Behind the Scenes of the Sale of 760 Eastern Parkway
A letter written by Rabbi Shalom Ber Levin, the longtime dedicated chief libarian of the central Chabad library, known as Ohel Yosef Yitzchak Library or the “Rebbe’s Library,” exposes what is holding back the purchase -by Agudas Chasidei Chabad, the Chabad-Lubavitch Umbrella Organization, – of the home of the late Reb Meir Itkin, for the purpose of a much needed expansion of the Library.
The letter tells of demands for an astronomical price of $3 Million for the building and tells of of the involvement of Mendy Hendel, a Mishechist linchpin, who is involved in many activities of Sinas Chinam in the Crown Heights community.
According to the letter, dated Monday the 25th of Sivan, Rabbi Levin explain that it has been over a year that Agudas Chasidei Chabad, which are the official owners of the library and its building, have been negotiating, and have reached an agreement with the family of Reb Meir Itkin.
The agreement reached was for double the amount ($1,500,000) of the market value, and it took quite some time to find a donor willing to facilitate the purchase. But once that donor was found the family balked and demanded double that offer ($3,000,000!) since they claim that another buyer came forward and is willing to pay more, writes Levin.
To read the complete letter in Hebrew, click here.
Involvement of Mendy Hendel
Rabbi Levin writes that Sunday he bumped into Mendy Hendel who attempted to glean from him a quote stating that the library does not need to expand. He went on to detail the short conversation, of Hendel trying to dupe him into mistakenly saying something about there problems with purchasing the property.
Furthermore, CrownHeights.info sent a photographer to take photos of 760 Eastern Parkway. While there our photographer noted that Yankel Chazan passed by and took note of his work.
Chazan is known to write and disseminate Hendels propaganda articles under various pen names and is editor of Hendel’s publication – the Beis Moshiach.
It was not even two hours when an article appeared on Hendel’s mouthpiece website, listing a series of forged and misquoted letters from the Rebbe–, claiming that the Rebbe instructed not to expand the library into the Itkin home. Presumably this was done to preempt any articles that may appear and open the possibility of public support for him to purchase the property for his own nefarious needs.
$3 Million?
What is the realistic value for 760 Eastern Parkway? Levin writes that it is $800,000, but a quick search through properly records revels that 736 Eastern Parkway was sold in 2006 for $1,120,000 just before the housing bubble popped and the market crashed.
One real estate expert told CrownHeights.info that both houses are comparable in size, the only difference being is its proximity to 770 and its obvious value to Merkos and the Library. He said that in today’s market $1,200,000 would be a fair offer and $1,500,000 would be very generous.
According to the expert, if a bidding war ensues, then the realtor stands to be the only one to benefit, since the sale of this property would benefit inheritors, any capital gains are subject to an approximate %50 estate tax.
Negotiations Spanning Three Years
On Motzai Shabbos, January 8th 2011, Rabbi Yehuda Krisnky sat down with Mrs. Shaina Teichtel, who is the daughter of Reb Meir Itkin, in her home where they negotiated the terms of the sale to Merkos for the sole use of expanding the Library.
In this meeting they did not discuss prices since the family was not ready to make the sale, but they did discuss keeping a room dedicated in their father’s memory, which Minyanim can be held on his Yahrtziet, as well as regular Farbrengens, which Reb Meir cherished. Merkos agreed, and put all of it in writing which both sides agreed to.
Rabbi Chaim Shaul Bruk told CrownHeights.info that a number of months later, the Itkin family hired attorney David Yeroshalmi to act as their agent to handle the sale of the house. Rabbi Krinsky had attempted to reach him and after playing embarrassing phone tag for nearly a year the matter fell off the table.
Over a year ago Merkos had managed to secure a donation to facilitate the purchase of the Itkin home, on condition that the money go specifically for the expansion of the library, and it would be available if he was successful in a specific business deal. That happened six weeks ago and Merkos once again attempted to contact the Itkin family to go forward with the sale.
Enter Real Estate Brokers
The Teichtel family informed Merkos that all matters relating to the house should be referred to a local brokerage firm named B.H. Tal, which is owned by Shoshana Tal and Yehuda Segal, two local Crown Heights residents.
Uninterested in paying massive brokerage fees, especially since all negotiations were done directly, Merkos was not sure how to proceed. After a meeting it was decided that Merkos needs to hire its own representative to protect their own interest.
Merkos hired Crown Heightser Yerachmiel Jacobson. After reaching out and contacting Mrs. Tal he received a response that “there is nothing to talk about until an offer is submitted in writing.” Jacobson then submitted Merkos’s offer of $1,500,000 – a number which was mentioned a number of times in the last three years – which Tal ignored.
After reaching out multiple times asking for a response, a source told CrownHeights.info that, finally Tal responded by saying “these things don’t happen fast, it takes time.” However, when pressed further the bombshell dropped with Tal passing on a message from the family saying “the family is not willing to lose millions” and did not even propose a counter offer.
‘World’ Media Jumps In
After practically ignoring Merkos’s purchase offer Tal began listing the house for sale in advertisements on the web and on ‘Chabad’ news websites.
Israeli newspaper Yediot Achronot ‘picked up’ on the pending sale and published an article sensationalizing the possibility of living so close to 770. Other much smaller sites ran similar stories in an attempt to drum up interest in the sale of the home and create a wider appeal.
CrownHeights.info attempted to reach out to the Itkin family, but our calls were not returned. Shoshana Tal responded to an email seeking comment with the following statement from the family; “The Itkin family is committed to uphold their parents legacy of commitment to the Rebbes [sic] ideals. And that the house was bought by Rabbi Itkin with the Rebbes blessings.”
fair market value
how is $1.2 million fair market value? market value is the highest price someone is willing to pay. if anyone decides that living next door to 770 is worth $10 million, then that’s the fair market value. after all, they always tell you “location, location, location!”
That is true. Read Rabbi Levin’s letter. He readily concedes that if a *genuine* buyer is willing to pay they should sell to him. But if they sell to Hendel then morally and al pi din they will be responsible for all the damage that he will do to the Rebbe and his legacy, and they have to balance that against the size of his offer.
no no
Actually that is called “what people are willing to pay”, not “market value”.
