Mendy Hendel Branded a Mosser; Attacked in 770
Early this morning a Kvutzeh Bochur was dragged out of his bed by police detectives and arrested. Friends of this Bochur ‘plastered’ 770 with signs and flyers calling Mendy Hendel and a number of his cohorts Mosserim [informers]. During Mincha they physically attacked as well.
The saga began to unfold several weeks ago, when cash-strapped Hendel erected a turnstile at the Mikvah located in the basement of the Yeshiva Dormitory located at 749 Eastern Parkway in a bid to force all users to pay a fee to use it.
The ‘Tzfatim’ who occupy the building were not pleased with this turn of events, and late that night, wearing masks for disguise, they damaged the turnstile that was barricading the entrance to the Mikvah.
Infuriated, Hendel called 911 and filed a police report and launched a full-on investigation into the alleged act of vandalism, turning over surveillance video to detectives from the 77th Precinct in hopes of identifying and punishing the perpetrators.
This morning, at about 5:00am, NYPD detectives entered a dormitory room in the upper floors of 749 Eastern Parkway and arrested a Bochur who was sleeping there.
Sources told CrownHeights.info that this particular Bochur’s face appeared in surveillance footage not long after the incident, though it is unclear whether he participated or was in any way involved in the vandalism. The sources said that police are threatening him with criminal charges if he doesn’t reveal to them who was responsible for the turnstile’s destruction.
Incensed by the arrest of their colleague, the ‘Tzfatim’ posted signs all over 770 declaring that Mendel Hendel, and two of his cohorts – GIlad Bazel of the ice cream truck fame and Menachem Amram – are Mossrim. The names of the alleged offenders were accompanied by their photos and phone numbers.
Later on in the day, when Hendel came into 770 to daven Mincha, some of the Bochurim dumped a revolting concoction of eggs and ketchup onto him while shouting ‘Mosser get out!’
As of the time of the publication of this article the Bochur is still sitting in lockup.
What goes around comes around.
You train the dog to be vicious and bit, the dog will turn on you when you don’t feed him.
20 years of hate now coming back to roost.
I love when mosrim cry about mesirah, just makes my day.
Just remember folks, an enemy of an enemy is NOT your friend.
I wish both sides in this conflict much success.
let's be careful not harmful
What goes around comes around. – 100%
I wish both sides in this conflict much success. – in what? in doing Tshuvoh !!
Feeding on baseless hate:
Until recently (2-3 years) Hendel and Co. Were feeding these lads hate, this food was either Rabbi Kirnsky and Rabbi Shemtov (Aguch/Merkaz) and/or Shomrim/Hershkops.
With out the common “enemy” they now turn on each other.
Nu nu. Hatzlocha Raba to all.
Crown Heights...yuck
Glad I live in Los Angeles!
Oh vay!!!!
We need to have a united meshichist party, otherwise who will save us from the evil “antis”?
We can’t lose focus on the real “enemy”. We must hate B’achdus!!!!!!
enough! !
WE NEED MOSHIACH..WE NEED TO HAVE AHAVAS YISROEL…THIS STORY ADDED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING G TO MY DAY..NOT ONE GOOD THING WILL COME FOR THIS …JUST TAKE IT DOWN..Noone cares about this. .and if they do its for the wrong reasons..go learns something liluu nishmas one of the 18-20 wonderful people who are gone from this world
רבינו ירוחם
שווייג! דער עולם דארף וויסן!
Cry Wolf
Love you beautiful souls who are looking for an outlet to cast blame on for all that is wrong with the world.
The reason these tragedies happen we will never know, but when someone is committing murder like MHM (Mendy Hendel) by imprisoning other Jews, there is an obligation that it be publicized so that it be stopped!
Anyways, the article says that the incident occurred a few weeks ago… Perhaps this is when the tragedies started happening… Hmm?
Food for thought…
WTH, as if we dont have enough tzaros going on, people dying and the world going crazy- we have our own MAN MADE issues-
ולמלשינים אל תהי תקוה
על דאטפת אטפוך וסוף מטפיך יטפון
To "Millhouse"
Quick quiz, which chapter of “Avos” is the latter statement from? Show some knowledge “Millhouse”.
רבינו ירוחם
let's be careful not harmful
here I agree with you Milhouse, we can tolerate washing shopping bags, but WE CANNOT tolerate Mesiroh.
Kop Mentch
Many poskin hold that mesira does NOT apply AT ALL in Democratic countries, so before tossing around the halachic terminology of “mesira”, one must really know the actual application of this halacha.
