Vaad Hakohol’s New Interim Executive Director
Crown Heights Vaad Hakohol Chairman Zaki Tamir said businessman Sam Chanin “is the Executive Director of the Vaad Hakohol over the next 6 months.”
In a blog post late last night Zaki Tamir clarified some matters concering Sam Chanin and his involvement with the Vaad Finances:
From the comments:
“is it not true by your meeting with chanin who tied a string to the check stating he must be a third signer on the vaad’s bank account? did we also elect him, i know i never saw his name on the ballot, and i voted for you….”
Shmuel Chanin will in fact be a signatory on the account, together with the members of the Vaad. The account requires 3 signatures on any payment issued. Therefore, any check that is cut would require the majority of Vaad members to sign anyway.
Are there strings attached to the money? Not quite. Here are the facts:
1. Shmuel Chanin’s company is being retained to manage the finances of the Vaad, in order to turn it in to an efficient and “profitable” mossad (he is actually donating the staff and services).
2. Shmuel himself was instrumental in raising the $100,000 the Vaad needed in order to bring Rabbi Braun. He is continuing to fundraise for the Vaad Hakohol and the rabbonim.
3. Over the next six months, Shmuel is technically employed as the Executive Director of the Vaad Hakohol.
I appreciate that the community elected me, Yossi and Fishel to manage community affairs as the Vaad Hakohol. There should be no doubt that we jointly make the decisions that affect this community. We unanimously decided to bring Shmuel Chanin on board because of his unrivaled business management skills. He does not take any salary, and does not have the ability to spend money without the knowledge or consent of the Vaad.
Is he demanding to be a signatory on the account? You better believe it! He has the burden of rebuilding the Vaad Hakohol from the ground up, including the fundraising, including the Vaad Hakashrus – and wants to make sure that he’s not shut out of the financial decisions. But remember, Shmuel runs a number of successful businesses, and is independently wealthy, kein ayin hora. Until he showed up, the Vaad resources were just about nil.
I realize that many people in Crown Heights have learned to be very suspicious of the community leadership. That’s the result of years of fighting, egos and broken trust. It’s something that the Vaad is trying to change. Bear with us!
doas mr chanin live in ch???
What the &(@(@
This guy is not shomer shabbos. What are we showing our kids?? That it is okay to go off the way? As long as you make some money and buy off a town?
I am happy this happened now all can see the truth
Simple Cheshbon
I “donate” $100.000 to a non-for-profit organization. Then they “hire” me for $80.000 a year, so I “laundered” $80.000 dollars.
That is “exactly” what got all those Rabbis arrested 2 summer ago.
is he a chasid? A family name does not mean that one is a chasid. Will these people do their job with the Rebbe in mind?
What happened to Eli Cohen?
So after Eli Cohen buys $4,000,000 worth of apartments in 509 Crown in his own name using the Vaads money he moves aside to give someone else a chance to rake it in? When are we going to see the benefits for the community from the community’s funds?!
yosske perlstien
thinking of moving out
omg how can they hire a guy without the residents of crown heights’s notification
doesn’t there have to be some kind of public call to us
wth is going on here
despite the fact about the shomer shabbos, residence issues
why are they doing things behind our backs
after all it is OUR community OUR money and OUR welfare
where are they the vaad leading us too
please someone explain
this is getting real scary now
Sol Kolman
What A shame and disgrace this is that we sell our selves for money that we think we will gain just watch this crook in action.
Sol Kolman
channin is nos taking salary
I think that,aderaba, now all the millions that come to the vaad, are going to go to the right direction
to no 2
how u know he not shomer shabbos
No beard
I trust Zaki and Chanin. If there is no beard there is nothing to hide the dirt behind. Until now we have given the finances to uneducated “frum looking” individuals who embezzled, stole, laundered, misapropriated, and lost. Somehow they have come out rich from it while the community came out with nothing. It started with one man who was put in cheirem but owns many buildings here un CH and is very wealthy therefore there is magically no cheirem.
