Video Alleges Police Brutality – But is it?

A video has surfaced on Youtube showing police officers attempting to restrain a man in an alleyway in Crown Heights. The person who took the video claims that the video depicts police brutality, but is it? The story behind the video was posted on last week where police arrested 4 men for trespassing.

The following is the uploaders desricption of the video:

This is a video taken from an apartment window that shows the tail end of some serious police brutality. The beating takes place in an alleyway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, between Union St. and President St, near Albany Ave. The incident occurred at about 1pm on 12/19/12.

The man shown in the video was one of four others who had broken into an apartment in 1516 Union Street. Police received a call from the owner of the building alerting them that the group had no permission to be in the building.

When police arrived they group fled out of the windows of the apartment. All four were apprehended within a block of the building.

In the video it appears that the man is resisting the officers attempts to place him in handcuffs, officers can be heard shouting “give me your hands”, one officer can be seen spraying mace in the mans face after which it appears that the second officer punches the man.

But is this brutality? You be the judge.


  • good job nypd

    these guys were criminals they broke into apartments and got caught. great job by nypd.

  • Simple Jew


    I say it is police brutality.

    How do I know?

    Because if it was a jewish kid I would say it is.

    If you stand idly by when they abuse Afr. Amer. or whatever this guy is then they will CH”VS do it to you.

  • Cop Lover

    It certainly is and the cop’s were just smart enough not to really let it be seen
    Notice that the cop looks around before he repeatedly sprays the susspect with mace and after the other cop’s arrive and shield’s the arresting officers you can see on the lower right the cop that is on the suspect’s back is repeatedly punching him, today Johnson or Washington tomorrow Halevy or Cohen so be careful what you call it.

    These cops should have the book thrown at them, Iā€™m disgusted with NYPD officers acting like thugs.
    I believe that these cop’s are the exception and not the rule.

    Most NYPD officers would buy you shoes and the such…

    I am a big defender and supporter of our uniformed officers so it pains me to see this but I have to be honest and tell it like it is

  • Right is right...

    I am FAR from a liberal but if we’re being honest we’d be singing a very different tune if the kid was Jewish

  • unclear

    whos screaming? itas not clear enuf tobe the judge rly… am i right? i actually think that on one hand they are harsh but i cant say that coz i dont know what the guy did so…. donnow

  • Someone

    Yes it is. No matter the *alleged* crime, the officers have a responsibility and duty to treat a suspect with dignity. It is their perogative to take that job and in doing so must refrain from having the same reaction as an “ordinary” person may have. That’s what they’re supposedly trained for — otherwise what makes them different than anyone else?

    This suspect was not acting violently in this video and there’s no reason the young man needed to be punched or maced. No reason other than perhaps those officers are not fit for duty.

    Today it’s just some kid, tomorrow it’s someone you know.

  • witness

    With all due respect, I witnessed the entire thing start to finish. There was no brutality involved whatsoever.


    I think the police should have given them medals for breaking into someones apartmen! Why is someone so bored with his life that he has to look for excitement in STUPID ways? I’ve been broken into and robbed and if the police would have caught the perps and beat the crap out of them I would have felt that justice was served. worry about the innocent people that get hurt better!

  • Hashem yishmor

    Whether the kid is Jewish or not:

    A violent beating is always excessive force.
    A tranquilizer dart on the other hand… now that’s an idea.

    Even when someone resist arrest, is there no limit to the force that can be used to subdue them?!

    Imagine this: Someone resists the initial arrest and instead of surrounding him and talking to him the police immediately begin beating him, at this point the person in question curls up into a fetal position to protect himself from the blows, while continuing to plummet him with powerful blows with their fists and sticks the police yell give me your hands, but the fellow is protecting his head and face from the UNENDING blows, possibly wondering in which direction his hands are meant to go, possibly suffering from a mild concussion and unable to make out what was said or what he’s supposed to do, and the blows continue, even though the resisting never went past the initial pre-beating attempt.

    Can they beat him into submission until he is a sack of broken bones, not to mention for a non-violent crime?!

    Can he be beaten until he would be physically unable to resist because of the extent of the beating, even though the police are no longer trying to arrest him but rather just beating him and he is no longer resisting anything but a beating?!

    Given that someone is innocent until proven guilty, can guilt be presumed just because an officer wants to make an arrest, therefore allowing them to treat the person like a “criminal”?

    Does being convicted of a (possibly non-violent) crime therefore mean that someone has forfeited their right to humane treatment?!

    To #12, is beating the crap out of someone the system of justice Torah or lehavdil America supports?!!!

    If someone has not even been proven guilty, when their is suspicion that is found to be unfounded, do we say “sorry for fracturing your bones and scarring your body for life?!!”

    This is inhumane, and makes monsters out of the people perpetrating it, who know it’s not right, and therefore experience corruption of their character on every level.

    Does ANY violence need to used in an alley with one suspect and 10-15 police officers?!
    Could they not have just surrounded him, and even when he resists talk to him calmly, showing him how there is only one way out, in cuffs?

    Even if the suspect assaulted one of the officers, which is not the case and does not need to be the case for this injustice to occur, would an endless merciless beating therefore be justified?!

    Last but not least, this approach does not stop here.
    First police mercilessly beat escape convicts.
    Next they mercilessly beat violent offenders they witnessed in the act.
    Next they mercilessly beat violent offenders who assault the officer trying to make the arrest.
    Next they mercilessly beat reckless drivers at the scene for trying to run.
    Next they mercilessly beat ‘alleged’ violent offenders after the fact for physically resisting arrest.
    Next they mercilessly beat ‘alleged’ non-violent offenders with no mercy for passively resisting arrest.
    Next they mercilessly beat suspected innocents for resisting arrest verbally by defending their innocence (Aliyah case).
    This is where we’re at now…
    Next the mercilessly beat… where does it go from here?!!!
    Next they… where does it go after that…

    When our “defenders of justice” the police are violent thugs, what becomes of the general population…

    G-t in himmel!

  • Hashem Yishmor

    To #11

    When a guy is lying on his stomach on the ground subdued with a police officer on top of him holding him down twisting one arm behind his back to the near breaking point (asking him for his other hand which the guy is lying on under the weight of the police officer), and while lying on the ground subdued having his head pulled up and pointlessly sprayed with mace, and then having the police officer cracking him over the head, all while he’s apologizing and begging for mercy… Is this not mercilessly BRUTAL?!!!

    Does having committed a crime at whatever point before this took place make BRUTAL treatment not brutal?!

    This is police brutality.

    And like last time (at Aliyah), next time it will be your fellow Jew and he will be innocent, and because of your heartless prejudice you will be enabling it to happen!

    “Do not stand by, by your brothers blood.”

  • Simple Jew



    A suspect is not a criminal in the US.

    If these cops are not brought to justice CH”VS they will end up beating you or your familiy up for looking at them the wrong way etc.

    Cops are not immune to criminal behavior. This video is proof of that.