Aruch HaShulchan C.M. 388:7;
Tzitz Eliezar 19:52: 5.b
“Even concerning the non‑Jewish courts it would appear that there is a difference between uncivilized countries and enlightened ones as is stated in the Aruch HaShulchan (C.M. 388:7): All that is written in the Talmud and poskim regarding the prohibition of moser – is referring to distance lands where a person’s life and money are not secure because of the bandits and lawless people – even though they have a government as we find in various countries such as those in Africa… as opposed to the European countries. It is obvious from the words of the Aruch HaShulchan that he truly meant this and not out of fear of the government… As I mentioned, the above was written for the general clarification of the prohibition of moser.”
What quiz? I quoted it; do you think I don’t know where it’s from?!
“Kop-arop mench”, your sources are garbage. The Oruch Hashulchon obviously wrote this for the benefit the censors, just as he does in many places, and only a fool takes him seriously. If the Tzitz Eliezer took it seriously then he was a fool.
The Oruch Hashulchon didn’t live in a democracy; in the “wonderful gan eden” where he lived the yidden used to kill mossrim, poshut kipshuto. Do you really imagine the OhS had a problem with that?
What’s more, the Halocho does not know anything about “democracy”. There is no difference in halocho between a “democracy” and the Czar’s “wonderful gan eden” where the Oruch Hashulchon lived.
(In any case, here in Lubavitch we don’t hold of the OhS at all. He is simply not tofes mokom here. So it doesn’t really matter what he says.)
Time to clean up!
Seems a little like Syria!
Tzfat it’s very near of the Syria border they have learned from them !
Arab spring
I wonder at the lineage of these maybe or maybe not Jews. Just doesn’t add up
With all thats going on in the world lately, L”O tragically, surely episodes and instances like these, could and should somehow be avoided!
How sad when everyone is asking/suggesting more ahavas yisroel amongst us, as a positive result, rather than negative, now more than ever before, with one tragedy after the other, r”l, this moment is most definitely not the time to hear about such behaviors;
Wake up and see whats happening and going on around you, and lets put an end to all this and other similar happenings, and in that zechus may today be the last and final tragedy that we ever hear about again . .
May Hashem comfort all who need comforting
You people need to remember u vandilize property u pay u dont like it go bak to israel and stir up trouble there and then theres the importance of ahavat yisrael love your fellow jew even if hes a moser a snitch if hes garbage then let god deal with him but in my torah it says that if u harm a jew by spitting his name in public its as if u murderd him and over stupidity.! u started he ended im not on anyones side but personally if some one broke my stuff i would see that they pay in every way possable. But of course explaining to a bunch of action hungry bochurim that forget why theyre in yeshiva to learn torah that lowering youre self down by throwing g-d knows what on a jew moser or not is a chillul hashem and ur no different then him and when that redhead politician ripped down signs u laugh like a kid ur the same garbage Dont foreget viahavta lireiacha kamocha!
ENOUGH this Isn't helping
I agree with comment 5!
Why waste your time and energy on this…
against our fellow brothers
(not necessarily do brothers always get a long but they are forever brothers)
I can’t help them. the best I can do is to live my life and be the best I can be.
I wish they would do the same.
I am not getting involved, its just kelipadik excitement. An adrenalin rush for nothing.
declasse' intelectual
And you wonder why people dislike New York Lubavitchers and the movement. And, you know now why no amount of screaming and crying out for Moshiach will accomplish anything. Just look to 770 and its infamous actions for how long with this whole group. the ultimate purpose tis to refine the world and bring peace and harmony into actual working existence. this proves that does it not?? Oh sure it does!!!
Every mikva charges
“in a bid to force all users to pay a fee to use it.”
If i can recall correctly all Mikva’s charge for use
and this Mikva happens to charge the least just for upkeep
Yea to 5 & 6. Uncalled for falre up just when we need wall to wall ahavas Yisroel and achdus. The Rebbetzin is not proud.
If you’re coming to crown heights to make this place holier then fine. They come to be with the rebbe a whole year… Ha’ikar they say we want to do what the rebbe says…. YOU WANT TO DO WHAT THE REBBE SAYS?!!!!!!
If this is all you have to do in Our community, than GET OUT!
Your should be ashamed of yourself!
Nice to see Chianina doing “hakafos”!
To commentor "Chanina"
Yom Tov spirit, good for him.