Lets give them a try!
Ch is going down faster then I thought…
TO #3
Lets be honest, it does say he will not be taking a salary.
Yiddish Proverb
There is an old Yiddish Proverb: “Men Git Di Katz Aif Hittun De Milch”, Meaning “One does not give a cat to guard the milk…”
Vehmavin Yavin..!
To number 5
Just ask him he dosent hide it. He eats in public in treif resturants.
Heck he lived in ch not maried with a shiksa.
All the pepole that work with him knows he orders in treif. Besides his wife dosent cover her hair. This is the vadd hakall u r talking about which deals with kashers, rabonim etc. This is not a joke
You can all p off.
1) No salary
2) Business savvy
3) Objective to sort CH finances so you can see more bang for your buck.
4) All you trouble makers on here – there is a special place for you in he++. The good news is I know a Rov who will be available to you there as well. And he won’t have any competition.
He is the best
I think he will show everyone he is the best and do a great job he deserves our support.
And I am not saying that because I am his mother.
Az uch un az vey….
chanin was not voted into the Vaad Hakohol by the people
if he wants to offer his services to help thats great but why give him the executive director position????
if zaki cant handle the pressure of the being executive director then the other two vaad members can take over!!!!
Concern resident
Wake up!!!!!!!!
It is time for the normal casidishe residents to separate complete by making their own Vaad Hakohol & Rabonim.
Let the baalej machlokes eat their own cooked food.
Lets look at the issue objectively. The vaad Hakohol needs help managing finances, so they turn to an individual, (or the were offered by the individual) so that he would help rebuild the financial stability of the management.
Why is everyone hung up on the identity or religious observance of this person? He sincerely wants to help! He comes from a family whom have helped Chassidim back in the former USSR. Are you worried that he would get involved with Kashrus decisions?
Or are you simply politicaly motivated?
Why is it that every time someone makes an effort to improve the stature of the community, he/they suffer criticism from “keyboard activists”? And when various individuals create establishments that endanger the spiritual and religious wellfare of the young of our community they are adorned with a wreath of flowers? “We must welcome people among us who do not choose to lead a Chassidic life style”… etc.
Why the double standard?
I applaud Zaki, Fishel and Yossi for comming to terms with their shortcommings, realizing that they must turn to financial health specialists!
Lets calm down the politicaly driven storm raging among us!
I thank Hashem that he allowed me to attain a high level of education. This discipline has trained me to look at situations with a holistic view. I feel that we are heading into a new era. Lets usher it in with optimism.
The thinking Jew
People seem to have it all wrong.
we voted (or the majority voted) for Zaki and the rest. This means he gets to do what he feels necessary. By voting him in, we in turn said, we trust his decisions. He does not need to ask permission for everything he wants to do from each member of CH. He got all the permission when he won the elections. It’s ridiculousness to think otherwise.
Shocked resident
There was once pride in telling someone to take his millions elsewhere and enjoy it. Now for a few dollars this ‘ultra democratic’ organization takes a non elected oisvorf because he has a few Dollars?!
I’m heading on Shlichus soon and already started with developing the community I’m moving to. I spoke for an hour to a woman with a son that is a multimillionaire that hadn’t spoken to her for years. She has already penned a letter for him to open upon her death. It states something like this; “I’m glad you made millions yet you threw your mom out of your life, therefore your millions mean nothing to me. I would have respected you had you heralded the Torah’s mandate of honor your mother, and not had millions”.
This woman that has not been shoimer Torah umitzvos her entire life, has more of a derher of yiddishkeit than Brownstein, Tamir and I’m sad to say, now Hackner as well. Cash is king in CH and Torah is collecting dust somewhere in Hamafitz’s basement. How sad. I was hoping I could weep as I leave Crown Heights, formerly the Rebbe’s shchunah, for good moving on Shlichus, but I’m afraid that the venue may change to one grand celebration.