If a loaf of bread costs $2, and suddenly there is a shortage and you are now willing to pay $3, that does not make it “market value”, that makes it “what people are willing to pay”.
The market value is determined solely by “comparable”, and the only one is SB Drizen down the block who bought for $1.12. Therefor that is “fair” market value.
Now in a market with no bread… that would not be fair….
You’re wrong. The market value is by definition the price at which the market clears, i.e. what people are willing to pay. If there’s a shortage of anything, its market price goes up. That’s common sense.
would love to know
I heard from an Itkin, that not one formal offer was presented by Merkos in writing. Is that true or not? If it’s true, it really shows the bias of this report, that I cant see how it helps anybody. In my opinion, the property should either be held by the Itkin family or sold to a good custodian, but woe to us all if Hendel ever gets near the deed… G-d bless us all.
See Rabbi Levin’s letter.
would love to know
So everything Levin says is Toras Moshe M’sinai? Can he post a screenshot of an email of an offer or a copy of a written offer?
Are you calling him a liar? Yes or no?
Yes, Milhouse. He is lying.
why should I believe his word over the Itkins?
Itkins Didnt Say Jack
Levin wrote a letter, signed his name, and spread it. The reason I belive him is simply because there is nothing to contradict him.
The itkin family just said some bs about upholding their fathers legacy bla bla bla, and even that was through the mouth of a villified crooked real eastate broker. And even that was not signed in one particular persons name.
So excuse me while I believe the person who is willing to say something with his own name, while you peddle some half truths from a family that is just trying to cover up now and wont take responsibility for his quote.
R Levin is a person of excellent reputation, and I don’t see how anyone can call him a liar without any proof.
Levin says it’s worth 800,000 Let me see him sell it for under 1.5
If they have an agreement the Itkins have no argument.
Let him show proof!
Chaim Hershkop
When the Rebbe asked that a yeshiva be build in kfar chabad, my grandfather, Yitzchok Menachem Mendel Lis ob”m (known as Itcha Mendel) was the first (and last) to step forward and offer some of his property for the yeshiva that the Rebbe wanted.
My grandfather never asked for a dime, he said his merit will be the learning that takes place in the yeshiva and that he took part is something the Rebbe wanted.
When they build the yeshiva they took more property then what my grandfather gave them and still he did not protest.
Until this day there isnt even a sign with his name on the building. He never asked for any credit.
Here in Crown Heights, a few steps away where the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l did all his holy work and where one of his most precious positions is located (the library which house the shforim he bleed for), a family is holding back from selling the house for more then its actuly worth. Nobody is asking them to give it for free. They are getting a good deal and they get the merit. What is their problem exactly?
they should donate it for free
Nobody is asking them to do that and nobody should.
Can you sell your house to me for free, because I think so. Itkins are special people…
Let the Itkins do what they want with the property – it’s THEIRS! This is simply an embarrassing article; a gossip-monger. You should be ashamed of yourselves for posting stuff like this.
credit to SHMS
as soon as this was exposed he took it off his site
this is all lies and you know it. how dare anyone makr up lies about mrs tiechtle who gives her life for the rebbe.
their house they can sell for what ever they want everyone dos what they want in the hood anyways. and sad very sad to say people use the holy rebbe when its for their selfish needs
memdy hendel
hendel is involved in every machlokes in ch…he is a bad person does lots of harm to the community.(in my opion what i observe over the past years)
im not affiliated with any party…. its obvious to any rational person that the house should go to the rebbes library….its the rebbes koved…
i was involved a few years ago in a meeting that hendel was present i couldn’t believe what came out of his mouth..he would screw any fellow meschist in asnap including the rebbes koved…
.im saying this publicly because enough is enough with this person…
BH Tal I have seen on numerous occasions be instigators of greed and friction as well.. I don’t think they ever have the clients best wishes at hand except themselves!
just me
very true – I’ve heard that numerous times.
I get it, CH loves machlokes! People love bringing out arguments and gossip. These thing could be filled with lies.
Don’t be so quick to judge.
Who knows who is twisting the story?
Sinas Chinam is what destroyed the Bais Hamikdosh…
a chosid
Don’t they realise that they are declaring war with the Rebbe with this behaviour?
Are they looking to get hurt C”V?
Does Shoshana Tal have no fear that she is participating in such behaviour?
Do they not realize that people who have waged war with the rebbe in the past (even after gimmel tammuz) are paying a price?
Do they not know how the Rebbe cherished the library and encourged its enlargement?
Suggest that you stop with your war against the rebbe before it is too late..
Those who bless are blessed
and those who…are…v’dal. I wish you happiness and good fortune.
You know what you’re not… “A Chosid”
No one has to sell
If the owners of the home don’t want to sell the house, they shouldn’t be forced to by so much outside pressure. And if they decide to sell, they gave a right to sell it at the price they want and to whom ever they want. Stop all this social media about a family’s private business.
Couldn’t care less for who gets it, but lets be realistic…. They can ask for whatever they want… Welcome to crown heights and its prices….it’s a sellers market, you want it, pay what they want….everyone eats each other up alive, we jack up the prices…. U can cry rebbe this, rebbe that, library etc…. Bottom line is… Everyone needs to take care of themselves.
Dinis “friend” ha! ;)
Waste of Time and Slander
Tempest in a teapot. Leave the Itkins alone! They can sell the home to whomever they wish. Who would want to deal with Rabbis Levin and Krinsky under such circumstances?
No, they can’t. The library is a bar meitzra, and if it is willing to match the highest bid it has the right to buy at that price.
Bar Metzra
Since Tomchei Tmimim is a tennant (renting office) – it is also a bar metzra (b’momonos kim li like those shitos in Choshen Mishpat).
The house to the west is also a bar metzra.
Maybe also the house to the south on Union Street.