למכה מצרים בבכוריהם
Thanks for getting us in the Pesach mood!!
so now we know chanina is affiliated with hendel, chanina probably arranged the cops to lockup the bocuhor. love this when all crazies fight against each other.
Dangerous assumptions
Mr. “Mendel” you have just slandered someone, since you don’t know anything for sure, do you? You’re just assuming, “Motzei shem ra”!
Will the Mossrim Pual [Levi] Huebner and Elie Poltorak get involved?
Will they help Hendel or the “poor” Bochrim.?
Or do they only come to the “rescue” when it’s against Shomrim?
lubab make your bed ….lie in it
Big like
"אֵין שָׁלוֹם אָמַר יְהוָה לָרְשָׁעִים"... (ישעיה מח')
“אֵין שָׁלוֹם אָמַר יְהוָה לָרְשָׁעִים”…
(ישעיה מח’)
The truth can be frightening
chickens coming home to roost right or wrong this is just another black eye on the face of Crown heights & another reason why R”l we have all these tragedies & why things are the way they are Greed stinginess selfishness all lead to bitterness & Tragedies R”l Halo Aleinu Great work! I am sure the Rebbe is very proud!
I didn’t know g-d almighty writes comments on CHI.
You just know everything. What Mikvah do you go to, I to want to know everything?.
Take it off!
I agree with number five. This story should not be
publicized. We have more important things to do
with our time, then to read this.
ופני המן חפוי
The Rebbe would not approve of this!
עד מתי צריך אחדות לכלל ישראל עד מתי שינת חינם בישביל מה? ??????????????????? וברגה זה הגאולה יבוא וכל זה יכול להיות ברגה אחת להחלית שיהיה אחדות ולהוסיף בתורה ובמצות בהצלחה
רבינו ירוחם
מען דארף זיי ארויסטריבן פון 770 זיי זיינען רצחים, עס איז א מחלוקת לשם שמים at the end it will endure!
איזה נחת לראות הנדל הגנב מקבל מה שמגיע לו.
נחת חסידותי. יחי המלך.
The mosur is chnina.
רבינו ירוחם
איין זאך וואס מיר קען זען פון דער מעשה איז אז צפטים י׳ש זיינען עניים, איז נעקסטע פורים זאל זיי גיין ארום און פושט ידיהם
Our Chabad community has been flooded with tragedy upon tragedy recently!!! Can we just have self control and cut out the Machlokes??!! And, if some people can’t control themselves and do get involved in Machlokes, can we at least not have this type of news printed and disseminated for the rest of us?? Why do we have to read about it??
Yossi A
Do we have,to see more “YOUNG” Shluchim being carried by there parents to their graves before we wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are all getting a 1 second satisfaction and a dear your shilach of the Rebbe will pay with their precious lives.
@ 48
It’s disgusting and selfish for you to politicize these tragedies, and use them for your arguments. Your comment is extremely insensitive to the families of these shluchim, as well as unbelievably tactless and stupid. It reminded me of some of the moronic things I was told when I sat shiva for my father a”h (who by the way was one of those young shluchim of which you speak) I understand the platform (namely this website, and more so the comment section) you are commenting on is a huge joke, and most people only read these articles/comments out of desperate boredom, it does not, however, excuse your using tragedies and claiming to understand the reason why random families should have to suffer, saying it somehow has something to do with people and sins unrelated to them. If you actually cared about these shluchim a”h, or their families you would delete your comment.
למכה מצרים בבכוריהם
You are calling the imprisonment of another Jew Loshon Horo?! Where is the calls for Pidyion Shvuim? Where is the calls on Hendel to withdraw his complaint by the police?!
I know CHI has a pony in this race, and I commend them for not all out bashing these people, but inadvetantly he is helping by bringing awareness so that perhaps this madness be stopped.
Since when is Messirah ok? Since when is Mesirah called Machliokes?!
I'm another victim
No one cared to mention that that was my breakfast. As a 770 bochur I don’t have so much money to buy food and 1414 ran out of food this morning. Eggs and ketchup is my favorite breakfast but after this I don’t know if I will ever be able to eat that again! Moshiach now!!
Good news, not bad
All of you who love to hate, please think about this:
For once, something )small, but at least it’s SOMETHING) is being done to make the so-called “Tzvatznikim” be responsible.
For once, Rabbi M. Hendel is taking a stand against someone who seems to have gone too far. (And the Rabbi is not just looking the other way this time, B”H.)