Oy me hoyah lonu?!
Ad mosai?!
How exactly is this guy educated or a financial health specialist? Okay, he made lots of $$$ by being aggresive and shrewd. That is very different from bringing accountability and transparency to an organization (i.e proper stewardship)… Why so you think that this is an educated person? Does he hold any degrees?
Will chanin sell his chometz CIA Yossi Braun?!
Ared we better off with Rosenberg’s ‘peace making’ intervention? What a mafter Yoinah that expensive din torah was.
we need to look at this as a business, the rabonnim need to get a pay check on time like any other business needs to pay employees. if we look at it as chassidish melava malka the problem will remain as is.
chanin is a business man, he will turn the hashgacha in to a profitable business, he will pay the rabbonim on time. he is very good at marketing so he will turn to CH and try and get them to pay mass hakohol.
200k for all the rabonnim when you have the kashrus and mass hakohol is a no problem to raise for chanin, give him a chance.
do we not want his money and expertise because he cuts his beard? maybe he should tell every shliach that calls him for a donation that he cant give them money because he cuts his beard?
the truth
from what i hear is that zaki does his own thing without consulting the other vaad members!!!!!!
gimpel from Boro Park
hey he says yechi
Peace at any price, sounds familiar?
to #21, the peace warrior: wonderful! now we have our very own “Peace process” in CH, which will include the surrender of Kashrus oops “rebuilding the Vaasd HaKashrus” = wresting Kashrus out of the hands of qualified, experienced Rabbonim who are yirei shomayim, into the hands of Mendel Hendel, the unterveltnik.
“He comes from a family whom have helped Chassidim back in the former USSR. Are you worried that he would get involved with Kashrus decisions?” never mind the past, what about the present? Correct that to he comes from a family with a vendetta against Rabbi Osdoba, lots of cause to worry.
Chanin may not take a salary, How much commission will he get for money he raises?
To #5
Come on give me a break man!! do you just believe everything you read on anonymous blogs???
Ye sure he stole 4 million bucks, and he’s so stupid that he did it in a way that all the documents are public domain, that’s why he’s driving around in a shinny new Cadillac and wearing 2 thousand dollar Dolce & Gabbana suit’s (I dont even think he owns a car)
Do you know that he is also on the Lubavitch Yeshivah board? maybe the documents have something to do with that genius!!! of course you never thought about that because you just like to spread hate about someone you probably never met.
and by the way he still runs the CHJCC but dont let the facts get in the way of some good Rechilus.
To all the hatters!
If a successful businessman who happened to not be Frum offered his services – free of charge – to help out the community would you take it?
stop looking for things to fight about.
Can you verify that Cohen stole communal funds?
This is a serious charge and if there is even a hint of truth
to this CHI should show some real reporting skills and inform the community.
With all the craziness we must demand transparency for the funds
and stop shutting our eyes to corruption
Muleh Chanin is a Ganiv
It’s an old story anyone growing up with him in OT can tell you. And if you think he changed he did not, I know some Yunger leit living in this community owed hundreds of thousands of dollars form llouns they gave Muleh, forget his frumkeit how can we trust a guy like this to run the finances of our community when he still a Bal Choiv
Shalom Alechem
The problem with posting on blogs, all blogs, is that we have no idea on who is posting. Is it a 10 yr old, teen, or 70 yr old? Frum or what? We somehow assume that the poster is in the same league as ourselves, and we respond as if we are arguing live. Had we seen the poster we wouldn’t have offered him/her a moment of our time.
We need to use technology le’harbot shalom, and not let it incite fires that would otherwise never had happened.
Fishul C.P.A.
Fishul, he ran on the fact that he is a C.P.A.
Chanin is no C.P.A.
Why is Zaki using his own private blog and not the CHJCC web-site?
Shame on CH.info for allowing such loshan hora! Do you screen your comments. This is a disgrace!
