We Are Heading Back to Court? — Vaad Sues for Kashrus

New court papers filed in the name of the Vaad Hakohol last week indicate that all the work done until now may be at risk of being undone. According to the filers, the papers are simply trying to enter the Psak Din of the Zablo Beis Din within the courts, but others claim that what they really do is reach far beyond the boundaries of the Psak.

The papers were filed by Elie Poltorak, who was ousted by the Psak Din which declared that the Vaad he was a member of was illegitimate, and was decisively voted out in the ensuing elections. according to Vaad Chairman Zaki Tamir, he was retained to enter the Psak in court.

According to Tamir, the Psak stated that it may be entered in court within a year, and he explained that this is the way it needed to be done. “It is the nature of the petition, that there has to be some relief to be sought” he said, explaining why the Vaad is demanding the Vaad Hakashrus and all of its trademarks and funding.

When asked if this was a decision by the entire Vaad, Tamir answerd that it was: “we have been speaking about it for months, but we never… and the deadline was coming up… and Boruch Hashem we got it in time.” However, Yossi Hackner, the Vaad’s attaché to the Vaad HaKashrus, told us that he had no knowlage of the court filings, or that it was in the works.

Skeptics contest Tamirs version of this new court action; an anonymous source familiar with the proceedings said that this is “another ploy, just like the installation ceremony, where Tamir is doing things on his own while serious issues are still on the table.”

He continued, “Namely, there are many parts of the Psak which the Vaad never bothered addressing, the restoration of the Netzigim being the prime example.”

“In this action all they are doing is make a grab for the Vaad Hakashurs, in apparent retaliation for Rabbi Osdoba’s refusal to get behind the election of Rabbi Braun” the source said.

Click Here to download the full court papers.


  • Good news

    Now we can really demand that broin get the … Out of here
    As the peak is that a rabbi has to be over 40 and be ordained as a a rabbi and mr broin is not a legitimate candidate and we the community will ask the. Court to send him In a chasidishe Loshon “zol her geyen tzu benyes mameh”

  • sick

    Why didn’t Zaki post it on his BLOG? THIS IS MAJOR HE SHOULD HAVE INFORMED US.


  • Lasagna is Not Kasher lePesach

    Zaki wasn’t short anything. He had crates and crates of KLP lasagna from the museum in Boro Park.

  • Here We Go Again

    I wonder if this had the Haskama of Rabbi Braun.If it is, then when did he have the time to go thru the whole situation ,listen to both sides, etc. -he is only here a few weeks. If it is not with his approval then what happened to the majority rule that we were supposed to have with a third Rov. Although I was pro election and pro Braun (out of default due to the other candidate )something is not right here. On top of that the Vaad is using the services of a former member that was one of the main instigators that caused this rift and mired us down in this pit.

  • hey

    Zaki step down now. I made a big mistake when I voted for you. We voted for change we wanted those shmekers out of here and you are working with them hand-in-glove.
    Chalila is the political liason. polterek is filing court papers. What else are you doing behind our back??? Stay away from Kashrus. You just proved you can not be trusted.

  • To be clear

    As stated clearly in this article, the PSAK DIN of the Zabl”o stated that this Psak Din should be entered and filed with the Courts.

    There is absolutely NOTHING new happening here. They are simply entering the Psak Din into the court record, thereby making it a (secular) legal document.

    The 5 Rabbonim of the Zabl”o agreed to this long ago in writing. It was just pushed off until now.

    Go on and enjoy Yom Tom. Chag Pesach Kasher V’sameach!


    I saw and read the lawsuit, and it’s bull, it’s another trick and one big distraction.

    The Mishichist Mossrim faction are throwing another bone to the Crown heights people and saying, “hay little stupid doggies, go fetch this, while we ALL* (Petitioners, Respondents, Plaintiffs and Defendants) rape the community from millions of dollars daily”.

    They are suing themselves so like this they can come and say we agree with the arbitration and then it would be defendant vs. defendant. (making it the Osdoba faction against the Braun and Schwie factions).

    We should not fall for this distraction, they are ALL crocks and Mossrim and let them kill each other.
    From the start of all this it was Mishichistim against Mishichistim, [*except for a select few which fell for the whole hope and change, peace is coming bull shit and who had nothing to do with either party -The CHJCC/Beth Din faction- but only took part because they honestly thought they would bring change/peace unity etc…]

    Poltorak needs to find a real job.

    By the Way: Where is the money coming from to pay for all this?

  • WIS

    So here we are again, back in court (right were it all began two years ago), this is all despite $300,000,00 spent on a phony joke of a Zablo Din Torah.

    Crown Heights does not need the corrupt Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc. (CHJCC) and it’s corrupt Beth Din, all that Crown Heights residents have seen from that (single) organization is controversy, Messira/court case after court case. Shut it all down!!!