Bar Metzra
Tomchei Tmimim is a tenant making it a bar metzra too (according to some shitos). Since Mendel Hendel controls Tomchei Tmimim (kvutza, 749 etc.) – he is also a bar metzra. The neighbor to the west is also a bar metzra and interested in buying. So is the neighbor to the south on Union St. There mare many bar metras!
Shulchan Aruch
Choshen Mishpat siman Kuf Ayin Hey, seif Chof Vov; states that if the buyer wants to buy it for a house to live in, and the bar meitzar wants it for purposes other than living in, the buyer gets it and the law of bar meitzar does not apply.
Just saying…
The estate tax only applies on more than 5 million.
Not so?
in 2007 the Tx exemption was 2 mill, but it all depends what other assets he had and if filed any gifts tax returns in his life, but most likely the home was his most valuable asset, so any sale over 2 mill would pay 45 tax rate
So even if each child gets under 2 million, they still get taxed based on the value of the collective estate before it’s divided by the children? Please enlighten how yerushas are taxed. Thank you.
The yorshim are not taxed at all. The estate is taxed. So it’s irrelevant how many yorshim there are.
estate attorney
There are two taxes being discussed here: estate tax and income tax on capital gains. Because the property was owned by husband and wife when R’ Meir Itkin died, one-half of its fair market value on the date of death (appraised) would have been included in his taxable estate. A NY estate is taxed by NY state if it is over $1M. In 2007, an estate was taxed by the federal government at 45% if it was over $2M. The estate tax is paid by the estate before distributions are made to beneficiaries, and was presumably paid years ago if it applied.
The income tax on the capital gain resulting from a present-day sale would be taxed at the capital gain rate but based on the property’s fair market value on the date of death, and not the original price paid by the decedent and his wife in 1966. The seller-owner pays the income tax. Who that is depends on various factors. Public records show that Sima Itkin conveyed the property to a trust in 2008, so the trust is the current owner of record.
dont understand
i would sell the house without even blinking
Shimon Shak
Sheesh…why does everything needs to be politicized in this town?
Yungerman in CH
Shoshana Tal is a manipulative liar.
She lies Blatantly without batting an eye-lash.
I am thinking of starting a site listing names of people including myself that she has lied to and tried to employ cheap tricks to meet her goals.
This woman deserves to loose her RE license and start selling used cars.
What did the buyers of used cars do to you? BH Tal are single handedly responsible for the price gouging in crown heights real estate. For both rentals and sales. My solace is that every dog has his day.
How dare you not sell me your house!
B’etzem, if you really really were a Chossid, you would give it to me for free!
Now, not just you want to sell. .. but you also want to make a profit off of the best location in CH.
I think all Itkins should be excommunicated, and any family members or relatives that are Shluchim should be taken off from Merkos.
Rabbi Krinsky would never try to make a personal profit on something that can benefit Chabad….
It's nobody's business!!
Learn a maamar. Say some tehillim. Do something productive. Someone else’s private property is NONE of your business. This article and some of these comments are an embarrassment.
Blackmail & Manipulation, …… welcome to Crown Heights!!!!…..
Where are the mossrim when we need them?
Blackmail and manipulation are for kids. Real crown heightsers use messirah.
What about messira?
Here is a challenge: How low can we go?
to all those saying they can sell it at any price
lets remember the only reason why the house is worth more is because its next door to 770 so they are using 770 and the rebbe to make money
legally we all agree they can do what they want but if you call yourself a chossid of the rebbe you will do whats right lifnim meshuras hadin VD”L
There’s nothing wrong with using the location to get a higher price. The location makes it genuinely more valuable. But don’t sell it to someone who is willing to pay insane amounts because he intends to use it to destroy the Rebbe’s legacy.
Oh because everything you do, is like a chossid #38.
what is the necessity of printing this article especailly a few days before Gimel Tamuz? Regardless of which version of the story is true or not this is not an appropriate way to prepare for Gimel Tamuz as this article will cause only more machlokes. So my question is what is the purpose of printing this article NOW and how will this bring us to make hachlotos tovos and bring achdus on this holy day?????? Is this what we want to face the Rebbe with on Yom Hakodosh Gimel Tamuz?
what a joke
you are a disgusting person
do you realize all itkin children are shluchim or working for the rebbe. do yoh believe they just want money. do any of them have extra monet. ever thoughtt hat mmaybe they have debt. ever thought they may have not been paid by bais rivka in months. maybe they need the money to live. if you knew any one of them you would know it’s not about money. they are anything but greedy. they have open hearts ans open homes. shame on you slanders. think your protecting your rebne, the rebbe knows who his true chassidim are. he knows the truth. leave the rebbes true chassidim alone and mind your own business.
that gives them a right to rip people off and make a fight so they can walk away with millions more then what the product is worth?
we all need to make money but on who’s expense?
You sure this is Crown Heights?
Sounds like Williamsberg. Call in the terror brigdade.
Perhaps this is a good time to point out that Rabbi &
Mrs. Hadakov’s house on Crown St was given to
be used as a dorm for Bais Rivka girls!
I didn’t know that.They have a right to get a decent price but not to squeeze the last breath out of Merkos. They’ll sell To Drizin because he has the money, greed is a very bad thing. I suppose the Itkin children are worried about their yerusha. What yerusha will they leave their kids? Memories of how the family was once Chassidim, perhaps???
they gave it to BR dorm for free!!!!
when they could of sold it for 800k+
Maybe mrs teichtel can learn from the school she teaches in
they couldn’t get any money for it. the house didn’t belong to the family but the merkos!
to ahser
you have no clue what you are talking about, the family had full ownership of the house and were the ones to sign it over to BR its as simple as that merkos has nothing to do with it, you are mixing up with the second house
wait for the flags
this will be a massive shanda if the family’s greed turns this property into a laughing stock. I’m very surprised that a family that is supposedly such Chassidim of the Rebbe would sell to baalei machloykes. it just proves that money is more important thantheir kesher to the Rebbe. What hypocrites! And can you imagine if this was BT’s sucking the blood out of Merkos? We’d never hear the end of it. So much for ganze Chassidim. I’m disgusted.
