Ad Mosai?! Enough!
Following the rash of recent tragedies that has befallen the Chabad community, an emergency meeting was held between the members of Agudas Chasidei Chabad. A worldwide prayer gathering will take place at the Ohel followed by the reading of a Pan Kloli in the name of all Chabad Chassidim.
Tomorrow, Taanis Esther, at 1:00pm following the Levaya of Hashlucha Mrs. Rashi Minkowicz OBM, members of Aguc”h along with Shluchim and Anash will gather at the Rebbes Ohel to pray for and beg ‘Ad Mosai?! Ad Mosai?’. Following which a Pan Kloli, signed in the name of all Chasidei Chabad around the globe, will be read.
Following the reading of the Pan chapters 112, 113, 114 and 150 of Tehillim will be recited in unison.
The event will be broadcasted live via telephone and is open to the public to tune in and partake in this momentous call. The phone number is 1-857-232-0156 and the code join the call is 577804.
A special form was set up so that the public can add their names to the Pan Kloli, you can do so by Clicking Here.
The organizers have noted that although the broadcast will begin at 1:00pm, it may be delayed due to the Levaya of Mrs. Minkowicz.
Recent Tragedies:
Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Rabbi Motty Gal, 62, OBM
Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Rashi Minkowicz, 37, OBM
Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Rabbi Yisroel Boruch Butman, 56, OBM
Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Rabbi Danny Moscowitz, 59, OBM
Boruch Dayan Hoemes: R. Tzvi Ostrozynski, 60, OBM
Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Hatomim Gedalia Greenzayd, 25, OBM
Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Mrs. Chasiah Kudan, 47, OBM
Another tragedy
You should add Rabbi Mordechai Berger– Ottawa
You can add rabbi gansburg shliach in milan italy
and dina dahan- yesterday
and that young boy from torronto
Another passed away today: Dina Dahan (62, Israel)
los angeles
op ed says any one can sign but link says shluchim can sign. clarity, please.
Ad mosai????
What is wrong with our generation that my first reaction is I don’t want any part of this?!?
Maybe because I know after a few days we will forget the pain and go back to our “normal” ways of attacking each other…..
A Lubavitcher yunher man
What happend to my freind??
What about the young bochur from toronto?
Rafi Kaushansky – Toronto
to #1
and Mrs Dina Dahan
Rebbetzin Shaindy Lieberman 60
And Mrs Dahan
Please take part in it, because in a few days we won’t go back to attacking one another- MOSHIACH WILL COME TODAY AND WE MUST ALL TRY OUR HARDEST TO FULLY BELIEVE THIS IN OUR HEARTS! Ad Mosai?!
Ad mosai????
That’s what they said last time…… We should love and care for each other because we are yidden… Not for any reward or to bring Moshiach. Just LOVE your fellow Jew!
nochum tzvi potash, aged 8 , from london
to no. 6
At least for a few days, we won’t be bickering and fighting, let’s all take advantage of it. It’s the nature of people to rally around each other during tough times or Ch’v when there is a tragedy and not so much during good times or really happy times. Unfortunate, but that’s the way it is. If we each do our part to change that aspect of our lives, imagine how much happiness would be shared and spread around
Rochmana L'tzlan
הבת של שמולביץ כתבה בפורום הנשים:
קוראת את המיילים שלכן ובוכה, לא מוצאת מילים. איפה אבא שלי? למה ה’? למה?
אמא שלי רוצה אותו, הילדים רוצים אותו אנחנו מתגעגעים אליו.
כמה יתומים? כמה אלמנות! אי אפשר לדמיין את החלל את החוסר.
עוד יומיים כולם ישכחו ויעברו לכותרות החדשות אבל היתומים יישארו לבד.
אנחנו נמשיך להתגעגע ולבכות, להיזכר ולרצות, והכאב רק גובר.
כעת אני ואמי הרבנית חני שמולביץ חזרנו מניחום אבלים אצל משפחת בוטמן.
מי שלא ראה את חיבוק האלמנות הזה לא יוכל לדמיין נהרות של צער ואובדן וכאב ודמע שלא נגמר.
ישבתי שם ונחנקתי. אלוקים, איך הם ימשיכו?מה הטעם לחיים כאלו? מי יכול לגדל ילדים קטנים לבד? איך אפשר לשמוע ילדה קטנה שרוצה כרק את אבא?
ילד שלומד לבר מצווה שלו לבד? מנסה להתרכז ולהפסיק לבכות. ילדה שנכנסת בשקט בלילה לחדר עם תמונה של אבא ומתבוננת. מדברת. שואלת שאלות קשות.
אני לא עומדת בזה. טטי תחזור. אתה חייב לחזור. בשביל שיינא תחזור. בשביל מלכי. בשביל שלמה חיים שכבר חודש מסתובב עם דמעות בעיניים.