And if this is the beginning of a trend, it will be good for Crown Heights.
SOMEONE needs to set limits for those characters at that dorm on Eastern Parkway. Who better than the person with the reputation for letting them get away with too much in the past?
Sometimes a person you disapprove of DOES do something right! So please give Rabbi M. Hendel some credit, instead of frothing at the mouth at him. Maybe he’s doing teshuvah, and maybe this will benefit all. So take the good and enjoy it, OK?
As I wrote above.
We wish both sides in this conflict much success in whatever they do.
As far as your concerned:
So now, now Mendel Hendel is a hero?
When others before tried to as you put it “taking a stand against someone who seems to have gone too far”, you were against it. You called those people haters etc…
Now that it’s one of your own (a meshichist) so now its justified?
As for Hendel doing teshuvah?
There are Halachot (laws) of how to do Teshuvah. Some of those entail…
1) regret on the passed. Which means admitting past mistakes.
2) asking forgiveness to those one hurt.
we want to hear it from the horse mouth, not from your ASSUMPTIONS.
While your at it, can you tell us where the missing plane is?
Vicrtim of Hendel Mesira
Dear Mr. Good news, not bad:
You are delusional.
Go back to la la land.
let's be careful not harmful
I think Mr. “Good news, not bad” is right in his effort to be positive, instead of all this angry sarkazm. Look what he wrote “give Rabbi M. Hendel some credit, instead of frothing at the mouth at him. Maybe he’s doing teshuvah”
to good news no. 47
First and foremost the bochur has to be released from lock up. There is nothing kosher and everything bad with having a bochur locked up for what he did. No excuses, no explanations just do it. let him go free and then talk. Take the bochur to beis din , let the Rabonnim punish him, send him back to Israel , but no one has the right to lock him up.
shomj shamayim that you can say that M.H. is right in this case.
learn your facts
They did take the bocher to beis din, he ignored them, so they called the cops on him
Mikvah in 749?
Letter for the Yeshiva Hanhala regarding the Mikvah in 749:
Free Translation:
B”H Wednesday the 18th of Kislev 5765 (2005)
To Our Dear Students
As a result of the fact that the students decided on their own without management’s permission to build
a Mikva at 749 we wish to announce in any language that the Yeshiva administration prohibits the above, both the construction and participation in any form is of the construction.The above is for several reasons, led by one of the sitting Board members who heard from the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Mantlik obm,, that number of times the Yeshiva administration wanted to build a Mikva in the Yeshiva building. The above (Rabbi Mantlik) who was from the administration at the time brought this idea up at an audience (Yechiduse) with the Rebbe and received a negative response.
According to the above we are asking and warning all those who are involved building the Mikva at 749, to immediately stop the construction of the Mikvah as it’s not desired.
The Yeshiva Administration
See more:
yossi price
To #50
These boys WERE told to go to the Rov.
They refused to go. They told Shuelik Krauss that since they don’t live in CH they don’t have to listen/go to the Rov.
These are the same terrorist that hit Kuti Feldman.
MISHACHIST OR NOT it’s about time they were. delt with accordingly.
This just shows that even Mendy Hendel can’t control these hoodlums!!!!!!?!
Agree or disagree this is the sad fact.
More from "Good news, not bad"
To “CHLEAKS” who replied to my original post:
A person has to crawl before they walk, so rather than throwing him against the wall because he hasn’t gotten to the rest of the steps of teshuvah YET, how about seeing the good and hoping for the rest soon?
Tracht gut vett zein gut!
(I’m not saying anyone is a “hero” here, as you put it! I’m not sure you realize what I mean by “those who love to hate” either. Look at yourself! You gain something, though I don’t know what, by refusing to see good in an unexpected place.)
ALSO, you seem to think you’re inside my head and know where I stand on everything, when you say:
“When others before tried to as you put it ‘taking a stand against someone who seems to have gone too far’, you were against it. You called those people haters etc… Now that it’s one of your own (a meshichist) so now its justified?”
FYI: You don’t know what stand I took on any previous situations/incidents/actions before this, nor whether I am or am not a meshichist. So please don’t pretend to be such a know-it-all, because you’re dead wrong on both counts.
AGAIN: Tracht gut vet zein gut!
Consider this: Maybe Rabbi Hendel is just as distressed as you and the rest of us at the way-out extremist behaviors of the Eastern Parkway dorm nuts. Maybe you are granting him too much power in implying that Rabbi Hendel can wave a magic wand and get them to behave. I don’t agree with everything he is reputed to have done over the years, for sure. But if you can’t open your eyes to the possibility of good at least sometimes coming from someone you oppose, there’s no hope for you at all.