This is why we need Communism
In the good ol’ days, the Bolsheviks would have seized the property and nationalized it. That would be like seizing the home for Aguch or Library.
Fair market value for a 2 family house in Crown Heights is $800,000, “according to property website estimates” – that may be true, but only if you fell down the rabbit hole into Wonderland and ate the mushrooms. Anyone searching for a house knows this is fiction.
Bar metzra is an interesting point. Is the bar metzra Tomchei Tmimim who have a stake in the building? Is it the Library? Is it 770 (whomever THAT ownership belongs to – gaboyim or Aguch)? Is it the neighbor on the West? Or maybe I am indeed the bar metzra, the neighbor to the South on Union St?!
I wonder if Rabbi Rosenberg is available to sit on such a special din torah!
Bar metzra is part of the v’asisa hatov ve’hayashar regime. Does it really apply in a place that follows hilchos S’dom? I am waiting for someone (come on – there MUST be someone) who will take these people to court.
I love the people who know EXACTLY what the Rebbe would want – to know him is to be him (since they know the divine, they do not need him as he is then superfluous).
I think we must ALL stick our noses into this because after all: as Socialist it is our business, as Democrats we can each vote on this, and as Communist – it belongs to the community. And as chassidim being ein mishpocha – the property belongs to us!
So here is my idea: I am going to craft a huge sign that reads “SUGGESTIONS”. I will attach it to a garbage can in front of the property, and everyone is welcome to throw in their ideas for a nominal fee of $1. I plan on becoming a millionaire.
Okay, I know that people will now say that the money I raise should go to the library, Aguch, the community (but NOT to the owners of the property because they have no stake in their own affairs)…so I will set up a SECOND garbage can and you will all have a chance to give your suggestions what I should do with the money raised from the first garbage can, for a nominal fee of $2 each.
And then there will be a third garbage can for continued suggestions for only $3…because I am a Capitalist.
You are welcome to sell snacks and refreshments near my garbage cans, but only if you share the profits with me, Merkas, Aguch, the library and the Community Center.
funniest comment ever
reading again
you is king of sarcasm
Home Owner
I Am a home owner in Crown Heights. I sell my house for the price I want.
If 770 or Merkos wants to buy it, let them buy it for what ever price it’s going for.
They owe 770 nothing. Crown Heights nothing. Merkos nothing. and all you blogers nothing
Why do Hatzola volunteers do what they do? Do they owe anybody anything?
Why do Shomrim volunteers do what they do? Do they owe anybody anything?
Why do all those who do acts of goodness and kindness- going above and beyond to help other, do what they do? Do they owe anybody anything?
When was the last time you truly and wholeheartedly helped another Jews (who you didn’t “owe” something to him)?
Ultimately, you can do what you want (sell your house to whomever you want), it’s still America.
However, this same America also gives me the freedom to voice my protest. If I’m upset and I have something to say, I’ll say it.
It’s very disappointing that the house will not go to a Mosod of the Rebbe and many are upset about it.
I sold my home and I didn’t get into a price war or hold anybody hostage for a better price. The way some people act is horrible. There was an asking price, people made offers and we accepted the offer closest to the asking price. When other people wanted to offer more we told them no, we have an agreement even though nothing was signed. We said if the deal fell through we would get back to them. B”H it didn’t. Greed is a terrible curse you don’t get rich on squeezing your neighbors. In this case the house has an emotional and communal significance. I don’t understand why the Itkins are doing it, I thought they were better than this. Mr. Home Owner, YOU don’t sound so great either.
Did the the lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l owe you or me anything that he gave his life for use and our children?
What is our Jewish chenuch (education) worth if we only think how we can come up on top (me me me)?
If its all about ‘me’ then we might as well give up our Jewish education and it goes without saying that chassiduse and the concept of Rebbe(s) are irrelevant.
After all, nobody “owes” anybody nothing.
The real facts
Money? Greed? Hah, who are you talking about? A family that almost every one of their kids, Grandkids and beyond are on Shlichus, in the Rebbe’s moisdois? A person who give her whole life to the Rebbe’s school? Without benefits, now health care, pension or anything? This is the family you are causing of greed?
Rabbi Levine’s letter, with all due respect, is simply childish.”We gave a generous offer”, “the house is only worth 800 thousand…” Hello!? The house is worth exactly as much as the market will bare! For the Itkin family to sell it for less money amounts to them giving a substantial donation to the buyer, and that is really up to them. Or should be. It is certainly no one’s business. Putting “community” pressure on them is nothing less than a harassment campaign (and in the Rebbe’s name noch r”l!)
Having said that, for people who purport to “work for the Rebbe” in chinuch and on shelichus to sell this property to Mendel Hendel – with the prospect of his disgusting flag flying right next to 770 – just tells me that their priorities are not about the Rebbe, but about themselves. But that, too, is their business…
I think R Levin’s point is that Hendel is inflating the price beyond what the market (without him) would bear, because he wants it for his undesirable purposes. A fair price would be what anyone *else* would be willing to pay, who has a genuine use for it.
Don't insult Willie
They ain’t this bad.
Sorry everybody but al pi Torah they are allowed to get the highest price possible. I don’t believe at all that they are being greedy, it’s their entitlement.
I love the way all you ‘idealists” say “we would give it away” sorry I don’t believe you for 1 second.
I believe that the rebbe would have been very respectful of their asset.
I seriously don’t get it! it’s their asset/money why should they not have the right to sell it fo rthe highest price possible???
Nobody is claiming they should give for free.
Then you might as well get rid of Zushe and Esther Flipper-Wilhelm
just me
LOL I was thinking EXACTLY that!
Boy we one stupid hood!
Ma Kesher?
Are you off the wall? since when is a family not allowed to get market value for their home? By the way market value is what people will pay, the garbage starts with stating that 1.5 is double the value! For the house next door to 770? for any house in crown heights?????
then you compare it 736, as if there is no novelty and value to being next door, seams Yediot and a bunch of news places think it is, but ti this writer its only a value to merkos???regardless probable after this major Chutzpa all the itkins and Teictels From Crown Heights, To Kansas, from PA, to Berlin and the rest of the world, should all sell their houses and cars and donate it to the library for even having the chutzpah to try to make money.