Wow, such anger …. All Zaki has done so far has worked, give him the support he needs to cont. making positive impact on our community!
vaad hacol doesn’t have a beard.
Rav no smicha.
Go Crown Heights
Notice NO comments on col…… why? Let me tell you the inside scoop.
Zaki is not only a puppet but a puppets puppet chanin is simply broke (ask the 30 plus ppl who he owes money (including 3 ppl from bais shmuel) chanin is doing this because some1 higher than him is funding his new company ;) (guess who) ask yourself “why would he vaad bring in a chabad boy that does not even live in crown heights? And chanin? Think about it guys…..
If you don’t see this simple almost open corruption than I don’t know what………… please print this post and repost it in a year from now and youll see im a simple ‘nuvie” fyi col is in on this … they get $$$ from you know who
One simple question: Where did Chanin or whoever raise the 100,000.00?
Is it with the involvement of the man hijacking all of Crown Heights, Mendel Scendel & Shalom B. Drizin?
Just keep those minds, brains & mouths wide open and BEWARE.
Stop the nonsense we are moving forward y the negative a man is willing to help who cares when someone needs g-d forbid( cpr) u will take any person regardless of race to save this person so we are getting cpr
Its funny how easy it is to bash someone and you have no problem writing him off. But, when your children/shluchim need financial assistance they have no problem going to mullah and ask for help.
And if I is so bad for him to help out…then YOU help out. Stop hiding behind your computer screen and offer your professional assistance.
To thinking about moving out : please MOVE. I don’t need my children being brought up in a community with YOU in it you bring a bad aura to CH.
menachem shuchat
The Rebbe’s position is very clear. When you have a choice between a frum doctor who is not as good as the non frum doctor, one is to choose the not frum doctor. Financial health is no different. In our case Chanin is the expert & therefore the right person for the finances of our community. He has no say in the ruchnius of our community. It’s about time we stop basing our views on politics, bigotry & hate. Why focus only on flaws? why not follow the directives of Tora to focus on the other person’s qualities & as the Rebbe explains that according to the Baal Shem Tov’s teachings when one notices the bad in others, it is a mirror of one’s own actions! The mere fact that you notice them is Hashgocho Protis in order for you to see that you have something similar to what you saw. So let’s start checking & focusing on ourselves looking to find the similarities within ourselves & improve. The Rebbe says that if we never had anything to improve we would not notice anything because Hashem through hashgocho protis wouldn’t make it noticble to us.
end of days
this is crazy!!! (google “sam chanin” or
“sam chanin fcc” or go to ripoffreport.com and type in “sam chanin”). the fact that we as a community are sitting here and doing nothing is outrageous!! people make a stand about this you have no right to remain silent, this now does not merely effect you, it effects the entire neighborhood and its finances!!! what is with all of you!??!?!??
Doesn-t Pass The Smell Test
This looks very improper and without further disclosure does not pass the smell test. While it states Chanin is not taking a salary, it also states that his company has been RETAINED to manage the finances of the Vaad. Retained, as I understand the word, means paid. So Chanin doesn’t take a salary, but his company takes money to do the work.
Technically, I think R. Braun brought him in as they are friends for many years. I mean to say that Muli probably stood up for his friend (but that would not have happened had R. Braun not elected). It is all hashchocha protis.
what exactly is wrong?
What are you guys talking about? Mule Chanin is not becoming a board member of the Vaad Hakoho!
The vaad hokohol always hired an “executive director” to manage business.
In this case, they decided to retain a very successful entrepreneur to help get the finances in order and help see to it that there are profits from kashrus – which can be used to pay the salaries of all 3 rabbonim (+ the mat”z) – and use the profits for the beterment of the COMMUNITY (not individuals…).
What is wrong with the vaad hiring ANYONE they believe can benefit the community? these positions are not elected positions! they are hired individuals. The community does not need to vote on this.