A gut Shabbos, and a kasher v’frelichin Pesach!
When you harm people you must ask them forgiveness. Has Hendel asked those he caused harm for forgiveness?
Have you ever spoken to him? Have you spoken to him recently?
Hendel supported the mossrim of the Shomrim Six Blood libel. He gave them financial, emotional, and public (using his websites) support.
I’m realistic, your in la la land.
Let me ask you this. Did you bother to go even once to the Shomrim Six trial?
I ask this because its important for you to have that image of what evil looks like. Its important for you to know that Hendel took a part in this evil.
Like #49
Dear Chanini,
Are u dizzy? t’s sure fun playing ring around the rosy.
Sruly C
This is a very interesting day for Crown heights, the guy that feeds and clothes the Meshichist movement being treated like a dog.
It’s very obvious they don’t respect a single soul on the earth, and have become a true danger, if they would atack someone that’s officially their friend imagine the rest of us etc……..
Thanks Crown heights info for sharing this story, terrorism must be documented. We shall never forget, that if we don’t learn from our history it’s bound to repeat itself.
Visas must be taken away, and these animals must de deported, can you imagine what the rebbe would say about Yeshiva Bochrim in 770 plastering signs and throwing eggs and ketchup on someone during his Minyan!!!!!
Ad Mosay ENOUGH I want 770 back ALREDAY, why do u we tolerate a Shul that people scream Yechi after Hashem Hu Elokim on Niela Yom Kipur when Rabonim say it’s against the Torah!
Why do we tolerate them running the show! Throw out the Gaboyim if they can’t clean the place up ALREDAY.
What is wrong with you all
With all these tragedies going on and a facebook page with close to 5,000 members who have taken upon themselves to do extra mizvos in memory and lzechus for Rashi A”H Bas R’ Chaim Meir Halevi YBLT”A, is this what we need?
This weeks parsha is Tazria what about loshon hara?
There is zero sensitivity amongst these people for their fellow chassidim and Shluchim around the world!
We cant handle any more tzoros and we need Moshiach stop the fighting and short skirts and lets get with the program and do all we can as the Rebbe told us over 20 years ago to bring about the geulah! those that can should get the hek out of the comforts of crown heights and go on Shlichus and those that are bitter about their won lives and nothing better to do and flight just get a life and start learning more chassidus and it will make you a little more Eidel and maybe your children will have a chance at marrying Jewish! L’chaim V’Livrocho!!
Please no Loshon Hora
My thoughts about this whole crazy incident are very muddled.
First thing, I am so grateful that I live on shlichus instead of Crown Heights, which is basically the only other place that I should live besides of course Eretz Yisrael.
I cannot imagine living in such a place with such machlokes happening among fellow Yidden, fellow Lubavitchers… We are such a minority, why do we have to create machlokes among ourselves???
I am not sure what the whole with the Tzfatim, but from what my parents have told me, they are a bunch of extreme Mishichistim, who will not sto pat anything to “protect” the Rebbe’s honor; but they are doing everything incorrectly! If they are here and terrorizing other people that should not be okayed.
However, a Yid should never send another Yid to prison, NO MATTER WHAT!!!
But the way that the bochurim responded was so shocking, I hardly even know what to think?
Is this what is happening to the Rebbe’s heilige shul, the Rebbe’s heilige children and Chassidim???
None of this would make the Rebbe proud – not the sending another Jew to jail, not vandalizing someone’s property, not dumping food on someone or beating them up, in a shul no less! in 770 no less!
How can people think that the Rebbe would be proud of this mishugas?!?! Some of you might say that it is not a mishugas, but that is what machlokes is and it is the worst thing, it can cause Civil War, as it is doing now!
Please, fellow Lubavitcher all around the world and in this case it is somewhat specific to Crown Heights (as nowhere else do you see this happening), please, think to yourself “is it worth it? is it bringing moshiach closer? would the Rebbe be proud? would Hashem be proud? when i come to shomayiim (ad meah v’esrim shana) what will I have to answer???
Please! We have lost so much! WE cannot afford to lose more!
If only, l’zeicher nishmas all of the people who were nifter recently.
Or even for their families; I know that after Rashi Minkowitz alav hashalom was nifter, a facebook page was opened for people to write inspirationl things about her and to her family.