לפני יותר משנה סיכם המל”ח עם בני המשפחה (בע”פ ובכתב) שיקנו מהם את הבית הסמוך
1) This is obviously not true, because if they would have made an agreement, the Itkins would not have an argument.
2) Levin would quote them in his letter.
This is true.
Levin had no business dragging a decent family into machloikes by publicizing it. It is not a way to do business. They are entitled to sell it to the highest bidder. Leave them alone.
at this point Levin is equally guilty of generating machloikes as is Hendel
comment #39
voss hakstu a chainik!!!
Crown Heights always
I am sickened by the hateful, shrewed comments about the Itkins. THey can do what they want.For years our market sold houses at crazy prices,
people payed crazy prices just to live on certain streets etc. Rents are so so so high!!!!!!
we have no choice.
NOw one family is trying to make a deal and politics reared its ugly head, and suddenly///// they can not charge what they want. They are called greedy!
who ever wrote those comments should ask for mechila, its seriously damaging to your soul and family.I implore those nasty people against mrs.Tiechtel to go to sleep knowing you said you are sorry to her and to the whole family.
re: comment # 54 to comment #39
sorry i meant comment# 42
voss hakstu a chainik!!!
reality check
prices are up big time in the last 9 months hose is clearly worth over 2mil
Simply Wondering...
Knowing Rabbi Levine, he is using us for his OWN aims. Merkos owns a Hugh double home on Union St.-the old Kollel building. They gutted it out and it is
standing empty for years.
If the expansion reason is for storage, Union St is 4 times the size. It can be connected to the current library via an underground tunnel or bridge (like 770 and the library are connected at the second floor level).
Each floor on Union St is much bigger, even if both houses on EP are combined. With the $1,500,000 they can probably renovate Union St.-or pay for a good portion of renovation.
This is צדקה monies that need to be spent carefully.
Personality, I’m not convinced they need to buy that house. Rabbi Levine writes about books lying around, etc. You don’t buy a property for close to $2,000,000 and renovate for a similar amount-A $4,000,000 cost… For what??????
Ask yourself, is this tzedokah-hekdosh money well spent?
What would the Rebbe say?
3m is a bargain for this house! next door to 770 is there a better location than that
And according to the same websites you quote the value of that house being $800,00 ,770 is worth 1.15 Million!!!
770 is a bargain!!
Only 1.15 million according to the same pricing system listed above!!
To all you good people
Maybe IF the crooks TAL would not be in the picture we could say a good word about the Itkins
voice of reason
I don’t think anyone objects to them trying to get the best price they can for a house, I think the issue is that they seem to be throwing their principles aside to get it. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t but to the general public, the Itkins stand as Chassidim who are close to the true fundamentals of Chassidus & the Rebbe, not this yellow flag & terrorist garbage. Therefore, by playing cat & mouse with the Rebbe’s mosad just to get more money and to be actually considering selling to terrorists is abhorrent.
This is the best comment thus far. Could not have said it any better.
Mistake #1
I think that contracting BH Tal was an unfortunate error. I honesty don’t think the Itkin heirs intended for this to spiral out of control the way it did. Sadly, they chose to deal with lying, greedy, dishonest “realtors” aka scumbags.
Personally I don’t think they should even sell it. Who knows if the buyer will then go to flip bc of the price the location commands. It’s like a never ending blackmail. Maybe they should hold it and rent it out with a log term lease.
I personally would not let that property out of my hands.
The only reason anyone would suggest selling/giving it to merkos/770/library is that they don’t have the money to buy it themselves. Leave the family alone & let them sell it to whomever they want for however much they want.
Shmaryahu Bowdre
1. This is a matter of Halacha. People shouldn’t feel the need to express their personal view, especially if it runs contrary to Ahavas Yisroel.
2. You can’t run after Kovod because it runs away. My guess is the Itkin family would have given the building to the Rebbe since the Rebbe would have respected their interests. The Rebbe would not have applied even the minutest amount of pressure.
3. The price of a property is what people will pay. Let it go to auction, not public discussion, character assassination and expressions of ego.
The REAL Shmaryahu Bowdre'
I would really appreciate it if whoever it is that feels the need to hide behind my name and persona would not. Be a MAN as it says in Pirke Avos…
The ORIGINAL REAL Shmaryahu Bowdre
The only 2 comments worth reading are 89 and 92.
Just Read 65 again and again. He is the only one that makes any sense
Just read comment 65 He is the only one that makes sense.
In short: If you really care about the Rebbe’s library, donate YOUR dollar to buy the house. Don’t ask of the Itkins what you are not ready to do yourself.
To ALL Crown Heights Home Owners
Here is the tachlis:
I am writing to each and every Crown Heights home owner,
I am a yungerman who wants to reside in Crown Heights. This is the Rebbe’s shchuna and the rotzon of the Rebbe is that I live in “kan tziva”.
Therefore, since each of you want to give a nachas ruach and do the rotzon, I am giving you the opportunity and merit to sell me your home at fair market value.
Since I am in kollel, fair market value would be a FULL year;s salary of kollel (approx. $2,400). However, I am willing to double the offer to TWO years of kollel salary.
In case you are not thinking of selling your house, you should, because the Rebbe spoke many times of ahavas yisroel. After all you loved in the shchuna for many years and it is time to give someone else a chance. As a true chosid – asay ritzono ritzoncha, make his will yours and do what the Rebbe would have wanted.
If you think the price I am offering is too low, ask yourself, is it all about money, greed and selfishness? Chassidim were mosser nefesh mamask and you can’t budge because of a few dollars?!
My offer (actually – it is a demand) to buy your house won’t last forever. You MUST sell me your house or I will post all over the internet that you refused to do the rotzon (meaning that you are a nifrad) and that you have no ahavas yisroel (meaning that you are a sonei yisroel), you and your children should be banned from all mosdos etc. because you refused to sell me “your” house (l’hashem ha’aretz – it isn’t even yours).
