Grassroots Campaign Urges Clarke to Vote No
A grassroots campaign is underway in Crown Heights to urge Congresswoman Yvette Clarke to vote against the proposed nuclear deal with Iran.
Synagogues and community organizations in Crown Heights have emailed their members and supporters expressing deep concern with the deal. Opponents hung several twenty foot banners across Kingston Avenue targeting the deal and urging people to call Congresswoman Clarke.
One of the anti-Iran-deal banners read “Death to Israel. Death to the USA.” Which is a quote from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which he made in the days following the agreement at a national gathering. Other banners read “Deal gives billions to terrorists.”
All the banners have Clarke’s phone number and ask community members to call her office and urge her to vote against the deal.
Clarke represents the 3rd largest Jewish district in the country, with approximately 25 percent of her district being Jewish. It includes the heavily Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods of Crown Heights, East Flatbush, Flatbush and Kensington.
CrownHeights.info spoke to a spokesperson in Rep. Clarke’s office who said “the congresswoman is always glad to hear from her district and a statement will be released in the near future,” adding that as of now she has not indicated where she stands on the deal.
The spokesperson also said that they have been receiving “many” phone calls from district residents who were concerned with deal.
NuclearFreeIran.org, a website with information about the Iran Deal, has been set up and has information for those who wish to reach out to their Congress representatives in order to urge them to vote against the deal.
lost case as the deal will pass.
the dems vote for party first country second
even if its the will of the people only 28% of people in the US support the deal and 59% are against it. unfortunately the democrats even the jewish ones will vote for party before country or family
not me. I’ve always been a registered Democrat, but last elections I didn’t vote for a single Democrat because none were good enough (would have voted for Raitport but we live on the other side of CH so I’m not in his district.
declasse' intellectual
This is all silliness: Do you think this left-wing bleeding heart liberal is going to go against the president and her party. The only way that she would vote against the treaty is if the district was 75% Jewish and she knew every one of them would show up at the polls and vote her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just saw a black family totally freaked out by the sign.
TO #2
their is only one reason why she would vote against the deal,if she feels her seat in congress is in danger.
so if she gets a couple thousand calls telling her, that she will loose the Jewish support if she votes for the deal, their is a chance she can be convinced.
remember CH is not her only Jewish district, she represents parts of Jewish Flatbush
I called this is what happened
The woman answered the phone seemed upset I called and said “we already know your position”.
She then said I should call the DC office.
I did.. was asked for my name and zip code.
The number there is 202 225 6231.
DeClasse' Intellectual
You know what is the worse part of this whole issue? It is over half of the Jewish population supports Obama and thinks anything he does is wonderfull It seems to indicate (a) they do not care about Israel as it is not high on their priority list and (b) they do not want to upset the goyuim!
You know what is worse is doens’t matter who is the president they might still support that president. 1. Why should a country that you don’t pay your mortgage and bills be your top priority. What about the country you are a citizen in? 2. You fear what you don’t understand.
DeClasse' Intellectual
#8 So to those Jews who still kissed the dirt that F, D. R. trod even after it was known that he tried to railroad Jewish butchers into prison for giving charity to their fellow Jews and even after it was known publically that he slammed the door against the Jews fleeing the ovens.