Letter: Parade Vaad Answers Controversial Issues
In a letter sent out by the ‘Vaad Members – Lag B’omer Parade Committee’ they responded to the numerous calls and emails they have been receiving with concerns about the parade. In the letter they seek to clarify their positions in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
והאמת והשלום אהבוIn response to receiving numerous e-mails and phone calls in regards to the upcoming Lag B’omer Parade, The organizers of the Lag B’omer Parade would like to clarify our posiion to avoid any misunderstandings.
Let it be known, many months before the parade, a Va’ad was established to ensure that the parade will be held in the spirit of unity. This Va’ad met regularly to discuss all Parade issues, and many unanimous decisions were reached. This Va’ad is sill strong and acive and we have worked out all issues unanimously.
As our Rebbe has entrusted us with organizing and conducing the Lag B’omer Parade, and our only goal is to give our Rebbe Nachas Ruach, We ask that we be allowed to conduct the parade in the manner we see fit, and only this will ensure that all of the Rebbe’s Chassidim will spend Lag B’omer in the spirit of achdus.
Our Rebbe has taught us that אבינו ברכנו can only be when כאחד כולנו, we all know that there is NOTHING so dear to our Rebbe as Peace between his own children.
with the spirit of Rabbi ,לא מצא הקבה כלי מחזיק ברכה לישראל אלא השלום ,Chazal say Akiva and the Ahavas Yisroel of Lag B’omer, may we merit to celebrate this year’s Lag B’omer Parade in Yerusholaim with Moshiach Tzidkeinu B’roshainu.
Sholom Ber Baumgarten Zev Cadaner Shimon Hecht
Sholem Ber Hecht Laibel Moscowitz Shmaryohu WeinbaumVa’ad Members – Lag B’omer Parade Committee
there is really nothing there except that we should all listen do whatever they say fit??!!!
is that their answer for giving in to mendel hendels demands?
What position??
You didn’t take one. What are you saying?
must know
I need to know right now, are we saying Yechi or not. If yes than I’m gonna practice right now through lag bomer, on saying Yechi perfectly. If not than I’m gonna practice right now how to grab the microphone, from the people who hold them. Please let me know before Shabbbos. Yechi hamelech vehamalkeh.
Maybe Israel should make “Achdus” with Hamas??? Think about it.
To Yechi or not to Yechi that us the que
This question still goes unanswered, so there will be trouble. How about shev v’al ta’aseh, if they don’t say Yechi you won’t offend the vast majority of those attending, which is true Ahavas Yisroel.
Wow, this letter has answered ALL my questions.
A movement of Mossrim
i hope this doesn’t mean what I think this means. This letter raises more questions then answers.
Those who do Mesira and justify mesira are not my brothers.
The code of the Jewish Law makes it very clear as how we deal with Mossrim.
We don’t compromise with Mossrim!
Zev Cadaner?!
Apart from printing 10,000 Yechi flags to give out to all the kids @ the parade, what qualifies Zev Cadaner to be on this committee? Where is Merkos in all this?
good letter
last year was a disaster grown-men fighting before children
they are trying to avoid a similar mess-up which makes sense
oh gosh..
maybe i wont go. dont want my kids hearing that.
…For NOT ONLY ONE has risen up against us to annihilate us, but in every generation THEY rise up against us to annihilate us,
Mishichistim: A Movement of Mosrim
At a recent trip to Israel I had the opportunity to meet up with my extended family at a family Simcha (Uncles, Ants, Cousins and second cousins). We had all come to spend a Shabbos together to celebrate my niece’s Bat-Mitzva.
It turns out I have a cousin who was “learning” in Tzfat “Yeshiva” (a.k.a the Mishichist Yeshiva). This year was his second year at this institution.
He was aware that I was one of the Shomrim Six and related the following to me.
He said that while we sat on trial, the Mishichist Bochrim were all excited, he said that for six weeks (the course of the trial), the Yeshiva was alive. Everyday the Bochrim would get an update at to the proceedings of that day in court. The discussions in the study hall, dining room and dorm rooms were all about the trial.
For six weeks everyday “his friends” would tell him with a smile from ear to ear, “your cousins are going to jail”, “your cousins are screwed” etc…
I asked my cousin if this was just a few guys of the Yeshiva at large and to this the reply was the Yeshiva at large.
I then asked how was the reaction after the not guilty verdict?
“They were all down and depressed, they couldn’t look me in the eyes, and this was a big hit for them” my cousin said.
I have a brother in-law who is Tzfat as well. I wanted to confirm that the above was indeed true and so Motzi Shabbos when I returned to my in-laws I asked my brother in-law about how it was when we sat on trial, he said the same exact thing as my cousin, only they told him that “his brother in-law is going to jail”, his brother in-law was screwed”.
The Shomrim Six Mesira was not a Mesira of a few Mishichistim, the whole Mishichist movement was involved, and they were all excited, praying that the Shomrim Six be found guilty and imprisoned for 15 plus years.
When we came aware that we are actually going to go to trial, we did everything we possibly can to stop it.
We reached out to every Mishichist leader and supporter for help (Mendel Hendel in Crown Heights and Wilishansky in Tzfat to name a few), to no avail, they all straight out refused to help.
One Mishichist (who happens to be an official Shilach) was offered a new Safer Torah for his Chabad house if he would help. Not only did he refuse, he went ahead justified and excused the Mesira.
achdus does not men destroying all we stand for!
do not let terror win!
As an American citizen who really truly and strongly believes in American values and exceptionalism demand that the parade organizers allow me to sing the American national anthem at the parade.
1) if they don’t allow me they are ANTI America, Anti-peace, racist and bigoted.
2) the national anthem is something that was done for hundreds of years before every major event. NEVER IN HISTORY has it not been song before a major event.
3) not allowing me to sing the national anthem proves that someone has an agenda.
Every group, organization, movement, sect and yes individual should have the right to get up on stage and say what they want. This rule should be implemented in every parade, concert, public gathering, meeting and rally.
ch resident
by allowing yechi you floats and yellow flags, the vaad hamesader is condoning the saying of this
CH Streets
What streets will be closed?
We MUST say Yechi at parade
This is an incredible opportunity to have thousands of yidden hear for the first times in their lives “Yechi”! They are like a karkafta (that never put on tefillin). How can we let such an opportunity go by??? It doesn’t matter if they don’t like hearing it – they MUST hear it! It doesn’t matter if they get “turned off” from Chabad – it’s what Chabad believes in! The Rebbe attends the parade as he always did, therefore WE MUST SAY YECHI!!!
i agree with #2