After reading many comments above, I think a great many people would agree with me – even you would too when judging yenem. Now the buck stops by you.
Okay I get it now
I thought this was funny till it spoke to me and I got it. I am ashamed of myself and all the others who commented against the home owners. We all need to beg their forgiveness because they are doing exactly what each of us would do.
You seem not to understand the term “market price”. If there is a genuine bid on the house for $3M or $5M then that is the market price, and that is what Merkos must match if it wants to buy it. But if there is not really such a bid, from a *legitimate* buyer, then the market price is the highest bid that they would get. If they want to sell to Hendel, they will be responsible for everything that results, and we can all understand what that is likely to be.
Look at the Facts
What everyone is forgetting is that Merkos already bought the house behind 770, near the former kollel. Has the library or anything else “much needed expansion” happened there? Of course not, it is a blighted eyesore that makes the block look like postwar Berlin. Then they bought the house near the former Union Mikvah. Anyone see expansion there? No, it is a shul and a Tishrei guest house. So their track record on this is really dismal. I don’t like Hendel at all, but at least his building are being used by the community.
“but at least his building are being used by the community.”
How so?
the Library can add many floors to its existing building.
yitzchok teitelbaum
Clear Halacha There is a law of “bar metzra” which means that the neighbor has the first right to buy the property. 2)rabbi meir itkin would 100% want his property to belong to the Rebbe. I hope the family will make a good hacllata before third Tamuz. Yitzchok Teitelbaum,Miami Beach, Fl.
1340 Michigan Avenue
You are so chassidish oif yenem’s cheshbon (which is how chazal define a chosid shoiteh). Here is a wake up call: Chabad of Miami needs your house. We will give you a tax deductible receipt for the donation. When can you transfer us ownership? This is YOUR opportunity for you to give up your house on 1340 Michigan Avenue to the Rebbe via his shluchim and mosdos!
A bar meitzra has to match the highest genuine bid. He doesn’t get a discount.
yossi A
To all the REAL estate brokers who think they know the market.
1) Mrs Tiectel talking to Krinsky is nothing. The house belongs to her brothers (daughters don’t get a yerusha.
@) Is 1304 President for sale??????????
The fair nmarket value is 1.5 mil !!!!!!!!!!!
so many rovs, accts, lawyers
This is ridiculous.
chinfo, are u guys accountants?
u state estate tax rules?
do u know the value of the total estate, deductions, trusts, capital gain, legal transfers, gifted interest, etc?
and to my dear friend millhouse, are u clear in hilchos bar metzra? it’s a very complicated sugya in halacha and not solved in a 2-bit comment.
The right way to resolve this is for merkos and the family to go to a mutually agreed bais din (preferably non lubavitch rabbonim) and let them decide. not a din torah with boirer$, ro$enberg, toyen$, etc., but a friendly “let’s ask a rov how to resolve this al pi Torah”
b’didi hava uvda, i had a dispute with a moisad regarding a payment, we agreed to go to a rov, and today i’m best friends with the menahel,
we both wanted to do what’s right al pi halacha, and without animosity.
value 10 million
if you think about, just try to buy a house on President st between Kingston and Brooklyn, You should like paying 3 million and up
This house, being next door to 770, obviously has a higher value, for the location jus for a charity
5 million and up is the real value, i would say up to 10 millions
I would ask for 10 million and wait
The amazing thing is how so many people believe this PURE MOTZEI SHEM RA with no backup other than one man’s word vs an entire family’s word!
THIS is the HAKAROS HATOV for the endless, innumerable acts of devotion and love this family has performed, in a ripple effect ALL AROUND THE WORLD!
With friends and “fellow chassidim,” like these, who cannot spare even the slightest dan lekaf zchus, who needs enemies?
Sholom Dovber
The rents and the cost of purchases homes in Crown Heights has move beyond the reach of average couples.
If you do not have family assistance, a business or similar the situation is bleak.
People are being forced to live elsewhere or substandard accommodation.
I wonder what the Rebbe’s response would be if he was here.
Sholom Dovber
If 3 Rabbonim are asked to give a Psak on this vexatious issue it is likely there will probably be three differing responses.
I feel the Itkin family have the right to receive market value which is informed by the position of the property.Probably between $1.800.000 to 2.500.000
Merkos probably has some”rights”, but why haven’t they renovated the property on Union Street?.
Menny Hendel is an evil man and should not get his hands on the property.His messianic cult would win a tragic victory.It is bad enough that the impressionable youth are running amoke in 770.
It was a mistake for Rabbi Levin to go public.
With Love from Istanbul
To all the “Holy” people, taking time off from their shlichus and their work to get involved in this matter. It is so beautiful to see that you are taking off time from your busy schedule to send letters, make comments, slandr and accuse the family for their shameless behavior. It looks like you may be successful in ‘saving’ Lubavitch from another Chilul Hashem!
Could you imagine how terrible it would be if you did not get involved, no one would be talking about all the various accusations, half truths and blatant lies being said about this Chassidishe family. Make sure you take advantage of your time in New York when you come in for Gimmel Tammuz to set up additional URGENT meetings to discuss the sale and purchase of this private home. Don’t make the mistake of getting caught up with Gimmel Tammuz and the achdus and unity that is so needed in our community – because this travesty may just get ‘swept under the carpet’ and no one will know of this Chilul Hashem taking place – a family trying to sell their home!!!!
Boruch Hashem for such dedicated young Shluchim who become the mouthpieces to those who are smarter than doing this themselves. We know that this is all for the Rebbe’s Kovod (as you can see the “kovod” that all your involvement got).
Could you imagine what would be if you gave a shiur instead or decided to put on Tefillin with another Jew? But achh, better work on the Rebbe’s ‘Kovod
Let's make some sense...
So essentially, if I understood the reasonable comments above, the issue is letting certain baalei machlokes dictate price (by bidding up) and the assumption that there a deal with them.
Which authoritative person in this matter has said that Hendel and co. have actually placed a bid? So he likes to be in the thick of it and ask questions? That’s no proof he’s interested in buying the house, just that buttons are being pushed.
