO care what the rebbe says and the rebbe’s concerns and if anyone doesn’t have the mindset of the rebbe, its you.
It’s not Crown Heights. It’s not אתריה דמר, so why shouldn’t its inhabitants make an eruv just like most Jewish communities do?
Mr 20
Most. Intelligent. Comment Ever.!!
change title
I would change the title of this article, because people will just read and say oh wow crown heights has eruv, and not read further or look at the map… It should read Crown Heights North, Prospect Heights, Prospect Park, Park Slope , Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill eruv.
This is not a joke erecting an Eruv involves a complex set of halochos and must have a RAV HAMACHSHIR and a METHOD For user’s to confirm it’s status every erev shabbos. The failure of these factors amount to CHILUL SHABBBOS and even the presence of this article is CHOTEH U MACHTEH ESS HARABIM.
So what makes you think that it wasn’t put up by an expert? I’m 99% sure I know who put it up, and he is a big talmid chochom, who knows hilchos eruvin much better than you do.
I dnt understand does that include Empire and Kingston and kingston ave brooklyn ave and eastern pkwy or no?
The boundaries are explicitly listed in the article, and there’s a map. How can you possibly not understand it?
Why do you think it does if the article says it doesn’t?
Ye Shabbos is such a pain, I always can’t wait till it’s over so I could carry, And oy is does it get stressful each day closer to Shabbos… Nebach I can’t take the baby with me to the lashon hara group session Shabbos afternoon, so it gets so boring…
Maybe for Shabbos we could also keep open Crown Heights Chocolatee 24/7 using the Eiruv and a ticket system monopoly money too,
Why don’t we just sell our personals by shtar michirah to a goy AL Minas lihachzir moitze Shabbos, so technically there’s no issue carrying for a nisht-yid, just as a goy is allowed to do milochos for a yid,
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
to all
Here are the words of the Rebbe to Melbourne Australia:
מפורסמת דעתי שבדורנו זה איש או ארגון שמתחשבים אתו העושה עירוב ויודע שסוף סוף יתפרסם הדבר – הרי זה תקלה איומה, כי אי אפשר שלא יארע שבת קודש אחד והעירוב פסול – וע”פ טבע שיתרגלו פעמים אחדים בהוצאה בשבת קודש לא תועיל הכרזה והודעה שהעירוב נפסל ואסור וכו’ שיפסיקו להוציא
ואין לעשות עירוב אלא בסודיות. עכ”ל
1. This was written before almost every Jewish community had an eruv
2. This was written before everyone had email and twitter and other means of instant communication, and there wasn’t a practical way for everyone to check the eruv status every week. The normal standard in every modern eruv is that one may not carry until one receives notice that it is kosher for that week. Experience shows that it works.
Big Z Schapiro
I understand that there are a lot of opinions that people think that we that we should not a Eruv and I think it’s very important what do I mean it’s important I’m talking about people who have strollers why should they be inside the house specially when it’s a beautiful day outside I feel very strongly that I’m very happy that we have a Eruv little children who have strollers to have their rights to be outside and go to the park especially when it’s a very long Shabbos thank you very much and keep up the good work
Big Z Schapiro
I also want to mention that the other Jewish communities in Brooklyn Monesy Monroe new Square they have a Eruv why should we be different
They don’t have our Rebbe.
Rafael V. Rabinovich
Because the Rebbe and the CH Beis Din say “no”. Because R. Moshe Feinstein, R. Dworkin, and all past and present rabbinical authorities we respect and follow have poskined we can’t have one here. Because this is the Rebbe’s dalet amos.
It was put in place by the people of the shul on St. John’s and nostrand who have nothing to do with chabad. They themselves say that the Eruv isn’t good for chabad.
I agree as a Chabad chosid we should follow the Alter Rebbe’s opinion though to say they are not Chabad is wrong of you
If they’re not Lubavitch and doing this – fine, great, may they be blessed. The problem is Lubavitchers cheering it and cheering the throwing away of our derech by many, a derech that has literally saved Judaism.
Eruv Builder
This Eruv is not new. It was built last summer under the auspices of Congregation Kol Israel of Prospect Heights, an Orthodox shul established in 1924 and currently led by Rabbi Elkanah Schwartz and Asst Rabbi Sam Reinstein. CKI has enjoyed warm relations with the Lubavitch community over the years.
If the authors of this article had googled “brower park eruv” they would have found this.
Our eruv is checked weekly by G-d fearing Jews, and was built by, and given hoshgochah by, the same rav who maintains the Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights Eruvin, along with many other Eruvin around the country.
If you don’t hold by the eruv, by all means, please don’t use it; but please respect those of us who do.