What is the fear over here? epes shmekd of personal agendas…
Which Bank Account? or Which of several
the article states that Zaki Tamir had said:
“Is he demanding to be a signatory on the account? You better believe it!”
That makes it sound as though they have only 1 account.
The truth is that the CHJCC has at least 12 or more different bank accounts.
In addition:
The Vaad Hakohol is legally a separate entity form the CHJCC and the Vaad has it’s own bank Accounts, independent of the CHJCC
In Addition:
The CHK is an enterprise of it’s own with it own (several) independent bank Accounts.
The way Tamir stated it makes it sound like it’s 1 account.
I think that Tamir owes the community a full disclosure on which accounts Chanin will have control and which not.
Tamir must also make it clear if the Vaad now has full control of the bank accounts of the CHK or is it still being controlled as a sole proprietorship of someone other than the Vaad.
What’s with this Chanin family? There’s cousin Berel the communist…
Reb Yossi
The only questions that needs to be asked is.
a.Does he have the skills
b.What will it cost the community
c. does he have the trust of the vadd
What he eats for lunch, where he lives and how his wife dresses is irrelevant.
what role did the “chasidish machlokes” over Kehos have in helping him make a choice not to live in the chasidic tradition of his Choshuver family.
I for one am excited to see him CHOOSE to come and help the community financially as his zaide did in his days..
Yemin mekareves
Been Screwed by Mula
Ask anyone that did business or was employed by chanin, he currently owes more than he’s worth. He’s screwed a ton of people. If you need proof ask any former employee, any former classmate from oholei torah adn the list goes on. It’s just shocking how you can take such a ganif, a man that his business is going down the tubes when it was worth so much just a few years ago. A man who seldom fulfills his pledges. You can verify that by going to the mosdos he’s pledged money to. And not even big money,small money to. Zaki I’m sorry to say I voted for you, not mula, not mendy…. open your eyes….. they are all playing you …. which means they are playing the community. VERY VERY WRONG! I am not writing this because I have personal issues at hand. I am writing the truth! you don’t have to be a private investigator to verify what I am writing. JUST ASK AROUND! don’t believe what you read. Yes Mula is sponsoring A jewish star so websites are also bought off. Please I ask you just ask around and you will find out first hand that all I say is true. Believe your own ears!
@ 33. To #5
Even if this is for Lubavitcher Yeshiva (i doubt it), what business to they have buying apartments worth $4,000,000? and why in Crown Heights? people have a hard enough time buying apartments without the “volunteers” of our community driving up the prices!
Attn: Editor
Did you see this? when will it happen?
“Although the case has previously been settled by Rabbi Avrohom Rosenberg, and the Psak he issued regarding the authenticity of the Smichas documents presented by Rabbi Yossi Braun, Zaki Tamir’s office has said the issue will finally be put to rest.
The statement indicated that Rabbi Braun himself will do the explaining.
Some suggest this will be to ensure ”nothing is added to the story as it spreads.”
Self Contradictory
Why does Zaki simultaneously say Chanin being a signatory on the account is meaningless because a majority of the Vaad nees to approve anyway, and also say: “Is he demanding to be a signatory on the account? You better believe it!” This contradiction makes no sense.
clean slate
I think, that in order to being having a functioning Baid Din, the vaad hakohol has to see to it that all the current trouble makers surrounding Rabbi Shwey and Rabbi Osdobo should not have any access to Beis Din or comunity matters.
The Vaad should hire ONE fully independent and neutral Mazkir Ha’Beis Din. No one else should have access to the Beis Din premises, or be aloud to schedule Diney Tora, get the Rabbonim to author letters etc.