Seems like a lot of conjecture. And a lot of rechilus. What normal company handles their negotiations in public? For “greedy” people, the Itkins have been very quiet publicly and not engaged in this game of he said, she said to sway public opinion their way. Hatznei’a leches is a commendable quality.
millhouse is wrong
I’m surprised at u Millhouse: usually so balanced and thought out.
R’ Levin’s argument is not based on the discussions w/ mrs. teichtel, but on the fact that he believes that Mendy Hendel is bad for the Rebbe’s name.
That is his personal opinion, and even one held by many, but also disputed by many others. There are no legal teeth to such an assertion and certainly should not be when it comes to whom to sell a home.
Ohev Sholom
Everyone is getting very excited here, but let me just point out some very simple facts which I think everyone can agree with.
1) Obviously the Itkin family can do whatever they want and nobody can control them.
2) Nobody has the right to expect them to donate the property, that’s just plain ridiculous. If someone donated their property to a yeshiva that is very noble but nobody can tell someone else how to handle their belongings.
3) Obviously the house is worth much more than 800 K, Berel Levine knows that too, and that’s why MLC offered 1.5M for it.
4) Obviously if there are offers for 2M or 2.5
Ohev Sholom
M, then the Itkins have the right to tell MLC that their offer is not reasonable in the face of the other offers, but if there are absolutely no such offers from anybody, just someone who for price hiking purposes and war against MLC is willing to pay 3M, then the Itkins obviously may still do whatever they want, but from a TOrah/Chassidus perspective this would be wrong.
perhaps the Rebbe's opinion
Free translation rom Maamar biyom ashtei asar:
“And according to this, it’s understood the wisdom of the one who says ana nasiv malka (I want the king), because in addition to this that they don’t want the sustenance like dogs and also not like the lower servants that are outside the kings table, (even though the sustenance received is far greater in volume), and they want to be at the kings table… rather [their desire] is in the king – Ana nasiv malka”.
May the sellers be granted with great wisdom.
$3 million wasted
Look at what is going on.
Where is the fighting over who will give more money to needy families for Yomtov. Who is screaming ” come I will give more money for a simcha”.
How is there an extra $3 million to buy another building?
The Itkins are a wonderful family. All of Anash should daven to Hashem that the Itkins will stand up to their nissayon. This is the Emes.
Being The Itkins began negotiating with Rabbi Krinsky let them finish and all of the Rebbes chassidim will benefit.
We should be Zoche to Moshiach Tzideinu now!
Chaim Shaulzon
Translated from: http://bshch.blogspot.com/2013/06/blog-post_1628.html#comment-form
For Controversy (Machlokes) There is Plenty Money!!!
It happens almost everywhere I’ve seen it Satmar for years they failed to build the Meis Medresh, years was the building empty and desolate they could not finish it because there was no money, but once the Controversy (Machlokes) began within one year they build giant synagogues, where millions were available as much as needed, the institutions that were contested were developed, something very interesting happened, what they could not do peacefully they did with Machlokes.
Now this is happening in Chabad, with the structure that is adjacent to the Chabad library in Crown Heights, the owners were offered double the price more than the worth and then came the Meshichistim and promised more money, just to make sure the sane people don’t take control over it.
What interesting is from where are millions. A house which is worth a total of around $800 thousand dollars they are ready to give nearly $3 million, would a sane person do this? Absolutely not. But, when there’s a Machlokes millions are found.
What infuriates me is that when you ask these very same people for money for important matters they will give you barely a $100, but when there’s such a controversy they open their pockets wide and immediately write a check for a hundred thousand dollars or even a million dollars.
This is the reality!!!
What’s a wonder here is that the same family whose selling the home, is not their good name important to them, or for money they are willing to sell their good name in order to rake in millions? I admit I am doubtful as to whether I would be able to defeat my evil inclination when face with millions, and yet we are talking about a house next door to the Rebbe and Chabad Casidim should them think twice before they make such a move. If they sell it to Meshichistim they will claim they that they did it for the money not for ideology, because they are not originally Meshichistim and from the outset it has been agreed upon with the leaders of Chabad on selling for double the price.
Now is the time to prove greatness and heroism to make the right decision, to prove that money is not always important, sometimes the right move is more important because it pays much more in the future.
Chaim Shaulzon
asking price is $3.000.000. That’s it!
What can mendy gender do with this property that’s worse than whatever is already going on in 770. Why would he need/want this?
I don’t believe any of this nonsense. It seems that merkoz never got their act together. If there was a bid there should be documentation. Nobody does a multimillion dollar deal by word of mouth.
This is the very same Shaindel Teichtel that is responsible for the chinuch of our girls?! and she has no problem showing that money means more to her than the Rebbe’s inyonim!!! She conveniently puts it in the hands of gazlonim who are out to rob crown heightsers so that no one could say she’s behind itl but since it is her fathers house she has the right to tell her “cover ups” (otherwise known as estate agents) that she is agreeable to whatever price she wants to agree upon. This “michaneches” is basically trying to make a killing on the money from Merkos. She should be ashamed of herself!!!!!
ezras noshim
The itkins are allowed to ask and get what they want. $800,000 is ridiculous. The value is whatever you can get for it. This house considering size, and location should sell for 1,800,000. However, if the itkins want to bend some and give it for less, fine and they should do that. After all it is next to 770 and we are who we are. HOwever if they choose not to that is their choice. But if it is explained why it would be a disaster for Lubavitch if medel hendel got hold of it, i am sure they would understand. However, the family does not need to lose money either. Maybe if Merkos gives a fair offer and some shluchim and others who have money get together and add a little bit then everyone gains and loses a little. I don’t think the itkins are at all comfortable to sell to hendel.. To say the value is 800,000 is ridiculous. Smaller houses on not such good location has sold for more.