If you use the eruv, please consider supporting its upkeep by making a donation at http://www.ckibrooklyn.org/eruv
Thank you
Thank you, that’s who I thought it was. Rabbi Unsdorfer is an expert in hilchos eruvin, and if he says an eruv is kosher, it’s kosher.
Of course we are machmir like the Rambam, and it may not be kosher according to him. Anyone interested in using it should contact Rabbi Unsdorfer and ask him whether it’s good leshitas hoRambam too. But even we hold that the halocho is not like the Rambam, it’s just a chumra that we follow, and we have no right to impose our chumros on those who choose not to follow them.
Yuppy Names and Playing Games
Funny you should mention it, “Brower Park” is a tiny playground and basketball court which is less then a full city block.
Not sure how you made the leap to calling an entire neighborhood by the name of a small park.
This area is North Crown Heights (not “Pro-Crow” or any other yuppy friednly cutesy name).
Also, you cleverly skirt mentioning the Rav that certifies this Eruv. Why? And there are places where the Eruv touches poles in places where it should as well as trees, you should probably look into that.
Many neighborhoods are named for some feature they have that makes them stand out. If it has a park it’s natural to name it for that. At least there is an actual park; I know where Sunset Park and Marine Park are, but where exactly are Borough Park and Ditmas Park? All these names are made up by real estate agents, and when an area is coming up they give it a nicer-sounding name.
If you want to “stay real”, then “Crown Heights North” is also a newfangled name for marketing purposes; just say Bedford-Stuyvesant and be done with it.
Charlie Hall
Some Sefardim hold like Rambam, essentially requiring real walls for an eruv. Center City Philadelphia has such an eruv, sponsored by the old Sefardic congregation that dates to colonial times. (It took them 267 years to build their eruv.)
Eruv Builder
Additionally, if you would like to know the status of eruv on a weekly basis, please join the CKI mailing list at http://ckibrooklyn.org/newsletter
This is NOT the rumored eruv!!
This eiruv has been up for years, there’s another one in works. Please change title! So misleading!
a person
1. I don’t think this is okay. It is going DIRECTLY against what the Rebbe said.
2. If you would do an eruv, do it properly and in a convenient place.
3. I think that more people will be mechalel shabbos because they will go out of the eruv holding something.
4. The fact that CH has been managing without one for decades shows that there is no ACTUAL need for it. You take your kids to shul when they can walk and understand what Tefillah means.
5. I’m just, simply put, disappointed:(
1. The Rebbe is not the מרא דאתרא of Brower Park. I agree that in Crown Heights there should not be one.
2. It has been done properly, and in a place that is convenient for the community that made it.
3. Why would you think that? In which other eruv has this been a problem? And why was it not a problem for the past 2000 years in which every Jewish community had an eruv?
4. One can manage without lots of modern conveniences. Our grandparents didn’t have a lot of things that we have. But why should we live without them when life is so much better with them?
5. Regardless of all other considerations it’s bad middos to be sad that other yidden are enjoying something.
Another Person
I agree.
We don’t need it.
The Rebbe didn’t want it.
I won’t use it, but if someone CV”S does, will they be looked at as not frum? OY. Take it down.
Having an eiruv is surely very convenient and pleasant, but the only comments above that are relevant are the ones that want to know rabbinic and halachic pesakim about an eiruv.
To the person who asked why CH should be different than Boro Park and Flatubsh: The eiruv, that is supposed to bring achdus on Shabbos, is the source of machlokes after machlokes. Many people are nichshal because they rely on someone who was told by someone else that there’s an eiruv in those neighborhoods.
Bottom Line: which rabbinic authorities endorse this “maybe” eiruv?
It’s not a “maybe” eruv. It’s a completely kosher eruv according to the accepted halocho. We are machmir according to the Rambam, and it may not be kosher according to him, but that is only a chumra. We accept that the halocho is not like him.
You’ve already been told that the rabbinic authority is the same as that of the Park Slope and Prospect Heights eruvin. That would be Rabbi Unsdorfer, who is also the rov of the Borough Park eruv. He knows what he’s doing and if he says the eruv is kosher you can be sure that it’s kosher.
Who cares?
This Eruv doesn’t go against Chabad because a) it’s not in the daled amos of the Rebbe & b) the people who want it are probably so far from Chabad anyway. I don’t mean they aren’t religious but how many Chabad minhagim do they keep? Beards? Kapotes (not the mini ones)? Stockings, sleeves, sheitels? non processed Pesach foods?
Don’t get all bent out of shape over a wire wrapped around a pole. I agree with #42’s point #4. Let them in the yuppie neighborhoods do what they want.
from which planet are u?