The curent circus must stop. the huge showing at the Hachtara Sunday night was a very clear message:
our community wants stability, honesty and integrity. we all follow halach and want to see a fully functioning Beis Din. a way MUST be found to remove the trouble makers immediately!
they should not be benefiting financially from the communal funds or CHK revenues (which IS COMMUNITY FUNDS!).
end of days 2
i completely agree “self contradictory” zaki needs to step up and provide details as to this “arrangement” its your typical goyish political scenario with everyone in everyone else’s pockets. oh well, thought we were above this. pray for the community
Ganiff ben Ganiff
Sam @24 sounds like he’s a victim. If that’s the Sam I know, t=you couldn’t want a nicer guy, and a capable trustworthy one. Why didn’t Zki go to YYJacobsen nd ask. His shul has a few ex-Chaninvicts who have time free.
To #54: Is that you Harav Yossi Braun? Sounds like your fisst psak.
Ah well, as someone said, we now have our own Czar. Yechi HaMelech hatzar.
Its meyredik. CH a kehillo of Chassidsihe Yidden elects as its menahel some one like Chanin. You mena to say there is no frum Yid in NYC who could be the adm. of the Ch kahol ? By the way the mashal with the doctor is ridiculous.
Clown Heights gets better by the day! Boy, am I glad I don’t live in your cesspool! I’m even happier that your ‘rabbonim’ hold no authority outside of your wretched community!!
Corruption 2
Have you noticed this trend?
Someone who is not qualified and/or disliked by a majority of the community is promoted as our only choice for election or hire
Note: There is usually some rumors that this person has stole, is stealing, or is predisposed to stealing money.
When the facts start to come out, there is a huge PR effort to “cleanse” that person’s reputation.
The person or individuals are quickly swept into office before a real investigation can take place per the wishes of the community
Rinse and repeat
I’m sorry but this sounds like another attempt to screw this community. There are many other qualified individuals without the baggage who can perform this job.
And it seems that this new chairman has not been effective. Much time has passed and the situation has not improved.
Crime is on the rise, the bais din is in turmoil, Mosdos day care has lost its funds etc
Yet we miraculously have funds to “retain” unscrupulous persons and pay exorbitant salaries
This certainly calls for an investigation. And all those whose net assets have increased significantly while they were in office should be investigated of misusing communal funds
Ladies of Crown Heights
To Every Body WHY!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t us Ladies get to vote for the community, its our children and our community. We should have rights also.
I would applaud this appointment for all the reasons mentioned, except that as far as I can see there is no reason to appoint him as a director, and much less executive director, which means he is basically the boss in the day to day running of the vaad. If all he is doing is giving financial advice, then he should have been appointed a consultant. Smells fishy.
In his grandfathers footsteps
His grandfather went in the same path
To Levi (#66)
I would NOT applaud this appointment
This person, for whatever its worth, appears to have a tainted reputation
What we need is a person with a clean slate who can provide accountability. Not somebody’s crony.
To that end – If the CC needs financial advice, I am sure that there are a number of respected individuals e.g. who can give advice (like a council of economic advisers)
The only reason, I can think of, that we do not have such a council is because the books are not in order (vchulu, vhaMaskil yavin)
Mule Chanin for Rov! A valid smicha is no longer required, so why not? And he has a chasidishe first name!
Mad as heck
Does anybody have a 25k to hire a private investigator to do some research and publish a report of his findings on what is really going on behind the scenes? It will blow the lid off of these mecharvim that are destroying Lubavitch. Otherwise we let the Rebbe’s shechunah fall deeper and deeper into the gutter.
@ 56. @ 33. To #5
You know something, if you really sincerely care and your not just trying to spread hate, why don’t you ask him yourself, approach him in shul, visit him in his office, call him, email him, facebook him. For once in your life don’t just blindly follow others.
mule chanin is better then cohen….who appointed cohen anyways.
second hes needed to run a vaad not a mincha club so who cares if he eats schmalz herring every day.
mom in crown heights
i think that col live is also apparently being a puppet….. as well as zaki . zaki you need some chassidshe friends… who have also done well in the financial world , do we have none of those……. we need someone who cares about the rebbe when he looks at his picture and the goals hes had for our community. cares about the 613 mitzvahas that hashem gave to us like keeping kosher and tznius i have to ask myself if he doesnt live here and he doesnt keep anything whats the point , whats in it for him….. and whats in it for zaki to have someone like him , not sure why hes the only qualified person . the vadd needs to keep some standerds . uneceptable iam very upset.