So so many people took upon hachlatos; maybe in their zchus, now peple could add some sort of hachlata to bring more peace to Bnei Yisrael, Hashem’s childre, and Lubavitch, the Rebbe’s children.
You should never know of a situation where someone is forced to press charges against another Yid, but such situations happen. Halevai, we are in golus, still, and there are such situations.
BUT you are missing something here: You’re not differentiating between temporary lockup (“jail”) and being sentenced to being locked up longer (“prison”).
I am not an expert on Halachah, but I’m sure there is a difference. Sometimes a person needs a few hours or days in a place where the rest of society is safe from them, so that the proper treatment/therapy/etc. can be found for them and they do not harm–truly harm–others.
There are many examples of this being OK–not optimal, I’m sure, but permitted.
May your world never know of such situations, but they exist. Halevai these situations did not exist, but they do.
LOVE IT!!! (sarcasm)
As #1 says, what goes around, comes around. Hendel trained his dogs to attack & now they attack HIM when he “betrays” them. No pity for any of them. But Hendel’s groupies now may wake up & realize the truth about their guru.
They may not like Hendel anymore, but make no mistake, they are NOT our friends.
They are who they are, they are hateful people (the whole bunch of them). They will always look for who to fight with.
Like I posted above. They are not being feed any “outside enemies” so they turn on each other.
There is a reason these individualizes were drown into the Meshichist movement.
If this is as it happened, it doesn’t matter that the bochur is a tzafati. If Mendel Hendel had a bochur, “who might not have done anything” arrested, then there are no words. If this was over a turn style, then there are no words x 10.
Before Gimel Tamuz would anyone have thought of doing mesira? Even the people who were against Fischer (and he has his side too with some very good and true points), even the people who were most against him, never thought of resorting to mesira.
Maybe people need a refresher course in what it means to be a Jew, let alone a chosid.
There are certainly ways of handling these things. Expulsion or pressure on hanholo (and Mendy Hendel can do this well), Bais Din, setting up a guard to prevent this mei-ikoro. Mesirah shouldn’t be an option except for those tmimim who went on to become KGB Agents vhaholchim beikvoisom.
Regarding Rabbi Dovid Fisher, please get your facts straight.
There was Mesirah even before Gimmul Tamuz.
It would not be far fetched to say that the Rebbe zt”l was also worried about Mesirah (on himself and organizations). Worried about Mesirah from people who pretend to be our own.
והכו מצרים במצרים
What goes around comes around
Hendel you reap what you sow
Thanks to your well trained tsfatim
Is broin gona be next
Hendel thanks for ending to us this month of Adar with some joy and more light
די רבי בלייב נישט קיין בעל חויב
חבריך מספסל הלימודים
Get the child out of prison now.
The man that had the guts to put a child behind bars clearly has no heart.
I know the full story . there is something terribly wrong with a father that has children of his who own can put another child in jail. It clearly shows what type of person he is, a sick Jew.
The boy barely has food as the police are very strict, the boy is sitting in jail with real criminals, its shabbos tonight- think about it a Jewish boy may have to spend shabbos in jail. This is like in the olden days, this is crazy and absurd.
They ignore the fact that so many bochurim make mistakes, and deserve punishment. However no matter how many people need to be punished none of them should be sitting in jail.
Hope to hear good news very soon.
No one is above the law! I don’t care who it is, he deserves it! Now go somewhere else.
to comment 28 you are right i should not have said that about chanina. chanina is an upstanding person…so deelte! chanina hatzadik…we love you.
i think this post is good…the community should know who is ruining our community. and whom backs these crazies and whom funds these guys and its leader.
As of this morning the mikvah at 749 is for bochurim. The terrorist broke the doors down and now they have their own guys watching. They are not letting anyone who is not a bochur to use the mikvah.
They claim that they can run it better than hendel.
DEP is on it’s way to shut the water and the gas will be shut down very shortly.
UNFORTUNATLY #1 is correct.
(as are many others as #60)
Rochmana L'tzlan
Your lack of ahavas/achdus Yisroel is so apparent that it begs to question anyone’s sincere hurt about the situation happening in the past several weeks in our mishpacha.
About that new Lubavitch community…
I guess we will be doing kapores on Eastern pasrkway this year
why don’t u blame those bochurim for breaking and destroying the mikvah? they were looking for trouble!
are they paying the bills for maintaining it? they want everything for free. well every mikvah charges a fee, and this one charges a minimal fee of $1 a day or $10 a month for the bochurim.
come on, if noone chips in , then how is this going to function?? those bochurim broke the turnstile bc they want to be in charge , but without paying the bills.
life is not like that. u want to be in charge, so u pay the bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agree with #60
They must be exposed and removed from 770.