“I don’t mean they aren’t religious but how many Chabad minhagim do they keep? Beards? Kapotes (not the mini ones)? Stockings, sleeves, sheitels? non processed Pesach foods?”
what?? I think you just described run of the mill Chabad 2016
No Worries
Calm down, don’t worry. B’h the locals in that neighborhood will help you be machmir, and you’ll end up only doing an akirah and not hanachah as they will gladly take the items literally off your hands. Especially if you walk late at night.
Misleading title!!!
Thank you #39 for the easy to find facts.
Its appalling that Crownheights.info doesnt find out the very simple facts before posting a “scandalous” article.
The eruv is not intended for Crown Heights.
Don’t you reliz title is misleading?!Atlantic till sterling Place is berly0.1 percent of the Jewish ch.e
Just saying
Is our Rebbe the criteria of his neighborhood?
the oneg of shabbos has taken on a totally new meaning in melbourne.
everybody is vigilant in keeping up to date with the kashrus of the erev. Bh thanks the a vigilant team the erev is checked erev shabbos and should there be a problem chas v shalom news travels quickly!!!
Problems not all visitors familiarize themselves with the exact boundries of the erev and laws of using the eruv but be reviewed regularly just like taharas hamishpocho 2 very crucial mitzvos we have.
As for the Rebbe opposing it in principal he gives his reasons which were very relevant to 5740. We have a much more efficient mode of communication in 5776.
The elderly depending on wheel chairs, grandparents and children truly appreciate the efforts taken to put a kosher eruv in place.
I always thought and still do that the answer to this Eruv contraversy would be to errect a small eruv with easily defined borders maybe enough to close off a city block for example montgomery between albany and troy.
ILL take
it/s out of the shechuna
Both to mill house and to melbourne,
You attempt to explain why the Rebbe’s opposition to formalizing a public eruv des not apply in 5776, yet no where does the Rebbe mention that the reason is modes of communication and people not finding out in time in case Eruv down.
The Rebbe writes that once people become accustomed to carrying even when notified that eruv is no good it will be next to impossible for the people to stop carrying.
(and I you learned shabbos, hotza’a melacha garu’a…. u understand…)
That reason not only applies today in the same manner as it did back in 5740, but it’s 100’s of times more applicable in 5776 when we are likely generation that lives and breathes convenience, that sign away our privacy and liberties (Google and app permissions for example) for convenience, how much more so for something as a tissue in Your pocket, or if you arranged to eat out shabbos lunch or attend a simcha shabbos etc etc etc.
We are NOT in a generation where the default is, if it’s not good I will inconvenience myself, family and others for something that doesn’t register that is wrong (hotza’a).
If you’re worried about people getting used to eruvin it’s too late. Everyone is already used to eruvin because almost every community in the world has one. The fact is that the problem the Rebbe anticipated has not materialised; in every eruv when it’s down those who wouldn’t carry without it don’t carry, and those who carry would carry without one anyway. Everyone is told to check the eruv’s status before Shabbos and not to assume it’s up. But al pi din one can rely on the chazokoh that it’s up until one hears otherwise.
Charlie Hall
There are major Jewish communities in Europe that lack eiruvim. Paris is the most notable one; they anti-religious government won’t permit one.
I have read that in the 1930s a less anti-religious government had granted permission for an eiruv in Paris and that it was under construction in 1940 when the Nazis arrived. :(
Crown Heightser
If someone wants to use the eruv then they will be able to. This is a beautiful thing!
If another person doesn’t want to use it, then they shouldn’t and they should stay out of other peoples business.
Did anybody think about the other frum Jews who are moving into the neighborhood who aren’t chabad? I know of 2 within the past 2 months who have moved in who need to make a choice between being mechalel Shabbos or essentially being prisoners in their homes on Shabbos because they can’t take their kids out. If you don’t agree, then don’t use it, but allow others not like you to have a life.
In Crown Heights there should not be a public eruv, just as in the Lower East Side there should not be one, because it is asreih demar. But Brower Park is not Crown Heights.
On the good side, at least those who are OTD aren’t Oiver on carrying in that small area.
On the other side, without knowing under whose authority it is, if it’s checked regularly, when it’s broken…. I’m sure you’ve already convinced many people (for whom it seems it isn’t important that the Rebbe was categorically opposed to using an eiruv) that they will start using it now.
I hope this isn’t the cause of a great deal of chilul Shabbos!
Why would you assume it’s not checked regularly? Where do you get the chutzpah to assume that a community that makes an eruv didn’t get an expert?
We Need Trump To Build a Wall!
They are attacking us from all sides. The situation is horrible. I will build a big wall, it will be beautiful!