Sam Chanin has been trying to worm his way into a leadership role for years. He’s a smart man. He’s laughing at everyone & just bided his time, waiting for a chance to jump in & take over. Why? So he can protect the rest of his corrupt & criminal family?
He is not frum AT ALL. To be fair, he doesn’t pretend to be. He isn’t ashamed or embarrassed, he’s very open about his disrespect & his behavior. And this is who we elected when we elected Tamir. To think we were all worried about Chanina’s influence!
This is an all-time low.
You know what I want to know? If he is paying the Rabbonim’s salaries, is this why Rabbi Osdoba is conspicuously silent on having someone like him run the community? Because mark my words, Chanin IS running the show. Money talks & it silences corrupt Rabbis. Where are you now, Rabbi Osdoba, when the money is waving in front of your face? You had plenty to say about Braun. Why the silence now?
This whole community, Rabbonim & CHJCC/Vaad is corrupt & hypocritical. WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE GRANTS? WHO STOLE THAT MONEY? Who will steal any grants in future? I hope we get NOTHING, we would never see any of it anyway. I think Tamir is a corrupt as the rest of them, he’s just smarter & slicker.
what ! a man who is not shomer shabbos and openly eats chazzer is the head of the vaad ?
whats next ? louis farrakan for rosh kolel ? al sharpton for dayan ? adolf hitler for principal of beis rivka ?
Where are the Ntzigim??????????!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Tamir, how could you betray the trust of the community? We voted for you because we thought that you were a person of integrity, instead, you underhandedly brought back the baalei machlokes (Poltorak, Chanina, etc.) that we voted out through the back door, and are fully co-operating with them.
What happened to the Ntzigim? Why are you signing contracts without consulting with them, the real representatives of the community? Why do you silence the voice of the people? Why did Rosenberg ignore the entire issue of the Ntzigim, and refuse to iron it out? What’s going to be in three years when elections will be due?
Without the Ntzigim, all is fair game, and the baalei machlokes can run the show. I suppose that was the intention….
shmaya z
mulhaa chanin owns a water company. from what i hear Poland Spring offered him recently 24 million for 51%. if that was true (i have close source) shmuel chanin would be worth on paper just from his water co. 50 million crispy bills.
To 33 and 5
If you want the story here it is, the man is somebody who lives with hate and machlokes, he had three jobs in the last 6 years one to fight for uly the other to fight for 770 now he works to fight osdaba,
We can start with ULY he won the case but refused to give the money th teacher it’s sitting in fake trust ( see rabbi Decter from ocean parkway) then he made a fake deal with drizin who is also on the board to get crown condos built so big as if it was going to be used for teachers, they used there board status to still ULY, do you know any teacher who got a discount and bought a place ( see rabbi Simpson from ULY crown street) and after taking a 75,000 dollar salary for doing nothing for 2 years, ( see bais din documents with rabbi minsky ) and we will not get in to the mess he made in 770 and stopes the pay of hanhula ( see rabbi gluchavski 770) he has gone to next machlokes 770
In 770 he was the only paid In the case against Markus(see drizin) , but what most people don’t know is that he has taken rabbi krinski to court not markus has taken 770 to court all for
his he love machlokes and he needs it to live, but that machlokas was not enough for him so he went to the chjcc to take a job to distribute hate in crown heights, it makes me sick just to write about him, if there was a normal bias din they will expel him from crown heights
Mula vs Zaki
What did Zaki ever do for the shchuna before he ran for office? Nothing!
Mula & bros have been working for increased security in the shchuna for years.