Ad Masai???????????????????
Kop Mentch
I breaking into a mikvah and stealing the use of the mikvah – a mitzva habah b’avera?
Would a keli be toveled or a woman become tahor after a stolen mikvah dunk???
Calling all lomdim – stand up to the challenge with your chabad’sker lomdos!!
chanine is one of them….
its about time they do it….
dont post
just wanted to tell you at about 145 pm today the tzevatim started singing didan notzach as the aressted bachur came back from the prison on bail
For all you am haaratzim commenting ‘loshon hara’
Loshon hara does not apply when it was done in public!
I don't think so
What you are saying may be true, but only to an extent. Loshon hora is never allowed, even if in public. You are more apt to believe it in public, because it’s obvious that if the word is said in public the person about whom it is being said will hear about it, and therefore the person who is saying it will be more careful as to what they are saying. Even so, you are not allowed to believe it. You can take precautions, but you can not use it as an excuse to say that what someone is saying is okay to believe and act upon in a wrong manner.
I’m not taking sides because I truthfully don’t get the whole picture (I actually don’t think anyone got the full picture), because a whole picture is from both sides and from the people themselves. Until people get the real story, it is total Loshon hora, even though it’s said in public.
You don’t have to agree with me on this point, but saying that there is nothing wrong with speaking loshon hora if it’s in public, is like allowing men to listen to women singing if they’re in a group. Though you really can’t distinguish voices when it’s in a group, and therefore it’s not like hearing a woman sing, it doesn’t make it right. Same thing with loshon hora in public. Technically allowed but it doesn’t make it right.
Hashem should help all those who need help and with that there should only come true Ahavas Yisroel.
Just imagine for a moment that this story would have happened with Mekaz/Aguch.
The Meshichistim are hypocrites!!!!!
מי שנותן מכות שיסע לבני ברק
לאחר המאורע בשנת תנש”א בו א’ הרים יד על הרב העכט אמר הרבי בדולרים לרב דוד רסקין כי מי שמרים ידים מקומו בבני ברק. לרב העכט אמר הרבי למחול בלב שלם.
[לרב דוד רסקין:]
איך הער אז דארטן האט מען אויפגעהאדעוועט תלמידים וואס זיי באנוצן זיך מיט הידיים ידי עשו דארף מען זיי זאגן אז זיי האבן צוויי ברירות אדער זיי זאלן נעמען די פעקלאך און די ידיים און אוועקפארן אין בני ברק אדער אין אן אנדער ארט אדער זיי זאלן זיך בייטן אינגאנצן אין דעם פרט און כדי צו בייטן זיך דארף איך האבן א בריוו פון דעם בית דין אז זיי האבן ביי דעם בית דין געבעטן מחילה בא דעם וואס זיי האבן שוין גענוצט די ידיים ידי עשו און דער בית דין זאל דאס חתמ’ען און מיר אפגעבן ניט דורך זיי נאר מעצמם פון דעם שליח בית דין און מכאן ולהבא זאל מען הערן פריילעכע בשורות און חסידישע בשורות און הצלחה רבה
תרגום חופשי ללה”ק:
שמעתי שגידלו שם תלמידים שמשתמשים ב”הידיים ידי עשו”. צריך לומר להם שיש להם שתי ברירות, או לקחת את החבילות ואת הידיים ולנסוע לבני-ברק (או למקום אחר) או להשתנות לחלוטין בפרט זה. וכדי להשתנות עלי לקבל מהבית-דין מכתב שהם ביקשו בפני הבית-דין מחילה מאותו אחד שהם כבר השתמשו נגדו ב”ידיים ידי עשו”, והבית-דין יחתמו וימסרו לי זאת לא באמצעותם אלא מעצמם, ע”י השליח בית-דין, ומכאן ולהבא נשמע בשורות משמחות ובשורות חסידיות והצלחה רבה.