  • disappointed

    typical going against the will of the community creating chaos instead of Shalom Nepotism & more You are making everyone including myself sorry that we voted for you what we’re getting is more of the same garbage.Step down 7 let’s clean house again!!

  • R. Gould

    and we wonder why Moshiach hasn’t come yet, maybe an someone who is not yet know within the community should be made Rebbe, but then again the community couldn’t agree on the type of toilet paper to use let alone a new Rebbe.
    Get your act together Crown Heights and Beyone, Ahavat Yisrael is what we need.
    Stop acting like spoiled children and grow up,

    You want someone who has no political connections or for Rebbe, then call me,


    Mossrim and Ganovim Ask: “Whats Going To Be With The Kashrut?”

    “And these are the laws that you must set before them.” (21:1)

    QUESTION: Rashi states: “Like a set table which is ready for the person to partake of the feast.” In what sense is the halachah governing monetary matters like a set table?

    ANSWER: Many people are very particular about the kashrut of the food they eat. When they are invited to a party, before partaking of the foods laid out on the table, they inquire about the shechitah of the meat and the bakery that produced the baked goods, etc. Only if the food on the table meets their kashrut standards will they eat of it. Unfortunately, in monetary matters they are often not so stringent and they may even engage in questionable business practices.

    Rashi is suggesting that in money matters, one should be as strict as with the food on one’s table.

    The Code of Jewish Law is known as the Shulchan Aruch, which literally means “a set table.” This, too, emphasizes that in all issues of halachah one must act with total integrity, just as one demands the highest standards of kashrut.

    (Vedibarta Bam: Volume II – Shemot – Mishpatim)

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t give a damn about the CHK Kashrut, it makes absolutely no difference in my life who runs that small operation.

    Any funny business taking place with the Kashrut pales in comparison to the corruption, fraud and theft thats taking place in the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc.

    How hypercritical that the same Mossrim and Ganovim who have been stealing our tax money that comes to our community by way of Government Grants (meant to help people in need) are all of a sudden worried about “whats going on with the Kashrut?”, These very same Ganovim and Mossrim are worried about “Acdush” in the community, “Achdush” in the Beth Din?

    The answer is, they (Mossrim and Ganovim) are not worried, they couldn’t give a darn either whats happening with the Kashrut. What they are attempting to do, as they have done many times before (as WIS has already pointed out) is to distract the people away from the real issues, the real problem.

    The real problem, is the millions that has been stolen from the CHJCC.

    “Good Dog, Good Crown Heights resident…Now go fetch me the Kashrut”



  • It-s clear what it really is..read!!!!

    To number 8:

    There is what Zaki Tamir wants you to believe this is about and there their is me and you and anybody who can read which see clearly what it’s really about.

    Why don’t you actually take the time and actually read the 75 pages instead of relying on a lair and thieve to tell you what he wants you to think it is?


    It is clear to any mentch in or out of Crownheights. We residents are allowing ourselves to be bullied into submission by a small faction of crooked/criminal elements. No one in our “normal” Chassidic community dares do the terror methods of this faction. For example, no one wants to be audited by the IRS like N.G. just b/c he spoke out. And so we are just sitting ducks afraid to protest for fear of criminal reprisals.
    This is truly tragic, but what is the alternative? I wish I knew. Could some rational minded individual suggest a tactic that has some teeth? This is a very serious matter, and a very serious question.

  • Cream of Chabad

    No doubt guys like Poltorak, Tamir, Federman are the Crown of Lubavitch. They make any Jewish mother proud.

  • Zaki tamir lies

    Zaki Tamir is a lair.

    You want to know who a person is just check out his friends.

    Zaki hangs out with Mossrim and Ganovim.

    Zaki Tamir can not be trusted.

    Zaki Tamir thinks we are all stupid and ignorant and could play with us like play things.

  • to #17

    Indeed. This guys would have sued the Rebbe, r’l, if this would have benefited their pecuniary interests

  • Zman HaGeulah Higiya

    This presents an excellent means of defeating the fraudsters.

    It is a one-sided document with a number of important inaccuracies and misrepresentations. These can be challenged one by one in court (a case forced upon the community, as were the previous cases).

    What is needed is someone who has the resources to retain a high quality attorney, who would also enter demands beyond the scope of this petition, all as a part of discovery.

    Crown Heights may yet have information as to where public funds have vanished.

    There are many very weak-spots on the petitioners side, that are best left unmentioned in this public forum so that a cover up is not provoked.

  • Attorneys at Lies, PC

    So Tamir, Poltergeist and Federkop are going to open a practice together, in which they handle only frivolous lawsuits and machloikes?

  • Show Me The Money?

    Zaki Tamir did not have $4,500 to help the needy of the community, but has a=money to file lawsuits? and to add insult he hires a mosser (Elie Poltorak) we all fired in the last election?

    If Zaki Tamir will claim that the CHJCC is not paying the bill, then who is and why?