Ask Judaica World why they felt a need to install a security system!
to the haters
stop making up lies. you yourself made up that ripoff letter. its pure lies. anyone who knows sam chanin knows that he’s a good guy and gives more tzedokah than he spends on himself. he treats his workers as his own family. if he’s in on this, we can all trust that its purely for our sake. he doesn’t need or want the money.
i think you should go now and ask for his forgiveness.
Re: #82
Everyone, please see my post “#64 Corruption 2”
See it’s starting already.
He’s a BIG baal tzedaka etc
He’s a BIG baal this or that etc
He’s done Sooooo much for this community etc
He can learn like Moshe Rabbeinu and he’s a rav tana upalig. Just look at all his recent pilpulim etc
We just don’t know how great he is. Forget the facts, forget the rumors
We are just uninformed stupid sheep.
sam chanin
this guy ripped off countless people at his company second source he owes money all over town where ever he can sniff out money its gonna be in his pocket to fund his chopper rides to atlantic city
Mendy W.
I propose a general strike in the community to protest sam chanin becoming head of the vaad.
I suggest all men over the age of 13 stop putting on their tefillin. All women should refuse to light shabbos candles.
it is obvious that hashem is no longer in our midst. we need to send hashem and the rebbe a stront message of protest.
No more mitzvos from us until the rebbe and hashem intervene and take the chazzer eating sam chanin away from our community.
I was feeling guilty because I was dating a non jewish girl, I was considering ending the relationship.
but now I am taking example from mulleh chanin.
if he can be not religious and get honored by the community and elected head of the vaad, then i will marry my shiksa girlfriend and perhaps the community will honor me and make me the new rebbe…
General Hospital
Woo hoo! Crown heights is the best soap opera on earth! Tune in every day for more filth! You lubavs are surely making your rebbe proud. He is spinning in his grave so fast, he’s probably in china by now!
Can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s episode will look like!!
yeruchim lymyass
not true i know for a face poland spring offered him 89.5million actually 6 million more then aqaufina.
his wife wont let him sell it because she has a phobia about about tap water.
ill have you know that he is a great a sincere yid and just because he might act not in ways that you agree , he is still responsible and just a mooochy teddy bear – i just want to cuddle with him, just look at the picture and tell me you dont fall in love with him.
He is currently worth close to 2billion dollars and thats a fact!
He has invested in iraq and costa rico and brazil , he owns major buildings in the city and gave so many ppl jobs and money when they needed it.
even macys cant please everyone.
Mula chanin is by far the richest lubavitcher and a pnimi.
Everyone else is just a hater and jealous.
Oh and by the way the other two companies he had he sold them i know for a fact and combined were 74.6 million dollars. he has no debts and the fact that all this money did not go to his head speaks for itself
to sam
i just hope he can pay his debts with the money he steals from Vaad Hakohol
to yeruchem
your forget to mention how much of mulleh’s fortune is stolen by ripping off his clients and merchants
why doesnt mulleh’s wife cover her hear?
Chanin for Liozner Gabbai
LOL@88 – but it ain’t Purim yet. It isn’t even Adar Aleph.
I heard that Chanin and Guma are in a bidding war for the old G-building, or is it Guma vs Gutnick because their names both begin with G?
No, wait, the Chanin bldg near Grand Central is his…
Anything this Chanin gave he stole. He should trade places with Sholom Rubashkin, except he doesn’t need Otisville because he doesn’t daven or keep kosher.
I was in my friend’s Kingston Ave store when one of Chanin’s telemarketers called him, without his permission, and offered him a usurious (as in very high ribis that was illegal but that he offered using some dubious loophole) cash factoring deal on his card receipts. My friend threatened to moiser his whole loan shark operation – which is mutar because Chanin is dinoi keakum at this point.
Meanwhile, Charlie Buttons would make a better interim director than Chanin. At least he is shomer shabbos & keeps kosher – and has a beard!