Ask a misnagnisha rav
in some chasidersher communities whoever relies on the eruv in BP and carries on Shabbos is considered Possel L’Eeidus by a chasuna
And by doing this those communities are violating issurim de’oraisa. They don’t have to carry but they have no right to regard one who does as a mechalel shabbos. It’s as if they are not modeh betoras eruv, chas vesholom, in which case they are pesulim le’eidus.
look at the map
thats basically everywhere, OUT OF CROWN HEIGHTS. not that many jews live there, and a waste if you ask me
Yitzchak Mordechai
10 years ago when the Eiruv of Los Angles came out, Reb Shimon Raichik, Rav of Cong. Levi Yitzchak of Los Angeles, spoke out very against it, & told his Congregation not 2 use it, He based it very much on the letter from the Melbourne Lubavitch community, that wanted 2 build an Eiruv, & the Rebbe was very against it, so therefore Lubavitch holds of “Not having an Eiruv”. Rav Yossi Shusterman, a Dayan of the Los Angeles Lubavitch community & Rav of Lubavitch of North Beverly Hills also came out very against it, as well as Rav Ezra Schochet, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivah Ohr Elchonon Chabad.
Had Eiruv Ignoral been a “Chumrah”, our extremist rabbunim would have long declared a chayrem on anyone caught trying to put up boundries with a Gemara Eiruvin.
But since Ho’tzaah is an issur d’oyraysa, every heter is applied!
Sorry, its not a chumra, its doyrasa
אֶוִילִים מִדֶרך פשעם
Crown heights also has a train that runs on shabbos, but we don’t use it. Who cares if there is an eiruv. If you don’t hold by it then don’t use it.But why ruin it for those who want to use it
Lifnie Eiver
Whoever puts up the Eiruv is guilty of Lifni Eiver. which is Midoriasa
Have never heard of the “lifni” aiver, but then again, I’m not a biologist.
If you mean lifnei iver, it’s not and over the top comments don’t help. It’s just another abandonment of our derech cheered on by many. That’s bad enough.
What exactly are they being machshil anyone in? It’s a kosher eruv. Anyone who carries is keeping shabbos. So where’s the lifnei iver?
who cares?
As hard as it is for a mom to stay home on shabbos with her children, a chassidishe mom understands that we don’t have an eiruv because the Rebbe was against it for Crown Heights (specifically).
There are many “inconveniences” that we live with, like not washing dishes with hot water on shabbos, or leaving a light on in a bedroom that we forgot to turn off before shabbos because we keep mitzvos and minhagim.
the minhag of the Rebbes shechuna is not to have an eiruv. Instead of telling those who’d like to upkeep the Rebbes wishes not to use the eiruv, perhaps those who want an eiruv, move to a community that has one.
Such as Brower Park, Prospect Heights, Park Slope, Brooklyn Heights, Borough Park, Flatbush.
yes, this is the Rebbes shchuna.
if you happen to live here, please be respectful of what he asked and what his chassidim strive to follow
dont twist, turn and argue his words.
no eiruv.
if it doesnt work for you, please dont disgrace it, and pull others down along with you….
we each have personal struggles but to publicly go against what he wanted in his own neighborhood
Brower Park is not the Rebbe’s shchuna, and the Jews who live there have no obligation to obey his wishes.
In case anyone is interested, this eruv has been checked and is UP for Shabbos Parshas Shmini.
Never assume that any eruv is up just because it was up last week; always find out before Shabbos.
Toshov Hashchuna
If it was up the last few shabbosim, there is a chazakah that it is up this shabbos too. It is simply a chumrah to keep checking every week.
I can now carry my moshiach flag to dance yechi in 770 after davening!
Why would you think you could do that? You shouldn’t do that on a weekday, let alone on Shabbos.
Heter man
Wrap yourself in the flag. Wearing it is muttar.
Dancing on shabbos is problematic.
Heter man
Dancing on shabbos is forbidden: Shulchan Aruch 339:3, Rambam Shabbat 23:5.
The Mishna in Beitzah 36b writes that it’s forbidden to clap or dance on Yom Tov or Shabbat. The Gemara (36b) explains that this is a rabbinic prohibition in order to prevent a person from coming to fix a musical instrument.
ריקוד means jumping with both feet off the floor. Dancing in a circle with one foot always on the floor is called מחול, and that was not included in the gezera.
Also see Tosfos in Beitza 30a, which the Ramo quotes in OC 339:3, and says ואפשר שעל זה נהגו להקל בכל. According to this, even ריקוד is allowed. It certainly seems that we hold like this Tosfos and Ramo, because we all saw the Rebbe clap his hands at Shabbos farbrengens, ואין אחרי המלך כלום
to "milhouse''
i think you have good intentions vechulu but you missing a few things
1.the people reading this article are lubavitchers who care what the rebbe has to say.
2.they care fanatically
3.according to chabad its virtuos to be fanatic about the rebbes teachings and most importantly..
4.they think this eruv is for ch proper
5,the rebbe was against eruvim.PERIOD.
all this boils down to..be fanatic about not having a eruv in ch