[לרב העכט:]
הצלחה רבה איך האב געבעטן אז זיי זאלן מאכן א בית דין און בעטן ביי דיר מחילה במילא אז זיי וועלן בעטן זאלסטו מוחל זיין בלב שלם זאל זיין בשורות טובות און מ’ניט דארפן מער אנקומען צו אזוינע שליחות’ן זאל זיין בשורות טובות
תרגום חופשי ללה”ק:
הצלחה רבה. ביקשתי שהם יעשו בית-דין ויבקשו ממך מחילה, במילא כאשר הם יבקשו תמחל בלב שלם. שיהיו בשורות טובות ושלהבא לא נזקק לשליחויות כיו”ב. שיהיו בשורות טובות.
jewish dude
I assume the police officers are not Jewish then this is not allowed.What are they thinking involving non Jews in Jewish religious practices. Maybe everything is not kosher anymore. This should have been handled by a rabbi.
a taste of the monster he himself created
new york shluchim
the rabbonim and the hanholos that undermine their own credebility and dont stand up for their own psakim except when its in their interest are the ones most at fault lo sakir ponim bamishpat
הענדל פסל מיכה
His bachurim are not better lets not forget all their bad action
They will act against chabad on their own
כל המתאבק עם מנובל מתנבל
ומסיימים בטוב
ולמלשינים אל תהי תקוה …
“He [Hillel] also saw one skull floating on the water. He said to it: “Because you drowned others, you were drowned; and ultimately those who drowned you will drown.” (Ethics of the Father 2:6)
Who would have imagined, who would have dreamed in his most wildest dream, that the day would come when Meshichist leader, Menachem Mendel Hendel would be afraid to walk into the basement of 770 Eastern Parkway because of fear of Meshichistim, fear of the very people he Indoctrinated, trained, supported and justified (in doing acts of violence and Mesirah), for these past 20 years.
And where does this all happen? It happens out of 749 Eastern Parkway, the place that was used in an attempt to take down the Shomrim organzation, the house of the most vicious blood libel of the 21 Century (more on this blood libel in a separate post)
Unbelievable, Just amazing!!!
יטופון WILL DROWN. In his kindness, Hillel prayed that they drown on their own – not from others – so that the cycle of drowning should not go on forever (Eish Dat).
Kop Mentch
Here is a shaylah:
Is breaking into a mikvah (and stealing the use of the mikvah) – a mitzva habah b’avera?
Would a keli be considered toveled or would a woman become tahor after a stolen mikvah dunk???
Calling all lomdim – stand up to the challenge with your chabad’sker lomdos!!
Chassidishe Bochurim
Look very carefully!
They koch in going to mikveh!
How many frei-kids do we have in Crown Heights that would “break into” a MIKVEH?!
These boys may be misguided, but their hearts are in a good place!
Chassidishe Bochurim
Look around at all the boys who are Off The Derch – wouldn’t their parents kvell with nachas if they would be “moisser nefesh” to break into a mikveh?!
Yes the method may be wrong, but it isn’t like they were breaking into a store to steal money c”v or trying to vandalize just from vildkeit!
We all heard of a “chassidishe geneiva”. It may be wrong but it is tolerated because it comes from good intentions!
this is terror. no chasideshe ganaiva lol
עד שיבא הכתוב השלישי ויכריע ביניהם
no body is right there all wrong
A prospective shidduch recently asked me if I would move to Crown Heights after marriage. The answer is a resounding NO!
This kind of garbage is a big part of the reason why. It’s wrong on so many levels and not at all in line with how I hope to raise my children IM”H.
ad mosai...........
ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..ad mosai………..
Good. Now there are clean towels each morning. The water is clean. Mikvah Meir can close its doors.
So we haven’t learned the lesson of 2000 years of DARK BITTER GOLUS?? I takes TWO to make a fight, not one. No side is completely innocent nor guilty.
We have nebbach find young people in Chabad losing their lives, and such tzorus in the community. There are calls for fasts and davening. G-d doesn’t want your fake fasts or your fake tefillos! He wants you to MAKE PEACE! Shalom between a Chossid and another Chossid, regardless of your political or Moshiach views. Regardless of whether you will gain or lose a position of MONEY or POWER. Peace between our two batei dinim!!!!!
I refuse to take a side because there is no 100 per cent blame on either side. None of you are perfect Tzaddikim; you are ordinary Jews who may actually make a mistake from time to time!!
Just grow up, stop this stupid bickering, getting the cops and courts involved in our fights, and slandering each other.
It’s simple. Just love your fellow Jew as the Rebbe kept begging for, even if it means you lose money and power. Do it for the sake of the lives and health of Chabad. Do it for the sake of Crown Heights. Get off your fake high horse and accept some humility, maybe you are not the big macher you want to become, and try for once to be a simple, G-d-fearing Jew!!!