The house shouldn’t go by market value rather the location which the house is situated (770) and like we see by other Hasidic sect the house that is located next to the main shul brings the value up tremendously
To #89
You are dead wrong. I didn’t play one buyer against another when I sold my house in Crown Heights. We agreed on a price and that was it. Whoever offered more after we struck a deal was out of luck. Maybe you would behave like that but don’t say everyone would just to justify your own greedy behavior.
what is going on here???
i think the rebbe would be very upset with all this politics and would want people to not be soo involved and spend more time trying to do good things to bring moshiach now!!!
In the name of someone who knew them
What a mad clap of noise ….Did you know the Itkin grandparents ? Did you ever feel the love and embrace from these warmhearted people ? Then your lips would fall silent and your keypad would write no more -out of sheer respect . They were simple , soulful and deep Chasidim . Their love of family was only surpassed by their love of the Rebbe.
In their home all were welcomed; every guest and visitor was treated with dignity and respect. Do we not owe their memory the same, now that they can speak no more? If Zaide Itkin would have met you and you needed help, no doubt he would have helped you procur a loan or even risked his life to offer you a job as he did for so many in the Soviet Union. And guess what ? No one would have known your story because he wouldn’t talk about you . When he would talk it was to farbreng … And it was to help another . Do you know what he would’ve wanted ? He would always ask his grandchildren … Un vi gait di gashmius .. Because he worried and he cared. He didn’t have much but whatever he had , he would share with his family and others.
Mrs. Sima Itkin, A”h, -her name is a blessing and her memory never dulls with the passing of days . In a cold world, she was the one sitting by her window reciting Tehillim. When the doorbell would ring her face would light up , for to her it was the cheeriest sound in the world . When the visitor or einikel would come up the stairs or the newly married grandchild, how she would happily spring up to serve them the sponge cake with the sprinkles or give them a new toy . One day I found her sad . She explained that another one of her grandchildren, who she had become close to, was moving away with his family on shlichus.The pain in her voice was evident . How much more would she rather have them next to her than merely their pictures on her sideboard . But she knew they were going to live in faraway cities to fulfill the wishes of our Rebbe. So she accepted it with love.
She breathed mesiras nefesh. Her father Yitzchok Raskin was taken from her by the KGB before her eyes . But more than that … She knew about ahavas yisroel .Pure unadulterated 100 per cent care and concern .
What did she emphasize about her father ? She said he was a gentle man who would sing her nigunim way into the night . What do people remember about her? That Bubby Itkin had a twinkle in her eye . That she made everyone feel special and unique . What are we going to remember of her now that it has been five years since her children bade her goodbye ?
Is it the bricks , stones and man made mortar or the eternal mitzvos she did – how she would give a stranger in 770 a rebbe dollar,because they needed it. Or how she loved the neighborhood of kan tziva and would go cheerfully to all the neighborhood stores to shop for her fish and everything else for her steady stream of Shabbos guests.
The house will sort itself out . It is a big family ka”h and they will reach a true and good maskonah about their parents’ yerusha .But what will be with us ? What will be with our generation of Chasidim as the era before us slips away ? Will we keep their lessons burning in our hearts ? Will we keep the treasure they safeguarded safe in our hands ? Will we do everything “tzu tan yenem a toiveh ” and to judge another with a favorable eye ? They lived and breathed and believed in us so strong . Let’s not let them down ! Let’s treat each other with kindness and love …. For that is the only legacy that we can keep with us forever…
117 comments and no one has said the one thing that needs to be said.
Of course the itkins can ask whatever a buyer will pay.
Of course menuval Hendel is a terrible Baal machlokess. And bar for the name of Chabad and Lubavitch
Of course. A Billionaire Russian poiyer is giving menuval the funds. It’s small potatoes for him
Of course. Merkos and krinsky have things they need to be ashamed of. Including the fact that HD got filthy rich on merlos money and connections. Let him give some love back.
Of course 10 disgusting yellow flags will flap in the wind. Probably overshadowing the 770 bldg.
this is poshut.
What all u guys are missing is;
That crown heights is irrelevant
Nobody normal takes the community seriously anymore.
770 is a meshugoyim house.
The Rah bonim are a laughing stock. To the whole world for sure but even to crown heighters
The yeshiva in 770 is a cruel joke
The disenfranchised, machlokess filled community council is pathetic and worthless
Any sane person stopped caring years ago.
People have ceased to care what happens in 770 itself and they should care what happens in a Hal duplex 2 doors down???
Don’t make yourself so big. You’re not even small you’re tiny and insignificant.
You don’t rate.
Let the itkins sell to whomever. Then they can watch the degeneration of CH go even further lower than ever imagined.
yitzchok teitelbaum
To emphasize what I wrote in #74. The law of Bar metzrah is very clear. If someone is selling land or a house-especially a house that is attached and a building that is holy; the Bar Metzrah goes first. (like it or not- that is the law of Bar metzrah. No the neighbor does not get for free;I said he must buy it! [And 1340 Michigan is not for sale-in response to #95] The Rebbe did not appreciate when some shvarza tried to take advantage of 770 when they wanted to expand. For more on Bar Metzrah see Choshen Mishpat 175 and encyclopedia Talmudic vol. # 4..Just to conclude, yes! the Itkins are a great family and Rabbi Meir Itkin was a very special Chasid etc. I am sure he would want his house down here to be part of Gan Eden.And his family should get a fair price. Yitzchok Teitelbaum
rabbit blackhole in wonderland
Mushrooms taste divine , you need a kick to overcome the pain of a vacuum after Gimmel Tamuz.
Maybe we can get viewabill to help with transparency
This is too ugly and it can’t be the Rebbe’s agenda for so much fighting.,
The Tzfatim bring down the worth of the propety!
besides, who would want to live there? the night before the great parade, the yud aleph nissan rally and parade you wont sleep a wink!
I have 3 million!
I want to live next to 770 and I can pay 3 million…
But… I just don’t want to live next all the people commenting here.
Well… I guess Florida is nice too!
Go For It
I think they should sell it to the highest bidder.
But why stop with Hendel?
I am sure there are plenty of well funded Arab terrorists who would pay much more than Hendel.
2 weeks later
Please post an update on the sale. Why are we are being kept in jeopardy.
An important sale like this should be front page news.
Thank you