כמו שליחים על אוטומט, בדיוק כמו שלמידת אותנו, אנחנו מארגנים סעודת פורים,משלוחי מנות למקורבים, מסיבת ילדים ענקית, ערב נשים פורימי במיוחד, קריאות מגילה, חלוקת משלוחי מנות בבסיסים ובבתי הסוהר, והלב בוכה. טטי שלי, אתה חסר כאן לנהל את הכל. אנחנו לא באמת מסתדרים. אתה יודע לעשות הכל כ”כ טוב ומהר, לעולם לא מתבלבל, הכל מדויק ומחושב. אפילו את הדרך לנהריה לא ידענו את מי לשאול, כ”כ פשוט להתקשר אליך שתסביר בצורה ברורה כמו שרק אתה יודע. אין לנו כח לפורים הזה בלעדיך. מה נגיד לעשרות המקורבים שיבואו לסעודת פורים בבית חב”ד? מי ייתן להם לחיים וירומם את כל האווירה? טטי.
אתה בטח יושב עכשיו בכינוס השלוחים הפרטי שם למעלה עם כל השלוחים הצדיקים שבאו לבקר אותך השבוע. ביחד תקימו שם עצרת מחאה, תרימו קול זעקה ותהפכו שולחנות אם צריך כדי להביא לנו משיח!
כל השמחות מהולות בעצב והצחוק בדמעה.
אני קורת ובוכה לא מוצאת מילים. למה ה’ למה?
As today is Taanis Esther and Purim is 2 short days away, let us all daven and cry out to the RBS”O to save all of klal yisrael from all pain and send refuos, yeshuos, geulos and nechomos to klal yisrael, as He did bayomim hahaim bazman hazeh!
Listening from Israel
I am crying, Rashi was my student. What is there to say? Hearing the tefilloh Avenu Malkeinu over the hookup is breaking my heart. Ad mosai???
why are we all turning a blind eye to where the problem most certainly is????!!! All of this started just after Hatomim Gedalya Greenzwaid was so tragically killed. The Hayom Yom of that day could not have been more explicit! It said as follows: ” Rabbis and scholars are called the “eyes of te community” and “heads of the thousands of Israel,” and when the head is healthy, the body is then also healthy.” The answer is in front of our eyes; WE NEED OUR HEADS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND DO THE RIGHT THING! This is not a political matter anymore, as we see it is clearly a matter of LIFE OR DEATH!!!! RABBONIM OF CROWN HEIGHTS; Have rachmonos on your bretheren!!!!
These people you speak of are not my head and not the head of anybody in my community.
Yes we should all do our best to get along. You should search where you are lacking in this matter. But don’t put to random peoples quell on the whole Lubavitch community.
Farshtey Nisht
Agudas Chasidei Chabad:
Keep on meeting, and decide to do more of the same.
Perhaps at 20 years, it may be time to consider the following: Do we know what the Rebbe wanted; or do we know what we all think he wanted? Huh? Consider: the common mindset 20 years ago, would never accept the notion that we would be here, in this matzav, 20 years later. Did the Rebbe want us to sink into spiritual squalor? Or did he over-estimate the common sense of his chasidim (which he did on a number of occasions, and then later, expressed his frustration.)
So what is the mindset now? Has it changed?
If a “wise” man (chacham adif minavi ) were to (painfully) say that we are in a different tekufa (and have been for 20 years) and this tekufa will continue (without a certainty that a miraculous event will end it); What would be your personal response. For sure, if you were in public, you would join the verbal abusers of this person; but is that what you really think deep down?
In the tekufa before ours, the Holocaust years, what would be the eventual hashkafa of an eventual survivor, who had kept on crying out “ad mosai”, at every tragedy? Would he/she still be telling HakB”H to “stop it”, now, in our times? (Doubtful that this person would survive frum. I was seeing the survivors as they were coming over.)
To the cry-babies who bombard with such cry-outs, I say “get over it, and acquire an appropriate hashkafah.”
To AGUCH: Doing nothing bears greater responsibility than attempting, and perhaps erring. But first, a question. Why was there no announcement (20 years ago or subsequently) that “if there is anyone who heard or saw something from the Rebbe, pertaining to this situation, please inform ‘the committee’.”
until when
המקום המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים n'eNow!
aaad mosaaaai
Ad Mosai will you keep saying Ad Mosai
Having been saying it for 20 years, maybe we listen to what Eliyahu said on Har HaCarmel (to the others’)
Until people have the guts to acknowledge the REAL problem which si not kashrus or tznius it is MACHLOKES the Rebbe screamed about it.
But every machlokes, the baalei machlokes will tell you “it’sz lsheim shemayaim” – he’s a fake rov, he’s a mushroom, he’s a meshichist, not a meshichist, israeli, you name it. Until agu”ch starts by stopping ALL machlokles and making shalom within CH, within the shluchim…. it is all hevel verik.
It’s not just agu”ch. We all know this is the biggest issue that burns a fire… when will we learn?